
It's Goodbye is a The Kingdom Of Paramithi song. It is an adaptation of On A Tree By A River from The Mikado comic opera.


Like a bird in the forest who's flying away
It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye
We have sung and we've danced to the music today
It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye

Genevieve waves farewell with a sweet 'au revivor'
And James gives a smile just as bright as a star
And your King and your Queen waving goodbye to you
It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye
It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye

We will bid you adieu here from Paramithi
It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye
And the jesters and soldiers and Anastasia
Say it's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye

We will see you again back in Paramithi
With another adventure for your eyes and your ears
And we'll sing and we'll dance like we've never before
It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye
It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye


Arthur Sullivan/Arr. Paul Field, Paul Paddick (Wiggly Tunes Pty. Ltd.)

