Wiggles logo on a CGI flower
The CGI Big Red Car and Seagull
The Wiggles and Flora Door in version 1
The Wiggles and Flora Door in version 2
The Wiggles and Flora Door in version 3
The Wiggles and Flora Door in version 4
Wiggles logo on a CGI flower
Dorothy (in her bag) and a CGI bee
Wags and the Wagettes playing ball
Captain Feathersword's dock
Captain Feathersword and his pirate crew on the CGI S.S. Feathersword
Captain Feathersword falling down
The CGI Big Red Car and Seagull
The Wiggles and Flora Door in version 1
The Wiggles and Flora Door in version 2
The Wiggles and Flora Door in version 3
The Wiggles and Flora Door in version 4
"Wigglehouse" title in TV Series 4 and 5
The Awake Wiggly Humans waking Jeff up
The Non-realistic Wiggles in "Train Dance"
The Wiggles waking up Jeff in "Jack in the Box" alternate angle
Jeff waking up in "Jack in the Box" alternate angle
Murray holding Greg's magic wand in "Train Dance"
Greg in "Jack in the Box" alternate angle
Anthony eating apples in "We're Taking a Trip Across the Sea"
Jeff holding eraser in "Train Dance"
Murray holding paintbrushes in "Paint Wigglehouse"
Greg in "We're Taking a Trip Across the Sea"
Anthony getting more food in the fridge in "We're Taking a Trip Across the Sea"
The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword
The Wiggles dancing (TV Series 5)
The Wiggles dancing (TV Series 5)