This is the transcript for Hip Hop With Emma.
(The episode starts with an opening sequence when Lachy is opening the Wigglehouse door, while greetings to the viewers.)
Lachy: Hi, everybody. What a wonderful Wiggly day it is today. Welcome to the Wigglehouse. Let's sing. Ready? And have a dance too.
(He's singing, while dancing.) Welcome to the Wigglehouse
To the Wigglehouse
Welcome to the Wigglehouse today
Welcome to the Wigglehouse
To the Wigglehouse
You're invited here every day.
(He's wiggling his fingers.)
(Opening camera transition to the song: Ready, Steady, Wiggle! A scene where The Wiggles & their friends are getting ready to wiggle this song. At the end, Patrick Munoz rides his little Big Red Car toy.)
Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!
Lachy: (singing) Emma, Lachy, Simon and Anthony too!
Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!
Emma: (singing) You can jump like a kangaroo!
Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!
Simon: (singing) Dorothy, Wags and Henry too!
Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!
and Captain Feathersword, woo-hoo!
(Emma: (singing) Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, woo!)
(Shot transition to the part where Emma introducing Lee Hawkins A.K.A. the Hawk.)
Emma: Everyone, we'd like you to meet a friend of ours, Lee Hawkins. And we call him the Hawk. G'day, Hawk.
Lee: Hello, Emma. And hello, everyone. I'm happy to be here all the way from North America.
Emma: And speaking of North America, Lee Hawkins is our honorary North American orange-wearing Wiggle.
Lee: And it's an honour to be an honorary Wiggle.
Emma: (She chuckles as she gives thumbs up with Lee Hawkins.)
(4 coloured rectangles flipping transition to the song: Do the Hawk. A scene where Lee Hawkins dressed up as a hawk or a bird.)
Wiggles: (singing) Step out! Lift your wings and do the Hawk! H-A-W-K!
Step out! Lift your wings and do the Hawk!
Simon: (singing) Is that a bird or a plane flying in the sky? (hi hi hi hi hi)
People look up in awe as he passes by (hi hi hi hi hi)
Lee: (singing) When you hear the squawk, you know you've seen the Hawk! (yeah, yeah!)
Wiggles: (singing) Step out! Lift your wings and do the Hawk! H-A-W-K!
Lee: (singing) Lift your wings and do the Hawk!
Wiggles: (singing) Step out! Lift your wings and do the Hawk!
Lee: (singing) I want to see you, I want to see you, yeah!
Fly! Fly! Come on now!
Simon: (singing) Hawk flapped his wings and came down from the sky (hi hi hi hi hi)
Taught everyone in town how to dance the fly (hi hi hi hi hi)
Lee: (singing) So while your ready to squawk, let's all do the Hawk!
Wiggles: (singing) Step out! Lift your wings and do the Hawk! H-A-W-K
(They repeated 6 times, while Lee Hawkins could repeat it too. But then, after the song finishes, 9 rectangles covered the screen, until the logo pops up transition to Emma is gonna show her hip-hop moves with her hip-hop shoes.)
Emma: Hello. Good to see you again. I'm wearing my hip-hop shoes today. (She chuckles.) I just have to fix my bow. There we go... (She tied her bow.) Well, I think I'm ready now. Are you ready to dance? Wonderful. OK, let's see if you can do what I do. One foot out like this. Other foot together. Stand up nice and tall. OK, I think we're ready to do some hip-hop. Let's jump out to the front. Jump back and legs together. Good. Let's do that again. Ready? Jump out to the front! Jump back. Legs together. Great. Now put your arms out to the side. Curl your fingers under and roll like a snake all the way to the other side. Good, let's try this way. Curl your fingers under, roll all the way through to the other side. Good, and finish in a pose. Oh, that's good. OK, let's try it from the beginning. Ready? Nice and tall. Here we go.
(singing, while she's doing a hip-hop dance moves.) Jump to the front and jump to the back
Feet together, let's dance
And jump to the front, jump to the back
Feet together, let's dance
And stretch your arms and curl your fingers
Roll to the other side
And curl your fingers under
And roll to the side
And finish in a pose.
(She winks.) Excellent! That was great! Everyone, give yourselves a pat on the back. Wonderful hip-hop dancing. And remember to enjoy all your dancing.
(Emma's door closes. Then, Lachy's door opens transition to the song: Pufferbillies. A scene where The Wiggles are going on a train ride.)
