
This is the transcript for Hot Potatoes! The Best of The Wiggles (2010 video).


(The video starts where a bulletin board had some Wiggles song clips. But then, it zooms in it shows The Wiggles are introduced themselves.)

Anthony: Hi, I'm Anthony.

Sam: I'm Sam.

Jeff: I'm Jeff.

Murray: I'm Murray. And we're

All: The Wiggles!

(The Wiggles Logo is shown. It see of their names, while Get Ready To Wiggle is playing in the background during the opening sequence.)

Greg: (singing) Get ready to wiggle!

(Backing vocals singing Shoobie-Doobie-Doo.)

We've been ready for so long!

Get ready to wiggle!

(whoo!), wiggle along with me, that's right, wiggle along with me!

Ba-Dump-Bum-Bum, Ba-Dump-Ba-Da.

Ba-Dump-Bum-Bum, Ba-Dump-Ba-Da.

Ba-Dump-Bum-Bum, Ba-Dump-Ba-Da.


(The video title comes on.)

Murray: Right now, It's time for some Hot Potato!

Jeff: Cold spaghetti!

Anthony: And mashed bananas.

Sam: Sing along with Greg and the boys and do the actions to "Hot Potato!"

(Blue record transition to the song: Hot Potato. While, the song title comes up from Yummy Yummy.)

Greg: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato

Hot potato, hot potato

Hot potato, hot potato


Potato, potato, potato

Greg: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti)

Greg: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti)

Greg: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Spaghetti)

Greg: (singing) Spaghetti

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Spaghetti)

Greg: (singing) Spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti

Paul The Cook: (in high voice) Wow wiggy wiggy wiggy, wow wiggy wiggy wiggy

Captain Feathersword: (in low voice) Gimmie that, gimmie that, gimmie that food

Paul The Cook: (in high voice) Wow wiggy wiggy wiggy, wow wiggy wiggy wiggy

Captain Feathersword: (in low voice) Gimmie that, gimmie that

Greg: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana)

Greg: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana)

Greg: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Banana)

Greg: (singing) Banana

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Banana)

Greg: (singing) Banana, banana, banana

Paul The Cook: (in high voice) Wow wiggy wiggy wiggy, wow wiggy wiggy wiggy

Captain Feathersword: (in low voice) Gimmie that, gimmie that, gimmie that food

Paul The Cook: (in high voice) Wow wiggy wiggy wiggy, wow wiggy wiggy wiggy

Captain Feathersword: (in low voice) Gimmie that, gimmie that

Greg: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato)

Greg: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato)

Greg: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Potato)

Greg: (singing) Potato 

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Potato)

Greg: (singing) Potato, potato, potato


(Yellow record transition to the song: Can You (Point Your Fingers And Do The Twist?). While, the song title comes up from Here Comes The Big Red Car.)

Greg: Alright, everybody, let's all get ready to point our fingers and we'll do the twist. Here we go.

(singing) Can you point your fingers and do the twist?

Anthony: Everybody's twisting, Greg.

Greg: (singing) Can you point your fingers and do the twist?

Anthony: We're all doing the twist.

The Wiggles: (singing) Well, we're gonna go up, then go down

Get back up and turn around

Can you point your fingers and do the twist?

Anthony: What's next, Greg? what's next?

Greg: (singing) Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands?

Murray: Oh boy, that's hard.

Greg: (singing) Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands?

Murray: Shaky, shaky.

The Wiggles: (singing) Well, we're gonna go up, then go down

Get back up and turn around

Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands?

Anthony: What's next, Greg? What's next?

Greg: (singing) Well, can you point your fingers and do the twist?

Jeff: Pointy, pointy, pointy.

Greg: (singing) Can you point your fingers and do the twist?

Anthony: I'm doing the twist really fast, Greg

The Wiggles: (singing) Now we're gonna go up, then go down

Get back up and turn around

Can you point your fingers and do the twist?

(Red record transition)

Anthony: Do you like fruit salad? We sure do. All you need to make a good fruit salad is some fruit. Maybe some melons, some grapes, some apples, Your favorite fruits. Chop them up with a plastic knife. Make sure there's a grown-up around. And let's have some Fruit Salad. I'll tell you what right now, we're going to have some fruit salad, some musical Fruit Salad. Dance along and sing along with us. (Anthony gives two thumbs up.)

(Shot transition to the song: Fruit Salad. While, the song title comes up from Yummy Yummy.)

The Wiggles: (singing) Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Paul The Cook: (singing) Yummy yummy, yummy yummy, fruit salad!

Greg: (singing) Let's make some fruit salad today.

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Uh, huh, huh!)

Greg: (singing) It's fun to do it the healthy way.

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Uh, huh, huh!)

Greg: (singing) Take all the fruit that you want to eat.

It's gonna be a fruit salad treat!

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) The first step)

Greg: (singing) peel your bananas.

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) The second step)

Greg: (singing) toss in some grapes.

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) The third step)

Greg: (singing) chop up some apples.

Chop up some melons, and put them on your plate.

Now we've made it, it's time to eat it.

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Uh, huh, huh!)

Greg: (singing) It tastes so good that you just can't beat it.

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Uh, huh, huh!)

Greg: (singing) Give everyone a plate and a spoon.

We'll all be eating it very soon!

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) The first step)

Greg: (singing) eat up the banana.

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) The second step)

Greg: (singing) eat up some grapes.

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) The third step)

Greg: (singing) eat up some apples.

Eat the melons, now there's nothing on your plate!

Now we've had our fruit salad today.

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Uh, huh, huh!)

Greg: (singing) It's time to put the scraps away.

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Uh, huh, huh!)

Greg: (singing) Wash the bowls and wash the spoon.

Let's do it all again real soon!

The Wiggles: (singing) Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Paul The Cook: (singing) Yummy yummy, yummy yummy, fruit salad!

The Wiggles: (singing) Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Paul The Cook: (singing in vocalizing) Ahhhhhhhh!

The Wiggles: (singing) Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

(Purple record transition)

Anthony: Everyone, we need your help with the next song. Can you clap three times? Are you ready? (He claps his hands 3 times.) 1, 2, 3. Fantastic. Now put out your arms like opera singers. And what do we sing? We sing.... "La la la la la!" (He tries to clear his throat before he was laughing since that was so funny.) You ready?

(Shot transition to the song: Rock-A-Bye Your Bear. While, the song title comes up from Wiggle Time!.)

Greg: (singing while the backing vocals are doing their actions.) Everybody clap

Everybody sing la la la la la

Bow to your partner

Then you turn around


Hands in the air, rock a bye your bear

Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh

Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh

Everybody clap

Everybody sing la la la la la

Bow to your partner

Then you turn around


Hands in the air, rock a bye your bear

Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh

Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh

Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh

Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh

Bears now asleep

(Blue record transition)

Murray: (singing while playing his red acoustic guitar.) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car

We'll travel near and we'll travel far

Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car

We're gonna ride the whole day long.

Ha-ha! "Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga" that's one of our favorite songs. And look! Here comes Antonio!

(Anthony pushes the Big Red Car electronic toy with Antonio Field in it.)

Anthony: We love the Big Red Car, don't we Antonio?

Antonio: Yes!

Anthony: Yeah, we love it! Let's go the Big Red Car.

Antonio: Yeah.

Anthony: You ready? Yeah. Here we go!

(Anthony pushes the Big Red Car electronic toy but then a shot transition to the song: Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car. While, the song title comes up from Toot Toot!. A scene where The Wiggles are in the Big Red Car driving all around Wiggles World.)

The Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car

We'll travel near and we'll travel far

Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car

We're gonna ride the whole day long.

Greg: (singing) Murray's in the back seat.

Playing his guitar.

Murray's in the back seat

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Of the Big Red Car.

The Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car

We'll travel near and we'll travel far

Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car

We're gonna ride the whole day long.

Greg: (singing) Jeff is fast asleep.

He's having a little rest

We better wake him up

so let's all

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Call out "Wake up Jeff!"

The Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car

We'll travel near and we'll travel far

Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car

We're gonna ride the whole day long.

Greg: (singing) Anthony is eating.

He's got so much food.

He's eating apples and oranges

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) And fruit salad too!

The Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car

We'll travel near and we'll travel far

Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car

We're gonna ride the whole day long.

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Greg is doing the driving


Greg: (singing) "Scooby doo ah"

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Greg is doing the driving

Of the Big Red Car!

The Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car

We'll travel near and we'll travel far

Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car

We're gonna ride the whole day long.

The Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car

We'll travel near and we'll travel far

Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car

We're gonna ride the whole day long.

(Yellow record transition to the song: Wake Up Jeff!. While, the song title comes up from It's Time to Wake Up Jeff!. A scene where The Wiggles & friends are waking Jeff up at the beach when Captain Feathersword inside of the S.S. Feathersword.)

The Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!

Greg: (singing) Everybody's wiggling.

The Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!

Greg: (singing) We really need you.

The Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!

Greg: (singing) You're missing all the fun now.

Wake Up Jeff before the day's through.

What's that sound? I can hear somebody snoring.

What's that sound? It's not Murray or Greg.

Anthony's awake so let's have another guess now.

