"Hola Todos!" is the twelfth episode of Series 5.
Learn to say "Hello" in languages from around the world.
Greg and Jeff say, "Hello, here we go; it's the Wiggles Show!"
Jeff says, "Ni Hao". Greg says, "Hola" Anthony says, "Shalom". Murray says that however you say it, it all means hello.
- Song #1: We Like To Say Hello
Anthony invites everyone to see what Captain Feathersword is up to with the storm a brewing.
Sailing Around the World - Captain, Lucia, Benny, Caterina, Alfonso and Elefterios are on deck. The captain says there it looks like there's a storm a brewing. Fortunately they have their raincoats on. They head inside and join the other pirates. Captain says how the best thing to wait out a storm is to sing pirate songs and asks for requests.
Caterina suggests a song about the wind and they all sing Wind Blows to the theme that is usually used for the Greek dancing.
Captain wants the guys to pick a song, Cool Clarky suggests one about the rain and they sing Rain Falls on the Sails, It Doesn't Worry Whales.
Dapper Dave suggests it's the Captain's turn to sing. Captain is about to sing when the thunder crashes outside and the boat rocks, which inspires Captain to do his next song.
- Song #2: Our Boat Is Rocking On The Sea
Greg does his Wiggle dance where he swings his legs back and forth, then Murray dances the diamond steps. Wags laughs.
- Song #3: Ponies
Anthony does a rim shot. The other Wiggles each appear from a door and laugh.
- Song #4: Henry's Dance
Jeff plays the accordion.
- Song #5: Do The Owl
Greg says come join in the fun with the Mandarin Wiggles.
- Song #6: Five Little Ducks – (Mandarin Wiggles)
After mentioned that none of the five little ducks returned, Arthur and Danny have a 11-second fight that Father/Mother Duck went off to find them.
Dorothy's Dancing Alphabet Anthony introduces the letter k which is for Kangaroo. Benny Bandicoot demonstrates a Kangaroo dance. His hat falls off!
Murray introduces a lullaby.
- Song #7: Georgia's Song
Jeff talks about possums; they love to sleep all day but they come out at night time when it's cooler. They eat leaves and fruit, They've got a long tail and claws to help them climb!
Greg invites everyone to a Wiggly concert.
- Song #8: The Monkey Dance – Wiggly Concert
- Song #9: Walking On The Moon - (NASA)
Murray appears and says, "We hope you all enjoyed the show. Now it's time for us to go!"
Alternate Titles[]
- We Like To Say Hello (Playhouse Disney title)
- This episode premiered in America on Playhouse Disney on September 24, 2007.
- This is the first time since the 1998 version of Wiggle Time! where Five Little Ducks had a music video, in this episode and The Baby Crocodile, it was Mandarin animation, whereas the Wiggle Time! version was Live in Concert.
- The songs We Like To Say Hello and The Monkey Dance (Concert) previously appeared together in the episode Fruity Fun.
- The video version of Our Boat Is Rocking On The Sea in this episode is very different to the one exclusively on Here Comes The Big Red Car.
Possible Goofs[]
- There is no transition after the song We Like To Say Hello.