Emma: (singing) Down by the station
Early in the morning
Simon: (singing) See the little pufferbillies all in a row
Emma: (singing) See the engine driver
Lachy: (singing) Turn the little handle
Simon: (singing) Puff, puff! Toot, toot!
Off we go
(with Emma & Lachy singing.) Puff, puff! Toot, toot!
Off we go.
Anthony: Well, the pufferbillies are warming up now. So let's do our actions a little faster. Sing along too.
Emma: (singing) Down by the station
Early in the morning
Simon: (singing) See the little pufferbillies all in a row
Emma: (singing) See the engine driver
Lachy: (singing) Turn the little handle
Simon: (singing) Puff, puff! Toot, toot!
Off we go
(with Emma & Lachy singing.) Puff, puff! Toot, toot!
Off we go.
Anthony: The pufferbillies are really warming up. Let's do it faster now. Here we go.
Emma: (singing) Down by the station
Early in the morning
Simon: (singing) See the little pufferbillies all in a row
Emma: (singing) See the engine driver
Lachy: (singing) Turn the little handle
Simon: (singing) Puff, puff! Toot, toot!
Off we go
(with Emma & Lachy singing.) Puff, puff! Toot, toot!
Off we go.
Simon: Do do a loo doo...
(with Emma & Lachy singing.) Puff, puff!
(Lachy's door closes. Then, Simon's door opens transition to Professor Simon & Captain Feathersword talking about the letter of the day. It was the letter "W".)
Simon: Today's letter of the alphabet is the letter "W" or "wuh".
Captain Feathersword: Ooh, I've got it! (He chuckles. Until, he howls & barks.)
Simon: That's right, Captain. "Wolf"!
Captain Feathersword: Ooh! Wild, wonderful wolf! (He howls with Simon.)
Simon: Oh, Captain!
(Simon's door closes. Then, Anthony's door opens transition to the segment called: "Live at Wigglehouse". Opening camera transition to the song: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. A scene where Anthony & Lachy are playing instruments, while Simon, Emma & Lee Hawkins are doing the actions to the twinkling star.)
Wiggles & Lee: (singing) Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
How I wonder what you are?
When the blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle all the night
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are?
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
How I wonder what you are?
Lee: (singing) How I wonder what you are?
(A picture of four things & colours transition to Lachy is working on his inventions by going to the Wiggly concert.)
Lachy: I'm coming up with an invention to get me from my room to The Wiggles' live show. I'll see you there. Safety goggles! (He put his safety goggles on.) Lavender mist. (He sprays lavender mist & disappears.)
(A curtain closes & opens transition to the song: D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. (My Favourite Dinosaur). A scene where they're filming Australia Day in Sydney, Hyde Park in January 2014.)
Anthony: Everybody get ready because here's Dorothy!
Simon: (singing) Who's in the garden eating all the red, red roses?
All: It's Dorothy!
Dorothy: Hello!
Simon: (singing) She's got a floppy white hat and yellow spots galore...
Anthony: Nice spots, Dorothy.
Dorothy: Thank you!
Simon: (singing) Look at those big green paws.
She's a very friendly dinosaur.
Anthony: Come on, everybody.
All: (singing) Ooohhhh...
D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. It's Dorothy the Dinosaur.
Dorothy: (She giggles.)
All: (singing) D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. she's my favourite dinosaur...
Anthony: Here we go now.
All: (singing) Romp Bomp a Chomp, hey!
Romp Bomp a Chomp, hey!
Dorothy: (She giggles.)
All: (singing) D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. It's Dorothy the Dinosaur.
Anthony: Talkin' bout.
All: (singing) D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. she's our favourite dinosaur.
Anthony: Big clap for Dorothy, everybody.
(4 coloured rectangles sliding transition to Dorothy talked about what we learned today in the epilogue part.)
Dorothy: What did we do today? We sang songs and danced together. We danced some hip-hop with Emma. We heard about the wild, wonderful wolf in "Simon's Alphabet". It was a howling success! (She giggles.) We'll see you next time on Ready, Steady, Wiggle! Bye!
(Shot transition to the end credits are rolling, while Captain Feathersword & The Wiggles are waving goodbye to the screen, during Ready, Steady, Wiggle! instrumental track is playing in the background. After that, the endboard is showing.)