Oh my goodness! It must be Jeff!

The Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!

Greg: (singing) Everybody's wiggling.

The Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!

Greg: (singing) We really need you.

The Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!

Greg: (singing) You're missing all the fun now.

Wake Up Jeff before the day's through.

(Guitar solo for an instrumental break while Jeff's snoring.)

Greg: (singing) Dorothy the Dinosaur is munching on some roses.

Wags the Dog is digging up bones.

Henry the Octopus is dancing round in circles.

Wake Up Jeff! We need you for the show!

The Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!

Greg: (singing) Everybody's wiggling.

The Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!

Greg: (singing) We really need you.

The Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!

Greg: (singing) You're missing all the fun now.

Wake Up Jeff before the day's through.

Jeff: (yawning) Can you keep that noise down? I'm trying to sleep.

(Red record transition to the song: Wiggly Party. While, the song title comes up from Hoop-Dee-Doo it's a Wiggly Party. A scene while Captain Feathersword sings a high note.)

Captain Feathersword: (in high voice.) Oh! Wiggly Party,

The Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party!

Captain Feathersword: (in high voice.) Everybody's coming

The Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party!

Captain Feathersword: (in high voice.) Everybody's coming

The Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party!

Captain Feathersword: (in high voice.) Everybody's coming

Captain Feathersword: (in normal voice.) Stamp, stamp, stamp, clap, clap, clap. Wiggle your hips just like that.

Dominic: Pin the tail on the donkey.

Greg: Now we're playing hide and seek.

Dominic: And in the kitchen, we're making

Greg: All the fruit salad you can eat

At the (with The Other Wiggles singing.) Wiggly Party.

Captain Feathersword: (in high voice.) Everybody's coming

The Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party.

Captain Feathersword: (in high voice.) Everybody's coming

The Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party.

Captain Feathersword(in high voice.) Everybody's coming

Murray and Jeff: (singing) Stamp, stamp, stamp, clap, clap, clap. Wiggle your hips just like that.

Dominic: Put on your party hats

Greg: (singing) And you dress up in costumes, too.

Dominic: Pass the parcel and then

Greg: (singing) There's a present for me and you

At the (with The Other Wiggles singing.) Wiggly Party.

Captain Feathersword: (in high voice.) Everybody's coming

The Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party.

Captain Feathersword(in high voice.) Everybody's coming

The Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party.

Captain Feathersword: (in high voice.) Everybody's coming

Anthony: Stamp, stamp, stamp, clap, clap, clap. Wiggle your hips just like that. Stamp, stamp, stamp, clap, clap, clap. Wiggle your hips just like that.

The Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party.

Captain Feathersword: (in high voice.) Everybody's coming

Anthony: Stamp, stamp, stamp, clap, clap, clap. Wiggle your hips just like that.

(Shot transition to the song: Captain Feathersword Fell Asleep on His Pirate Ship (Quack Quack). While, the song title comes up from Wiggle Time!.)

Greg: (singing) Captain Feathersword fell asleep on his pirate ship

Then he woke up on a farm

(Captain Feathersword: Oh my goodness me!)

Greg: (singing) With roosters and ducks singing this song

(with The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack doodley-doo

Greg: (singing) So now every day when he talks,

this is what he says

Captain Feathersword: (singing) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Greg: (singing) He also does the farmyard dance

And you can do it too

(with The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack doodley-doo

Greg: (singing) Well, is he a rooster

Anthony: or a pirate?

Captain Feathersword: Well, I just don't know

Ahoy there, ahoy there

Ahoy cock-a-doodley there.

Greg: (singing) He also does the farmyard dance

And you can do it too.

(with The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack doodley-doo

(They were all singing around in a circle, except Captain Feathersword.) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack doodley-doo

Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack doodley-doo

(Blue record transition to the song: Wiggle Bay. While, the song title comes up from Wiggle Bay. A scene where The Wiggly Group are rowing our boat.)

Captain Feathersword: Whoa ho, ho, land ahoy me hearties!

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We're on our way to Wiggle Bay)

(Dorothy: (giggles) He hee hee!)

Greg: (singing) Just a few waves

Wags: Ruff! Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!

Greg: (singing) and we'll be on our way.

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We're on our way to Wiggle Bay)

Captain Feathersword: (singing) Whoa ho, oh it's a lovely

Whoo hoo Wiggly holiday

Wags: Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!

Greg: (singing) There is sand, sea, surf

And lots of friends

Captain Feathersword: (singing) Oh, you can dig for buried treasure

The fun it never ends, whoa ho!

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We're on our way to Wiggle Bay)

Captain Feathersword: Oh ho I love that Wiggle Bay!

Greg: (singing) Just a few waves and we'll be on our way.

(The Wiggly Dancers are waving to The Wiggles hello cause they are coming at Wiggly Bay.)

You'll see gulls and trees

And feel the breeze

Captain Feathersword: (singing) Whoo hoo hoo, oh ho, feel, feeling in that sand

And let the waves touch your knees

Whoa hoa!

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We're on our way to Wiggle Bay)

Wags: Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!

Greg: (singing) Just a few waves

And we'll be on our way

Captain Feathersword: Oh yes indeed, we're gonna be on our way

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Wiggle Bay)

Captain Feathersword: Oh ho I can't wait

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Wiggle Bay)

Captain Feathersword: Oh I love Wiggle Bay!

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Wiggle Bay)

Captain Feathersword: Whoo hoo hoo!

Henry: (The boat stopped at Wiggly Bay since were here.) Whoa! We finally arrived.

(Yellow record transition)

Murray: Everyone, here's three very exciting dances. Anthony's doing.... (Anthony's acting like a monkey.) the monkey dance! Jeff's doing.... (Jeff's acting like an elephant.) the elephant dance. And I'm just about to do the tiger dance. (Murray's acting like a tiger.) Let's all do.... (With Anthony & Jeff.) "The Monkey Dance!"

(They were all acting like monkeys. But then, the border shot transition to the song: The Monkey Dance. While, the song title comes up from Yummy Yummy. A scene where the kids & Greg are having an animal dance, when Murray, Jeff & Anthony are playing guitars.)

The Wiggles: (singing) We're gonna do the monkey

(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)

Do the monkey

(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)

Monkey, monkey

(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)

That's alright

Do the elephant


Do the elephant


Do the elephant


That's alright

Jump to the front and back

(Oo-oo ah-ah! Brrrrr!)

Jump to the front and back

(Oo-oo ah-ah! Brrrrr!)

Jump to the front and back

(Oo-oo ah-ah!)

That's alright.

Now do the tiger,


Do the tiger,


Tiger, tiger, 


That's alright.

Jump to the front and back

(Oo-oo ah-ah! Brrrrr!)

Jump to the front and back

(Oo-oo ah-ah! Brrrrr!)

Jump to the front and back

(Oo-oo ah-ah!)

That's alright.

We're gonna do the monkey.

(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)

Do the monkey.

(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)

Do the elephant.


The tiger, tiger.

(Red record transition to the song: Get Ready To Wiggle. While, the song title comes up from Wiggle Time!. A scene where The Wiggles are dancing at the dance floor.)

Greg: (singing) Get ready to wiggle!

(Backing vocals singing Shoobie-Doobie-Doo.)

We've been ready for so long!

Get ready to wiggle!

(Backing vocals singing Shoobie-Doobie-Doo.)

When you wiggle, you can't go wrong!

Get ready to wiggle!

(Backing vocals singing Shoobie-Doobie-Doo.)

Wiggling will make you big and strong!

Get ready to wiggle!

(Backing vocals singing Shoobie-Doobie-Doo.)

C'mon, wiggle to this song, Wiggle to this song!

Ba-Dump-Bum-Bum, Ba-Dump-Ba-Da.

Ba-Dump-Bum-Bum, Ba-Dump-Ba-Da.

Ba-Dump-Bum-Bum, Ba-Dump-Ba-Da.

We're ready to wiggle!

(Backing vocals singing Shoobie-Doobie-Doo.)

Wiggle your fingers high in the sky!

We're ready to wiggle!

(Backing vocals singing Shoobie-Doobie-Doo.)

Wiggle your ears and wiggle your eyes!

We're ready to wiggle!

(Backing vocals singing Shoobie-Doobie-Doo.)

Wiggle your hair and wiggle your nose!

We're ready to wiggle!

(Backing vocals singing Shoobie-Doobie-Doo.)

C'mon, wiggle all ten toes! Wiggle all ten toes!

Ba-Dump, Bum-Bum-Ba-Da.

Ba-Dump, Bum-Bum-Ba-Da.

Ba-Dump, Bum-Bum-Ba-Da.

Ba-Dump, Bum-Bum-Ba-Da.

We can wiggle


and wiggle


Wiggle at home without a care!



and wiggle


Wiggle on your own or with teddy bear!



and wiggle


Wiggle at breakfast, lunch or tea!



and wiggle


wiggle along with me, that's right, wiggle along with me!

Ba-Dump-Bum-Bum, Ba-Dump-Ba-Da.

Ba-Dump-Bum-Bum, Ba-Dump-Ba-Da.

