This is the transcript for I Love It When It Rains.
(The episode starts with an opening sequence during the song: Emma's Theme.)
Lachy: (singing) She's the girl with the bow in her hair
Everybody put your hands in the hair
And sing E, M, M, A
E, M, M, A
(Opening camera transition to the song: Hello, My Name Is Emma. A scene where Emma introduced herself.)
Emma: (singing) Hello, My Name is Emma.
What's your name? Oh, that's right.
It's lovely to see you here today.
And today is a rainy day. And I've got my Sou'wester rain hat to protect from the rain. Do you like rainy days?
(Emma's music box starts playing with a lovely tune.)
Emma: (She gasps.) That's the sound of the music box.
(Song: Emma's Music Box. A scene where Emma could open up her music box & she could see what's inside.)
Emma: (singing) I open up my music box
And what do I see?
A ballerina twirling, dancing there for me.
Look at what my music box has given to me.
(She's picks up a little rubber duck.) A little duck. I already told you that I love it when it rains. And I'm pretty sure that the ducks love it when it rains, too, because they love the water. (She quacks.)
(A little bit of the Emma's tune plays in the music box. Until, it translates to the song: I Love It When It Rains. A scene where Emma is gonna do a ballet dancing about when it rains outside.)
Emma: (singing) I hold on teddy tight
And sink down in my bed
I close my eyes so tight
And pull the covers over my head
I feel so snug and warm
I know that everything's alright
I love when it rains
As I lie in bed at night.
(Instrumental break to the ending part.)
It's so nice to see you. And as I always to say, have a bowtiful day.
(Song: Emma's Révérence. A scene where Emma could dance while saying goodbye at the end of her show.)
Emma: (singing) We had so much fun dancing the ballet
Pas de chat, and pas de bourrée
One last dance before we say goodbye
It makes me happy, go on, give it a try.
(Instrumental break to the part where Emma is doing their ballet dance called Révérence. After that, she is gonna wave goodbye at the end of the song. Until, it translates to the end credits are rolling, during Emma's Finale.)
Lachy: (singing) E, M, M, A