
"It's Okay to Cry" is a song from the Rock & Roll Preschool album and video. It is written by John Edward and dedicated to Emma's grandmother, Edith Royal who passed away in 2014.


Lachy: Sometimes when I'm all alone

I wonder if you're here with me

And sometimes when I'm in my bed

I think I feel you next to me

Sometimes when I dream of you

I ask for you to count with me

1, 2, 3, 4, could it be

That you will always be with me

Emma: It's okay to cry

It's okay to feel

It's okay to try

It's okay for you to heal

It's okay to cry

It's okay to give

It's okay to try

It's okay for you to live

Song Credits[]

John Edward (Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd)
Main Vocals: Lachlan Gillespie, Simon Pryce, Emma Watkins
Guitars: Anthony Field
Piano/Organ: Lachlan Gillespie
Drums/Percussion: Jae Nelson
Bass: Alex Keller

Related Images[]