Ba-Dump-Bum-Bum, Ba-Dump-Ba-Da.


(Purple record transition to the song: Go Santa Go. While, the song title comes up from Wiggly, Wiggly Christmas. A scene where Santa is on a sleigh ride pulling their reindeer while The Wiggly Group are having a dance.)

Santa: ("Ho, ho, ho, here I go, ho, ho, ho ho")

The Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa go,

Greg: (singing) you've got such a long way to go

The Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa go,

Greg: (singing) go, go, go, go

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go

Greg: (singing) Call the reindeer

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go

Greg: (singing) get ready

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go, go

Greg: (singing) And away you go,

The Wiggles: (singing) go Santa go,

Greg: (singing) go, go, go

The Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa, go

Santa: "Here I go, ho, ho"

The Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa go,

Greg: (singing) all the way from the North Pole

The Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa go,

Greg: (singing) go, go, go, go

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go

Greg: (singing) through the jungles

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go

Greg: (singing) through the desert

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go, go

Greg: (singing) through the winter snow

The Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa go,

Greg: (singing) go, go, go

The Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa, go

Santa: "Here I go, ho, ho"

Greg: (singing) Long white beard with a face so happy and cheerful!

Santa: "C'mon, Rudolph, fast as you can,

We've got presents here for everyone in the land"

The Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa go,

Greg: (singing) you've got such a long way to go

The Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa go,

Greg: (singing) go, go, go, go

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go

Greg: (singing) Call the reindeer

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go

Greg: (singing) get ready

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go, go

Greg: (singing) And away you go,

The Wiggles: (singing) go Santa go,

Greg: (singing) go, go, go

Santa: "Here I go ho, ho, ho

Here I go ho, ho, ho"

(Blue record transition)

Dorothy: (She giggles that Jeff was doing that wacky dancing.) Wow, Jeff, you're a fabulous dancer.

Jeff: Thank you, Dorothy. Hey, Dorothy, would you like to dance with me?

Dorothy: I'd love to.

(Yellow record transition to the song: Dorothy (Would You Like To Dance?). While, the song title comes up from It's Time to Wake Up Jeff!. A scene where Dorothy are gonna have a dance with Murray, Jeff & Greg while 2 Wiggly Dancers & Anthony join them together.)

Dorothy: Come on, everybody Let's dance.

Greg: (singing) Dorothy,

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Dorothy, would you like to dance with me?

Greg: (singing) Dorothy,

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Dorothy, would you like to dance with me?

Greg: (singing) First you take your hands

And you put them on your hips.

You sway from side to side

And let your backbone split.

Greg: (singing) Dorothy,

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Dorothy, would you like to dance with me?

Dorothy: This is fun.

Greg: (singing) Dorothy,

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Dorothy, would you like to dance with me?

Greg: (singing) Next, you turn your head

You turn it from side to side

Dorothy: Everybody dancing

Then you shake your hands.

It's really out of sight.

Greg: (singing) Dorothy,

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Dorothy, would you like to dance with me?

Dorothy: (giggles)

Greg: (singing) Dorothy,

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Dorothy, would you like to dance with me?

Dorothy: Keep dancing.

Greg: (singing) Dorothy,

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Dorothy, would you like to dance with me?

Greg: (singing) Dorothy,

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Dorothy, would you like to dance with me?

Dorothy: (giggles)

(Red record transition to the song: Ooh It's Captain Feathersword. While, the song title comes up from Wiggledancing! Live In Concert. A scene where they filmed on December 18, 2006 at Sydney Entertainment Centre A.K.A. Racing to the Rainbow Show from Australia.)

Captain Feathersword: Oh, yes indeed, me hearties, my favorite dance is a pirate dance. Whoo-hoo! Why don't we all do a pirate dance together? It's so much fun! Cool. Hee-hee!

Sam: (singing while he's playing his red acoustic guitar.) Who's the pirate with a feather for a sword?

Captain Feathersword: Oh, yeah! (Captain Feathersword is gonna go down there and waving the audience.) G'day!

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Ooh, it's Captain Feathersword.

Captain Feathersword: Hello! Hi, there!

Sam: (singing) Who's the pirate with a feather in its hat?

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Ooh, it's Captain Feathersword.

Captain Feathersword: Hello!

Sam: (singing) He tickles you, he tickles me,

Captain Feathersword: Wa-wow! Hoo-hoo-hoo! Hi!

Sam: (singing) He tickles everything that moves and everything he sees.

Captain Feathersword: G'day! Hello!

Sam: (singing) You know he is the leader of the pirate seas.

Captain Feathersword: Hi, there!

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Ooh, it's Captain Feathersword.

Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there! Hee-hee!

Sam: (singing) Ooh, it's Captain Feathersword.

Anthony: Let's do a pirate dance.

Captain Feathersword: Keep up, me hearties! So much fun! G'day! Oh, yes indeed! Ahoy! Hello! G'day! Hello, there!

Anthony: Let's try this one!

Sam: (singing) He can cook a birthday cake for a party you see.

Captain Feathersword: Oh, yes indeed!

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Ooh, it's Captain Feathersword.

Captain Feathersword: Hello! G'day!

Sam: (singing) And he will show you how to do a groovy pirate dance.

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Ooh, it's Captain Feathersword.

Captain Feathersword: Wha-ha-ha! Whoo-hoo!

Sam: (singing) He'll tickle you, he tickle me,

He'll tickle everything that moves and everything he sees.

You know he is the leader of the pirate seas.

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Ooh, it's Captain Feathersword.

Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there!

The Wiggles: (singing) Ooh, it's Captain Feathersword.

Anthony: Let's do a pirate dance!

(Instrumental break)

Captain Feathersword: Dance with me, hearties! It's so much fun!

Anthony: Hey, try this one, everyone Little bit different. Oh, you're doing it, Seamus, That's it. And now we sing, "Ooh, it's Captain Feathersword."

The Wiggles & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Ooh, it's Captain Feather, ooh, it's Captain Feather,

Ooh, it's Captain Feathersword.

Captain Feathersword: Yeah-yeah-yeah! Whoo! (He is gonna use rollerblades.)

The Wiggles: (singing) Ooh, it's Captain Feather, ooh, it's Captain Feather,

Captain Feathersword: Yeah! Wow!

The Wiggles: (singing) Ooh, it's Captain Feathersword.

Captain Feathersword: Yeah-yeah-yeah! G'day!

The Wiggles: (singing) Ooh, it's Captain Feather, ooh, it's Captain Feather,

Captain Feathersword: Whoo-hoo!

The Wiggles: (singing) Ooh, it's Captain Feathersword.

Captain Feathersword: Yeah-yeah-yeah! Whoo!

The Wiggles: (singing) Ooh, it's Captain Feather, ooh, it's Captain Feather,

Ooh, it's Captain Feathersword.

Captain Feathersword: Yeah, keep dancing!

The Wiggles: (singing) Ooh, it's Captain Feather, ooh, it's Captain Feather,

Ooh, it's Captain Feathersword.

Captain Feathersword: One more time now! Whoo!

The Wiggles: (singing) Ooh, it's Captain Feather, ooh, it's Captain Feather,

Ooh, it's Captain Feathersword.

Captain Feathersword: Dance like Captain Feathersword! (After he is singing while his Feathersword explodes when the confetti comes out after the song finishes.) Wow!

(Purple record transition to the song: Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport. While, the song title comes up from It's a Wiggly Wiggly World!. A scene where Rolf Harris plays his wobble board)

Rolf Harris: (singing) Watch me wallabies feed, mate

Watch me wallabies feed

Ay look they're a dangerous breed, mate

So watch me wallabies feed.

All together now.

The Wiggles and Rolf Harris: (singing) Tie me kangaroo down sport

Tie me kangaroo down

Tie me kangaroo down sport

Tie me kangaroo down

Greg: (singing) Keep me cockatoo cool, Curl

Keep me cockatoo cool

Don’t go acting the fool, Curl

Just keep me cockatoo cool

Rolf Harris: All together now.

The Wiggles and Rolf Harris: (singing) Tie me kangaroo down sport

Tie me kangaroo down

Tie me kangaroo down sport

Tie me kangaroo down

Rolf Harris: (singing) Take me koala back, Jack

Take me koala back

He lives somewhere out on the track, Mack

So take me koala back. All together now.

The Wiggles and Rolf Harris: (singing) Tie me kangaroo down sport

Tie me kangaroo down

Tie me kangaroo down sport

Tie me kangaroo down

Greg: (singing) Mind me platypus, Bill

Mind me platypus duck.

Don’t go running amok, Bill

Just mind me platypus duck.

Rolf Harris: All together now.

The Wiggles and Rolf Harris: (singing) Tie me kangaroo down sport

Tie me kangaroo down

Tie me kangaroo down sport

Tie me kangaroo down

(Rolf Harris: One more time now.)

Tie me kangaroo down sport

Tie me kangaroo down

(Rolf Harris: Last chance.)

Tie me kangaroo down sport

Tie me kangaroo down

(Rolf Harris wobbles his stomach.)

