
I'm Paramithi's King is a The Kingdom Of Paramithi song. It is an adaptation of Oh, Far Better To Live And Die from The Pirates of Penzance comic opera.


On a day like this I want to fly
At least it wouldn't hurt to try
But I wouldn't quite know where to start
As flying is, well, quite an art

But I'm not sure it's the thing to do
As kings are really well to do
But I'll be true to thing i sing
As I am a Paramithi King

For I'm Paramithi's king
(He is, he's Paramithi's King)
And it is, it is a glorious thing
I'm Paramithi's King

(Hoorah! Hoorah for our lovely king
Hoorah for our lovely King!)

When I sally forth to meet my day
I conduct myself in a royal way
I love my Paramithi's rule
And the kingly things that I get to do

But I don't just sit on my royal throne
And I will pretend to rule alone
Yet I manage some how to get through
With my Queen, my butler and my maid too

For I'm Paramithi's king
(He is, he's Paramithi's King)
And it is, it is a glorious thing
I'm Paramithi's King

Yes, I'm Paramithi's king
(He is, he's Paramithi's King)
And it is, it is a glorious thing
I'm Paramithi's King

(Hoorah! Hoorah for our lovely king
Hoorah for our lovely King!)


Arthur Sullivan/Arr. Paul Field, Paul Paddick (Wiggly Tunes Pty. Ltd.)