(Blue record transition to the song: Dressing Up. While, the song title comes up from Whoo Hoo! Wiggly Gremlins!. A scene where Henry pushes the clothing rack while The Wiggles dressed up as a doctor, cowboys, opera singers and a firefighter.)

Greg: (singing) I'm putting on my doctor's coat.

Grab my doctor's bag and my stethoscope.

(with The Other Wiggles singing) Ooh-ooh, I'm dressing up in style.

Greg: (singing) I'm putting on my riding hat.

Got my boots and my lariat.

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Ooh-ooh, I'm dressing up in style.

Greg: (singing) Dressing up is so much fun.

You can dress as anyone.

You can use any clothes you find.

I'm putting on my big black boots,

My red hat and my fire-suit.

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Ooh-ooh, I'm dressing up in style.

The Wiggles: (singing) Ooh, I'm dressing up in style.

Greg: (singing) Dressing up is so much fun.

You can dress as anyone.

You can use any clothes you find.

I'm putting on my doctor's coat.

Grab my doctor's bag and my stethoscope.

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Ooh-ooh, I'm dressing up in style.

Greg: (singing) I'm putting on my riding hat.

Got my boots and my lariat.

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Ooh-ooh, I'm dressing up in style.

Greg: (singing) I'm putting on my big black boots,

My red hat and my fire-suit.

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Ooh-ooh, I'm dressing up in style.

(Yellow record transition)

Murray: Hi. You know, we love to dance and our friends love to dance too. Here comes one of our friends now. It's Henry The Octopus.

Henry: (He is spinning around while say hello.) Ohhh! Oh! Breebop, everyone.

Murray: Ha-ha! When Henry dances, he loves to move his arms and legs. They're called tentacles. Let's dance like Henry. Let's move our arms like Henry!

(Red record transition to the song: Move Your Arms Like Henry. While, the song title comes up from Toot Toot!. A scene where The Wiggles and Henry start dancing in bubbles.)

Henry: Breebop. Hi everybody!

It's time to get your arms ready and have a dance with me,

Henry the Octopus. Oh!

Greg: (singing) Move your arms like Henry

Move your arms like Henry

Move your arms around, and around, and around, and around like Henry

Shake your hands like Henry

Henry: That's right

Greg: (singing) Shake your hands like Henry

Henry: That's great shaking

Greg: (singing) Shake your hands around, and around, and around, and around like Henry

Henry waves to you

Henry waves to me

He's got so many hands, he's waving all the time

Move your arms like Henry

Henry: Great moving

Greg: (singing) Move your arms like Henry

Henry: Yeah!

Greg: (singing) Move your arms around, and around, and around, and around like Henry

Henry: Oh. I'm having lots of fun. This is wonderful, wonderful dancing. Oh!

Greg: (singing) Oh

Henry waves to you

Henry waves to me

He's got so many hands, hes waving all the time

Move your arms like Henry

Henry: Keep waving

Greg: (singing) Move your arms like Henry

Henry: That's it, that's it

Greg: (singing) Move your arms around, and around, and around, and around like Henry

Henry: Oh, wonderful, wonderful dancing. Oh, yoop!

(Purple record transition to the song: Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles!. While, the song title comes up from Whoo Hoo! Wiggly Gremlins!. A scene where The Wiggles & friends were having a TV studio)

(children singing) Go, go, go, go, go, go

The Wiggles: (singing) Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles!

Greg: (singing) Welcome to our TV Show

The Wiggles: (singing) Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles!

Dorothy: Everybody, let's go

The Wiggles: (singing) Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles!

Greg: (singing) Welcome to our TV Show

The Wiggles: (singing) Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles!

Dorothy: Everybody, let's go

Greg: (singing) Captain Feathersword has joined the show

Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there

Greg: (singing) He loves to pirate dance

Captain Feathersword: Oh ho I love to pirate dance

Greg: (singing) Let's get together with everyone

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) And go go go

The Wiggles: (singing) Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles!

Greg: (singing) Welcome to our TV Show

Captain Feathersword: Whoa-ho!

The Wiggles: (singing) Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles!

Dorothy: Everybody, let's go

Captain Feathersword: Hoo-hoo-hoo! Wow! Look at all those lights Hoo-hoo!

And they're all shining on me Whoa-ho!

Hey I'm on TV, who ho hoo

Greg: (singing) Dorothy and Wags have joined us too

Wags: Ruff!

Greg: (singing) With Henry in his eight-legged pants

Henry: Whoa!

So let's get together with everyone and

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Go go go, go, go, go

The Wiggles: (singing) Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles!

Greg: (singing) Welcome to our TV Show

The Wiggles: (singing) Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles!

Greg: (singing) Everybody let's, everybody let's

Everybody let's (children singing) go, go, go, go!

(Captain Feathersword laughs, Wags barks & Dorothy giggles, until when the song finishes while blue record transition to the part where Steve Irwin talking about this owl.)

Steve Irwin: G'day everyone. Have a look at this beauty, This is a tawny frogmouth. Very common here in Australia. And they hunt their food at night! When they're sleeping during the day, they sit high up in a tree and you can see the colors of their feathers and their nose. They stick it right up in the air and they actually camouflage, look just like a tree. They've got a very strong, sharp beak to catch their food and those really big owl-like eyes.

Jeff: Hey, Steve?

Steve Irwin: Yeah, mate?

Jeff: They just look like an owl.

Steve Irwin: That's right!

Jeff: It's given me an idea for a dance. I'm gonna try it out on an audience.

Steve Irwin: Good on ya. Jeff! (Jeff leaves while going to see Wiggly Party: Live in Concert from Australia to be performed.) What a little beauty.

(Shot transition to the song: Do The Owl. While, the song title comes up from Wiggly Safari. A scene where they filmed on December 11, 2001 at Vodafone Arena A.K.A. Wiggly Party: Live in Concert from Australia.)

The Wiggles: (singing) Hoo-oo Hoo-oo

Hoo-oo Hoo-oo

Do the owl.

Steve Irwin: What a ripper!

Hoo-oo Hoo-oo

Hoo-oo Hoo-oo

Do the owl.

Steve Irwin: Absolutely gorgeous!

Greg: (singing) The owl is a type of bird.

Anthony: (singing) Found all around the world.

Murray: (singing) Use your hands and make big owl eyes.

The Wiggles: (singing) We're gonna do the owl!

Hoo-oo Hoo-oo

Hoo-oo Hoo-oo

Do the owl.

Terri Irwin: Gee whiz!

Hoo-oo Hoo-oo

Hoo-oo Hoo-oo

Do the owl.

Terri Irwin: Now that's a cute little critter!

Greg: (singing) They come out by the light of the moon.

Anthony: (singing) That's when they find their food.

Murray: (singing) So stretch your silent wings.

The Wiggles: (singing) We're gonna do the owl!

Hoo-oo Hoo-oo.

(Instrumental break with Steve Irwin's dialogue part.)

Steve Irwin: G'day, I'm Steve Irwin. Did you know that owls are found all around the world? They can be tiny or huge, they have great big claws to pick up their prey. And mate, can they ever hear things or what! Hoo.

Greg:: (singing) They live in a cave or tree.

Anthony: (singing) They use their great big eyes to see.

Murray: (singing) Flying from tree to tree.

The Wiggles: (singing) We're gonna do the owl!

Hoo-oo Hoo-oo

Hoo-oo Hoo-oo

Do the owl.

Hoo-oo Hoo-oo

Hoo-oo Hoo-oo

Do the owl.

Hoo-oo Hoo-oo

Hoo-oo Hoo-oo

Do the owl.

Hoo-oo Hoo-oo

Hoo-oo Hoo-oo

Do the owl.

Hoo-oo Hoo-oo

Hoo-oo Hoo-oo

Do the owl.

Hoo-oo Hoo-oo

Hoo-oo Hoo-oo

Do the owl.

(Yellow record transition to the song: The Zeezap Song. While, the song title comes up from Space Dancing!. A scene where outer space looks like.)

Greg: (singing) Somewhere out there, amongst the stars,

(Anthony: Due east of Earth, turn right at Mars.)

Greg: (singing) There's travelers, explorers, adventure bound,

they speak a new language and make funny sounds.

Captain Feathersword: (He's speaking in a funny zeezap voices.)

Greg: (singing) Zonk Zee is the captain of the ship,

he's one cool customer,

(Captain Feathersword: He's really hip)

Greg: (singing) He's the envy of many, a hero to some,

and his driving skills are second to none.

(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zee zank zow)

Anthony: "Means, let's be friends."

(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zadda zup zung)

Anthony: "That's How do you do?"

(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zacker zucker zulu)

Anthony: "It's a pleasure to meet you."

(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zender zuper zippie)

Anthony: "Is Whoop de do!"

Greg: (singing) This time, the captain is looking for Earth

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) So the humans can share in the Zeezap mirth)

Greg: (singing) And when he sees that magic blue ball,

He plans to arrive there in no time at all.

(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zee zank zow)

Captain Feathersword: "Means, let's be friends"

(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zadda zup zung)

Captain Feathersword: "Is How do you do?"

(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zacker zucker zulu)

Captain Feathersword: "It's a pleasure to meet you"

(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zender zuper zippie!)

Captain Feathersword: "Is Whoop-dee-doo!"

Greg: (singing) But the Zeezaps don't know a human face

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) And the cows and the chickens seem to run the place)

Greg: (singing) So the Zeezaps decide to say hello,

To the farm animals in the field below.

(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zee zank zow)

Anthony: "Means, let's be friends"

(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zadda zup zung)

Anthony: "Well, that's how do you do?"

(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zacker zucker zulu)

Anthony: "Oh, yeah, that's It's a pleasure to meet you"

(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zender zuper zippie)

Anthony: "well that's whoop de do)

(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zender zuper zippie)

Anthony: "whoop de doo!"

(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zender zuper zippie)

Anthony: "whoop dee doo!"

(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zender zuper zippie)

Anthony: "whoop dee doo!"

(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zender zuper zippie!)

Anthony: "whoop dee doo!"

Yes! what a great language!

(He chuckles.)

(Red record transition to the song: Play Your Guitar With Murray. While, the song title comes up from Hoop-Dee-Doo it's a Wiggly Party. A scene where the Wiggles, their friends & kids are playing guitars.)

The Wiggles: (singing) Play your guitar with Murray

Play your guitar with him

Play your guitar with Murray

(Anthony: (singing in a low voice.) let's all play and sing)

Greg: (singing) He loves to sing while he strums a chord

(Murray: (singing in a high voice) Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya)

Greg: (singing) He loves to play for Captain Feathersword

(Captain Feathersword: Whoa ho, play that guitar, Murray, woo hoo)

The Wiggles: (singing) Now, Play your guitar with Murray

Play your guitar with him

Play your guitar with Murray

(Anthony: (singing in a low voice) let's all play and sing)

Greg: (singing) He loves to sing while he strums a chord

(Murray: (singing in a high voice) Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya)

Greg: (singing) He loves to play for Captain Feathersword

(Captain Feathersword: Woah ho, now you're really rockin', Murray)

The Wiggles: (singing) Play your guitar with Murray

Play your guitar with him

Play your guitar with Murray

(Anthony: (singing in a low voice) let's all play and sing)

Greg: Come on, everybody, get your guitars and play them with the king of guitars, Murray Yeah!

The Wiggles: (singing) Play your guitar with Murray

Play your guitar with him

Play your guitar with Murray

(Anthony: (in low voice) let's all play and sing)

Greg: Come on and

The Other Wiggles: (singing) play your guitar with Murray

Play your guitar with him

Play your guitar with Murray

(Greg: (singing) Let's all play and sing)

Captain Feathersword: (singing in a high voice) Let's all play and sing,

Murray: (singing in a low voice) let's all play and sing

Captain Feathersword: (singing in a high voice) Let's all play, Let's all play let's all play and sing

(After the song finishes while Murray & Captain Feathersword uses their finger into our ears cause that was pretty loud)

(Purple record transition)

Murray: Over the years in The Wiggles, we've had the opportunity to work with some wonderful musicians. Here's one of my favorites. Rock and Roll Hall of Famer John Fogerty with "Rockin' Santa!" (Murray gives two thumbs up.)

(Shot transition to the song: Rockin' Santa!. While, the song title comes up from Santa's Rockin'!. A scene where Santa is on a sleigh while The Wiggly Group are having a dance while John Fogerty singing this song.)

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Here comes the man doing a ding-dong dance

John Fogerty (singing) It's Rockin' Santa

(Santa: Ho, ho, ho!)

John Fogerty (singing) You can dance too, do a tinsel town tune

The Other Wiggles: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa

(Santa: I'm Rockin' Santa.)

John Fogerty (singing) His sleigh has speakers and their booming out tunes

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Let's all dance now

John Fogerty (singing) He's a twisting and a turning with a "Here we go!"

(Santa: Ho, ho! Here we go!)

John Fogerty (singing) It's Rockin' Santa

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa)

(Santa: Ho, ho, ho!)

John Fogerty (singing) It's Rockin' Santa

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa)

John Fogerty (singing) Well, it's Rockin' Santa

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa)

(Santa: Oh yes, I love rocking)

Greg: (singing) Who's the coolest cat in Christmas clothes?

The Other Wiggles: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa

(Santa: Yes, and the elves are dancing too.)

The Other Wiggles: (singing) He can dance too to a tinsel town tune

Greg: (singing) Rockin' Santa

(Santa: Ho ho!)

The Other Wiggles: (singing) He knows how to dance with his ho ho ho!

Greg: (singing) He can dance fast and he can dance slow

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Let's rock and roll to the groovy North Pole

(Santa: Oh, let's rock and roll!)

Greg: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa)

(Santa: Ho, ho, ho, ho!)

Greg: (singing) Yeah, it's Rockin' Santa

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa)

Greg: (singing) Oh, it's Rockin' Santa

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa)

(Santa: Oh yes indeed. Ho ho! Here we go! Yes, I'm really rocking. Oh, and the elves are dancing too. Ho, ho, ho! Ooh! Even the reindeer have joined in. Ho, ho!)

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Here comes the man doing a ding-dong dance

John Fogerty (singing) It's Rockin' Santa

(Santa: Oh, I'm rocking!)

John Fogerty (singing) You can dance too, do a tinsel town tune

The Other Wiggles: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa

Santa: Ho, ho, ho!

Greg: (singing) His sleigh has speakers and their booming out tunes

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Let's all dance now, go, go, go

John Fogerty (singing) Oh, he's a twisting and a turning with a "Here we go!"

(Santa: Whoa! Ho, ho! Here we go!)

John Fogerty (singing) It's Rockin' Santa

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa)

Greg: (singing) Yeah, it's Rockin' Santa

(Santa: I'm Rockin' Santa)

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa)

John Fogerty (singing) Yeah, it's Rockin' Santa

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa)

(Santa: Ho ho! And the rocking elves and the rocking reindeer. Ho, ho, ho! We're all rocking. You can rock, too. Ho, ho, ho!)

(After the song finishes when Captain Feathersword accidently break his drumstick.)

(Blue record transition to the song: To Have A Tea Party. While, the song title comes up from You Make Me Feel Like Dancing. A scene where The Wiggles are holding teacups while Dorothy The Dinosaur is having a tea party.)

(The Wiggles: (singing) Tea, tea, rosy tea)

Dorothy: (singing) Tea, tea for you and me

(The Wiggles: (singing) Party, party, it's a tea party)

Dorothy: (singing) With tea and cakes and lots of friends

(The Wiggles: (singing) Tea, tea, rosy tea)

Dorothy: (singing) Tea, tea for Dorothy

To have a tea party

(The Wiggles: (singing) To have a tea party)

Dorothy: (singing) We're going to need a teapot

(The Wiggles: (singing) We're going to need a teapot)

Dorothy: (singing) To have a tea party

(The Wiggles: (singing) To have a tea party)

Dorothy: (singing) We're going need something else

To have a tea party

(The Wiggles: (singing) To have a tea party)

Dorothy: (singing) We're going to need a teapot

(The Wiggles: (singing) We're going to need a teapot)

Dorothy: (singing) To have a tea party

(The Wiggles: (singing) To have a tea party)

Dorothy: (singing) We're going need something else

(The Wiggles: (singing) Tea, tea, rosy tea)

Dorothy: (singing) Tea, tea for you and me

(The Wiggles: (singing) Party, party, it's a tea party)

Dorothy: (singing) With tea and cakes and lots of friends

(The Wiggles: (singing) Tea, tea, rosy tea)

Dorothy: (singing) Tea, tea for Dorothy

To have a tea party

(The Wiggles: (singing) To have a tea party)

Dorothy: (singing) We're going to need tea cups

(The Wiggles: (singing) We're going to need tea cups)

Dorothy: (singing) To have a tea party

(The Wiggles: (singing) To have a tea party)

Dorothy: (singing) We're going to need something else,

To have a tea party

(The Wiggles: (singing) To have a tea party)

Dorothy: (singing) We're going to need sauces

(The Wiggles: (singing) We're going to need sauces)

Dorothy: (singing) To have a tea party

(The Wiggles: (singing) To have a tea party)

Dorothy: (singing) We're going to need something else

(The Wiggles: (singing) Tea, tea, rosy tea)

Dorothy: (singing) Tea, tea for Dorothy

To have a tea party

(The Wiggles: (singing) To have a tea party)

Dorothy: (singing) We're going to need tea spoons

(The Wiggles: (singing) We're going to need tea spoons)

Dorothy: (singing) To have a tea party

(The Wiggles: (singing) To have a tea party)

Dorothy: (singing) And that is all we need

(The Wiggles: (singing) And that is all we need)

Dorothy: (singing) And that is all we need ( She giggles until before she drinks her rosy tea while the song is done.)

(Yellow record transition to the song: Here Come The Chicken. While, the song title comes up from Racing to the Rainbow. A scene where Anthony dressed up as a chicken while there is a haystack on the floor.)

(Anthony is clucking like a chicken until starts the song.)

Greg: (singing) Here come the chicken

(Murray & Jeff: (singing) Here come the chicken, Chicken down the road)

Greg: (singing) Here come the chicken

(Murray & Jeff: (singing) Here come the chicken, Chicken down the road)

Anthony: (singing) That chicken's got hiccups

(Murray & Jeff: (singing) That chicken got hiccups)

Murray: (singing) That chicken got hiccups

Jeff: (singing) Somebody help that chicken please

Greg: (singing) Here come the chicken

(Murray & Jeff: (singing) Here come the chicken, Chicken down the road)

Greg: (singing) Here come the chicken

(Murray & Jeff: (singing) Here come the chicken, Chicken down the road)

Anthony: (singing) That chicken got the hiccups

(Murray & Jeff: (singing) That chicken got hiccups)

Murray: (singing) That chicken got the hiccups

Jeff: (singing) Give that chicken some water please

Greg: (singing) Here come the chicken

(Murray & Jeff: (singing) Here come the chicken, Chicken down the road)

Greg: (singing) Here come the chicken

(Murray & Jeff: (singing) Here come the chicken, Chicken down the road)

Anthony: (singing) A chicken with hiccups?

(Murray & Jeff: (singing) That chicken got hiccups)

Murray: (singing) That chicken got the hiccups

Jeff: (singing) Somebody help that chicken please

(Chicken continues clucks & hiccuping.)

Anthony: It's still hiccuping

Greg: (singing) Here come the chicken

(Murray & Jeff: (singing) Here come the chicken, Chicken down the road)

Greg: (singing) Here come the chicken

(Murray & Jeff: (singing) Here come the chicken, Chicken down the road)

Anthony: (singing) That chicken's got the hiccups

(Murray & Jeff: (singing) That chicken got hiccups)

Murray: (singing) That chicken got the hiccups

Jeff: (singing while he's speaking in Spanish.) de el agua pollo por favor

Greg: (singing) Here come the chicken

(Murray & Jeff: (singing) Here come the chicken, Chicken down the road)

Greg: (singing) Here come the chicken

(Murray & Jeff: (singing) Here come the chicken, Chicken down the road)

Anthony: (singing) That chicken's got hiccups

(Murray & Jeff: (singing) That chicken got hiccups)

Murray: (singing) That chicken got hiccups

Jeff: (singing) Somebody help that chicken please

Greg: (singing) Here come the chicken

(Murray & Jeff: (singing) Here come the chicken, Chicken down the road)

Greg: (singing) Here come the chicken

(Murray & Jeff: (singing) Here come the chicken, Chicken down the road)

Anthony: (singing) That chicken got the hiccups

(Murray & Jeff: (singing) That chicken got hiccups)

Murray: (singing) That chicken got the hiccups

Jeff: (singing) Give that chicken some water please

(Chicken clucks until it's done.)

(Red record transition)

Anthony: Everybody, we love getting strong. It involves fun, exercise. Do whatever you like as long as you get outside or even indoors you could exercise. You can hula hoop, do forward rolls. Here comes Jeff with a forward roll. (Jeff is doing a forward rol.l) Go, Jeff! Up he goes! Down one more time. Wow! And do you know what? Clare, my little niece.... Well, she's not little anymore. But when shoe first did her first Wiggles video, she was only two years old. She's 20 years old. And my little daughter Maria, Clare's cousin, is three years old now. 20 & 3. They're both going to hula hoop. That's how they get strong. Let's see the hula hooping. (Clare & Maria are doing hula with their hula hoops.) Let's get strong, everybody!

(Purple record transition to the song: Getting Strong!. While, the song title comes up from Getting Strong!. A scene where Wags, Jeff & Anthony are running on a spot.)

Anthony: Let's start running everybody!

Sam: (singing) Running on the spot (run, run, run)

Anthony: (laughs) This is fun.

Sam: (with The Other Wiggles singing.) Running on the spot (run, run, run)

Anthony: Hey, i'm starting to feel strong!

Sam: (with The Other Wiggles singing.) Getting strong, getting strong,

Getting strong, getting strong

Getting strong, getting strong, Getting strong

Jeff: Okay, let's try jumping!

Dorothy: (singing) Jumping up and down (jump, jump, jump)

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Jumping up and down (jump, jump, jump)

Jeff: Jump like a kangaroo!

Dorothy: (with The Other Wiggles singing.) Getting strong, getting strong,

Getting strong, getting strong

Getting strong, getting strong, Getting strong

Anthony: How about skipping

Sam: (singing) Skipping with a rope (skip, skip, skip)

Anthony: Ho-ho-ho! Skipping!

Sam: (with The Other Wiggles singing.) Skipping with a rope (skip, skip, skip)

Anthony: I like this!

Sam: (with The Other Wiggles singing.) Getting strong, getting strong,

Getting strong, getting strong

Getting strong, getting strong, Getting strong

Getting strong, getting strong,

Getting strong, getting strong

Getting strong, getting strong, Getting strong

(Blue record transition to the song: Murray Had A Turtle. While, the song title comes up from Pop Go The Wiggles!. A scene where Murray meet his turtle named "Tiny Tim".)

Sam: (singing) Murray had a turtle

Murray: (singing) I called him Tiny Tim

Sam: (singing) He put him in the bathtub

To see if he could swim.

Captain Feathersword: (He dressed up as Tiny Tim turtle in high pitched.) I can swim! Oh, watch me swim! Whoa! Whee! Splish splash!

Sam: (singing) He drank up all the water

Murray: Oh, no!

Sam: (singing) He ate up all the soap

Murray: Uh-oh!

Sam: (singing) He tried to eat the bathtub

But it wouldn’t fit down his throat.

Captain Feathersword: (He dressed up as Tiny Tim turtle in high pitched.) It's too big! (He's laughing while choking since he drank all the water & soap.)

Sam: (singing) Murray called the doctor

Murray: Doctor!

Sam: (singing) The doctor called the nurse

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) The nurse called the lady with the polka dotted purse.

Captain Feathersword: (He dressed up as Tiny Tim turtle in high pitched/) I like her polka dots! (laughing) Yabadoo!

Sam: (singing) In walked the doctor

Murray: Hello, doctor.

Sam: (singing) In walked the nurse

Murray: Hello, nurse.

(Sam with The Other Wiggles singing.) In walked the lady with the polka dotted purse.

Murray: Hello!

Captain Feathersword: (He dressed up as Tiny Tim turtle in high pitched.) Hi! It's great to see you. (laughs)

Sam: (singing) "Ooh" said the doctor

"Ah" said the nurse

"Fab" (with The Other Wiggles singing.) said the lady with the polka dotted purse.

Captain Feathersword: (He dressed up as Tiny Tim turtle in high pitched laughing.)

Sam: (singing) Murray thanked the doctor

Murray: Thanks, doc!

Sam: (singing) Murray thanked the nurse

Murray: Thanks, nurse!

(Sam with The Other Wiggles singing.) Murray thanked the lady with the polka dotted purse.

Murray: Thank you, ma'am.

Captain Feathersword: (He dressed up as Tiny Tim turtle in high pitched.) Oh, thank you too. Thanks a lot! (He laughs before he's humming to the end of the song.) Oh, thanks, everybody. (laughs)

(Yellow record transition)

Sam: We're going to sing a beautiful song called "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star". But we need your help.... We need twinkling stars. (He's holding those hands to make twinkling stars) Can you twinkle your fingers just like stars? You're doing it! Wonderful. Well, let's all sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" together.

(Shot transition to the song: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. While, the song title comes up from Pop Go The Wiggles!. A scene where The Opposite Wiggly Group are on top of these stars when the dancers are gonna dance & Sam is gonna sing this song.)

Sam: (singing) Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

How I wonder what you are

When the blazing sun is gone,

When he nothing shines upon

Then you show your little light,

Twinkle, twinkle all the night

Twinkle, twinkle little star,

How I wonder what you are

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high

Like a diamond in the sky

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

How I wonder what you are

How I wonder what you are

(Red record transition to the song: I'm Dorothy the Dinosaur!. While, the song title comes up from Dorothy the Dinosaur (TV Series). A scene where they get to meet all of their friends.)

Dorothy: (singing) Hey there, it's time for singing

And lovely dancing with the orchestra.

Join me for tea and crumpets,

Violins and trumpets.

Come take my hand.

I'm Dorothy the Dinosaur.

Walk right through my rosy door.

You can smell perfume just inside my room.

Sit down and have some rosy tea.

Some tea with me.

Look here.

There's fairy dancing and pirate prancing

And there's Wags the Dog.

We're here with all my good friends

It's fairy fun time.

So come along.

I'm Dorothy the Dinosaur.

Walk right through my rosy door.

You can smell perfume just inside my room.

Sit down and have some rosy tea...

Some tea with me!

(She giggles until the song is done & then Purple record transition.)

Captain Feathersword: Wow! That is great dancing, Wags.

Wags: Woof!

Captain Feathersword: You know, you dancing like that makes me feel like dancing. Hoo-hoo-hoo! (singing in high pitched.) You make me feel like dancing

I'm wanna dance the night away

You make me feel like dancing

I'm wanna dance the night away....


(Blue record transition to the song: You Make Me Feel Like Dancing. While, the song title comes up from You Make Me Feel Like Dancing. A scene where Leo Sayer & The Wiggles are gonna sing & dance to their song.)

The Wiggles: (singing) Ah




Leo Sayer: (singing) You've got a cute way of talking

Sam: (singing) You got the better of me

Leo Sayer: (singing) Just snap your fingers and I'm walking

Sam: (singing) Like a dog hanging on your lead

Leo Sayer: (singing) I'm in a spin you know

Shaking on string you know

You make me feel like dancing

The Wiggles: (singing) I'm wanna dance the night away

Leo Sayer: (singing) You make me feel like dancing

The Wiggles: (singing) I'm wanna dance the night away

Leo Sayer: (singing) You make feel like dancing

The Wiggles: (singing) I'm wanna dance the night away

Leo Sayer: (singing) I feel like dancing

The Wiggles: (singing) Whoo

Leo Sayer: (singing) Dancing,

The Wiggles: (singing) Whoo

Leo Sayer: (singing) Dance the night away

I feel like dancing,

The Wiggles: (singing) Whoo

Leo Sayer: (singing) Dancing,

The Wiggles: (singing) Whoo

Leo Sayer: (singing) Aaaah

The Wiggles: (singing) Ah




Leo Sayer: (singing) Quarter to four in the morning

Sam: (singing) I ain't feeling tired no, no, no, no, no

Leo Sayer: (singing) Just hold me tight and leave on the light

Sam: (singing) 'Cause I don't want to go home

(Shortcuts to Dorothy is holding Leo Sayer.)

Leo Sayer: (singing) You put a spell on me

I'm right where you want me to be

You make me feel like dancing

The Wiggles: (singing) I'm wanna dance the night away

Leo Sayer: (singing) You make me feel like dancing

The Wiggles: (singing) I'm wanna dance the night away

Leo Sayer: (singing) You make feel like dancing

The Wiggles: (singing) I'm wanna dance the night away

Leo Sayer: (singing) I feel like dancing

The Wiggles: (singing) Whoo

Leo Sayer: (singing) Dancing,

The Wiggles: (singing) Whoo

Leo Sayer: (singing) Dance the night away

I feel like dancing,

The Wiggles: (singing) Whoo

Leo Sayer: (singing) Dancing,

The Wiggles: (singing) Whoo

Leo Sayer: (singing) Aaaah

Hey, Jeff, that's great dancing, mate. Murray, ooh! Fantastic! Anthony! Wow, you guys can really dance. Sam.... I've got an idea. How about.... You guys, can you sing this in Greek? Yeah? Let's give it a go. All right.

The Wiggles: (singing) Me kaneis na horevo

Leo Sayer: (singing) All around the world!

The Wiggles: (singing) Me kaneis na horevo

Leo Sayer: (singing) Every night and every day

The Wiggles: (singing) Me kaneis na horevo

Leo Sayer: (singing) Dancing,

The Wiggles: (singing) Whoo

Leo Sayer: (singing) Dancing,

The Wiggles: (singing) Whoo

Leo Sayer: (singing) Dance the night away

I feel like dancing,

The Wiggles: (singing) Whoo

Leo Sayer: (singing) Dancing,

The Wiggles: (singing) Whoo

Leo Sayer: (singing) Yeah

Leo Sayer: (singing) Dancing,

The Wiggles: (singing) Whoo

Leo Sayer: (singing) Dancing,

The Wiggles: (singing) Whoo

Leo Sayer: (singing) Dance the night away

I feel like dancing,

The Wiggles: (singing) Whoo

Leo Sayer: (singing) Dancing,

The Wiggles: (singing) Whoo

Leo Sayer: (singing) Yeah

The Wiggles: (singing) Me kaneis na horevo

Leo Sayer: (singing) All around the world!

The Wiggles: (singing) Me kaneis na horevo

Leo Sayer: (singing) Every night and every day

The Wiggles: (singing) Me kaneis na horevo

Leo Sayer: Come on, everybody!

The Wiggles: (singing) Me kaneis na horevo

Leo Sayer: Yeah!

The Wiggles: (singing) Me kaneis na horevo

Leo Sayer: Yeah!

The Wiggles: (singing) Me kaneis na horevo

Leo Sayer: Oh!

Oh, you make me feel like dancing.

Yeah! That's right.

(Yellow record transition)

Sam: Can you count to the number 9? You can? Well, let's count together. You ready? (He is showing his fingers and count to the number nine.) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9! Well done! Let's count together with "Dr Knickerbocker". (Sam gives a thumbs up.)

(Red record transition to the song: Dr Knickerbocker. While, the song title comes up from You Make Me Feel Like Dancing. A scene where Sam dressed up as a doctor while The Other Wiggles are gonna dance to repeat after him.)

Sam: (singing) Doctor Knickerbocker, Knickerbocker, number nine

The Other Wiggles: (singing) He likes to dance and he keep in time

Sam: (singing) So let's get the rhythm of the feet

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Now we've got the rhythm of the feet

Sam: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the number nine

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine

Doctor Knickerbocker, Knickerbocker, number nine

The Other Wiggles: (singing) He likes to dance and he keep in time

Sam: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the hips

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Now we've got the rhythm of the hips

Sam: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the feet

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Now we've got the rhythm of the feet

Sam: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the number nine

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine

Doctor Knickerbocker, Knickerbocker, number nine

The Other Wiggles: (singing) He likes to dance and he keep in time

Sam: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the hands

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Now we've got the rhythm of the hands

Sam: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the hips

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Now we've got the rhythm of the hips

Sam: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the feet

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Now we've got the rhythm of the feet

Sam: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the number nine

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine

Doctor Knickerbocker, Knickerbocker, number nine

The Other Wiggles: (singing) He likes to dance and he keep in time

Sam: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the head

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Now we've got the rhythm of the head

Sam: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the hands

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Now we've got the rhythm of the hands

Sam: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the hips

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Now we've got the rhythm of the hips

Sam: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the feet

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Now we've got the rhythm of the feet

Sam: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the number nine

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine

(Purple record transition)

Sam: Great dance, Captain! What's it called?

Captain Feathersword(in a high pitched.) Oh, it's called "The Shimmie Shake!"

Sam: Did you say "The Shimmie Shake?"

Captain Feathersword(in a normal pitched.) Oh, yes, Sam! "The Shimmie Shake."

Sam: Well, let's all do "The Shimmie Shake" together! (They were both dancing to the shimmie shake.)

(Shot transition to the song: The Shimmie Shake!. While, the song title comes up from You Make Me Feel Like Dancing. A scene where The Wiggles are dressed up as The Beatles to make up a parody song called "Twist & Shout".)

The Wiggles: (singing) Ooh ooh,

Sam: (singing) Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo,

The Wiggles: (singing) ooh ooh

Sam: (singing) Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo,

The Wiggles: (singing) ooh ooh.

Sam: (singing) Shimmie Shake.

Let's all do the Shimmie Shake.

Shaking all way down low,

Shaking all high.

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie shimmie,

Shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie shimmie.

Sam: (singing) Hear the drum beat, hear the guitar,

When you dance this way, you do the Shimmie Shake.

The Wiggles: (singing) Ooh ooh,

Sam: (singing) Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo,

The Wiggles: (singing) ooh ooh

Sam: (singing) Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo,

The Wiggles: (singing) ooh ooh

Sam: (singing) I can shake, I can do the Shimmie Shake.

I can shake way down low, I can shake high.

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie shimmie,

Shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie shimmie.

Sam: (singing) Hear the drum beat, hear the guitar,

When you dance this way, you do the Shimmie Shake.

The Wiggles: (singing) Ooh ooh,

Sam: (singing) Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo,

The Wiggles: (singing) ooh ooh

Sam: (singing) Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo,

The Wiggles: (singing) ooh ooh

Sam: (singing) Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo,

The Wiggles: (singing) ooh ooh

Sam: (singing) Let's all shake

(Backing vocals singing: we can shake).

Let's all move our arms about

(Backing vocals singing: do the Shimmie shake).

Really move our arms around.

Shimmie shake shake.

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie shimmie,

Shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie shimmie.

Sam: (singing) Hear the drum beat, hear the guitar,

When you dance this way, you do the Shimmie Shake.

The Wiggles: (singing) Ooh ooh,

Sam: (singing) Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo,

The Wiggles: (singing) ooh ooh

Sam: (singing) Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo,

The Wiggles: (singing) ooh ooh

Sam: (singing) Twist and shake, let's all take a twisting break.

Really take a twisting break.

We're twisting wide!

(with The Other Wiggles singing.) Shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie shimmie,

Shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie shimmie.

Sam: (singing) Hear the drum beat, hear the guitar,

When you dance this way, you do the Shimmie Shake.

(The Wiggles: (singing) Ooh ooh)

(Sam: (singing) Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo, The Wiggles: (singing) ooh ooh) Repeats 8x while bottom part is sang.

Sam: (singing) Oh yeah the Shimmy Shimmy Shake.

Oh yeah the Shimmy Shake

Oooohhh, The Shimmy Shake.

Come on, let's all do the Shimmy,

Shimmy, shimmy, shimmy, shimmy, shimmy, shimmy, shimmy shake.

Oh yeah the Shimmy shimmy shake.

Come on and do the Shimmy Shake.

(Blue record transition to the song: Over In The Meadow. While, the song title comes up from Sing a Song of Wiggles. A scene where Sam is gonna tell a story about their animals who could say in the song.)

Sam: (singing) Over in the meadow in the sand in the sun

Lived an old mother duck and her little ducky 1

"Quack" said the mother, "I quack" said the 1

So they quacked and they quacked in the sand in the sun

Over in the meadow where the stream runs blue

Lived an old mother fish and her little fishes 2

"Swim" said the mother, "We swim" said the 2

So they swam and they leaped where the stream runs blue

Over in the meadow with a hole in a tree

Lived an old mother bluebird and her little birdies 3

"Sing" said the mother, "We sing" said the 3

So they sang and were glad in a hole in the tree

Over in the meadow in the reeds on the shore

Lived an old mother frog and her little froggies 4

"Dive" said the mother, "We dive" said the 4

So they dived and they burrowed in the reeds on the shore

Over in the meadow in a snug beehive

Lived a mother honeybee and her little bees 5

"Bzzz" said the mother, "We bzzz" said the 5

So they buzzed and they hummed in the snug beehive

(Yellow record transition to the song: Wags The Dog Is Chasing His Tail. While. the song title comes up from The Wiggles Go Bananas!. A scene where Wags the Dog & the wiggly dancers are gonna to have a dance.)

The Wiggles: (singing) Here comes Wags the Dog!

Wags: Ruff!

Sam: (singing) Every single morning when we're sleepy and we're yawning,

The Wiggles: (singing) Wags the Dog is chasing his tail.

Sam: (singing) All throughout the day when everybody else is playing,

The Wiggles: (singing) Wags the Dog is chasing his tail

Sam: (singing) And he goes

The Wiggles: (singing) round and around and around

Sam: (singing) Spinning on the ground.

The Wiggles: (singing) Round and around and around.

Sam: (singing) He stops to sneeze or scratch his fleas.

Wags: Ruff! Ruff-Ruff-Ruff!

Sam: (singing) In the afternoon as we listen to his tune,

The Wiggles: (singing) Wags the Dog is chasing his tail.

Sam: (singing) When we're all in meetings or our dinner we are eating,

The Wiggles: (singing) Wags the Dog is chasing his tail.

Sam: (singing) And he goes

The Wiggles: (singing) round and around and around

Sam: (singing) Spinning on the ground.

The Wiggles: (singing) Round and around and around.

Sam: (singing) He stops to sneeze or scratch his fleas.

Wags: Ruff!

The Wiggles: (singing) Round and around and around.

Sam: (singing) Spinning on the ground.

The Wiggles: (singing) Round and around and around.

Sam: (singing) He stops to sneeze or scratch his fleas.

Sam: (singing) He's on his knees.

Sam: (singing) He's begging "please".

Wags: Ruff!

Wiggles: (singing) There goes Wags the Dog!

Wags: Ruff!

(Red record transition to the song: Monkey Man. While, the song title comes up from The Wiggles Go Bananas!. A scene where Kylie Minogue is gonna sing this song about a monkey who really loves bananas.)

Monkey: Ooh-hoo-ah-ha-ha! Me a monkey man! Me want banana! Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo-ha-ha!

Sam: (singing) Aye aye aye, aye aye aye

Anthony: Banana baby,

The Wiggles: (singing) Huggin up the big monkey man

Kylie Minogue: (singing) Aye aye aye, aye aye aye

Anthony: Banana baby,

The Wiggles: (singing) Huggin up the big monkey man

Sam: (singing) I never saw you, I only heard of you

The Wiggles: (singing) Huggin up the big monkey man

Kylie Minogue: (singing) I never saw you, I only heard of you

The Wiggles: (singing) Huggin up the big monkey man

Sam: (singing) It's no lie, it's no lie

Anthony: Banana baby,

The Wiggles: (singing) Huggin up the big monkey man

Kylie Minogue: (singing) It's no lie, it's no lie

Anthony: Banana baby,

The Wiggles: (singing) Huggin up the big monkey man

Sam: (singing) Now I know that, now I understand

The Wiggles: (singing) Huggin up the big monkey man

Kylie Minogue: (singing) Now I know that, now I understand

The Wiggles: (singing) Huggin up the big monkey man

Sam: (singing) Aye aye aye, aye aye aye

Anthony: Banana baby,

The Wiggles: (singing) Huggin up the big monkey man

Kylie Minogue: (singing) Aye aye aye, aye aye aye

Anthony: Banana baby,

The Wiggles: (singing) Huggin up the big monkey man

Monkey: Ooh-hoo-ha-ha-ha-ha! Me want banana! Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo-ah! Ooh-ah! Me want banana! (singing a song about banana) Banana nanana-nanana-nana Banana nanana-nanana-nana

Kylie Minogue: (singing) I was on my way to Banbury Cross,

When I saw a monkey upon a white horse

With rings on he fingers, bells on him toes

He sings a little song, wherever he goes

He's a monkey, he's a monkey

He's a really really really really big monkey man

Sam: (singing) Aye aye aye, aye aye aye

Anthony: Banana baby,

The Wiggles: (singing) Huggin up the big monkey man

Kylie Minogue: (singing) Aye aye aye, aye aye aye

Anthony: Banana baby,

The Wiggles: (singing) Huggin up the big monkey man

Monkey: Ooh-hoo-ha-ha-ha! Ooh! Me got banana! Oooh! Me no hungry no more!

(Purple record transition)

Jeff: Hi, everyone. I'm with our friend Jamie. G'day, Jamie.

Jamie Redfern: G'day, Jeff. G'day, everyone.

Jeff: Now, Jamie, are you hungry?

Jamie Redfern: Yes, I am.

Jeff: Well, do you feel like some bananas? (Jeff is holding some bananas.)

Jamie Redfern: Er, no, thanks, Jeff.

Jeff: Hmm. Do you feel like some oranges? (Jeff is holding some oranges.)

Jamie Redfern: No, thanks, Jeff.

Jeff: Hmm. Do you feel like some.... yum cha?

Jamie Redfern: Er, no. No, thanks, Jeff. No.

Jeff: Hmm. Then what do you feel like?

Jamie Redfern: I feel like some hot poppin' popcorn! And here it comes.

Jeff: Beauty, mate!

(Red record transition to the song: Hot Poppin' Popcorn. While, the song title comes up from Hot Poppin' Popcorn. A scene where Jamie Redfern sings a song about popcorn at the Wiggly Circus.)

Jamie Redfern: (singing while backing vocal saying "Pop! Pop!".) So get your hot poppin' popcorn, poppin' hot popcorn.

Get it while it's hot corn, whoa.

Eat it while you watch corn hot poppin' popcorn.

Pop it and away you go.

Once it starts poppin', there's no way of stoppin'

That hot poppin' popcorn flow.

So eat your loving popcorn, hot poppin' popcorn.

Now it's on with the show.

(Instrumental break while The Wiggles & Jamie Redfern are having a dance together.)

Jamie Redfern: (singing while backing vocal saying "Pop! Pop!".) So get your hot poppin' popcorn, poppin' hot popcorn.

Get it while it's hot corn, whoa.

Eat it while you watch corn hot poppin' popcorn.

Pop it and away you go.

Once it starts poppin', there's no way of stoppin'

That hot poppin' popcorn flow.

So eat your loving popcorn, hot poppin' popcorn.

Now it's on with the show.

Anthony: (as the announcer.) And now, for your watching delight, the tasty, the lightly salted, the always fresh, jumping, popping, tapping and a hopping.... You guessed it, it's the Dancing Popcorn! Take it away, Poppy!

Jamie Redfern: (singing while backing vocal saying "Pop! Pop!".) So get your hot poppin' popcorn, poppin' hot popcorn.

Get it while it's hot corn, whoa.

Eat it while you watch corn hot poppin' popcorn.

Pop it and away you go.

Once it starts poppin', there's no way of stoppin'

That hot poppin' popcorn flow.

So eat your loving popcorn, hot poppin' popcorn.

Now it's on with the show.

Now it's on with the show.

(Blue record transition to the epilogue part.)

Anthony: Well, we've had so much fun making songs, performing concerts and making videos together with Greg, Sam and all our friends.

Murray: We hope you've enjoyed dancing and singing with us as much as we've enjoyed making music and dancing for you.

Jeff: I've had so many good sleeps over the years. Thanks for waking me up when The Wiggles needed me!

Sam: There will be a lot more songs to sing and dances to be danced in the Wiggly future.

Captain Feathersword: Lots more tickling too, me hearties! Hoo-hoo! (They were all laughing cause he tickled everyone.)

Murray: But until we see you again, let's wave goodbye to each other. Bye-bye! (They were all waving goodbye to each other.)

(Yellow record transition to the title card is shown while the end credits are rolling when Hot Potato, Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car & Wags The Dog Is Chasing His Tail instrumental tracks are playing in the background. Then it shows the endboard.)
