
It's Time to Wake Up Jeff! (titled Wiggle Around the Clock in North America) is the twenty-second Wiggles video special. It is a re-recording of the Wake Up Jeff! video special, which was released a decade earlier.

Production and Filming Locations[]

This video was filmed from June - July 2005, the same time as Here Comes The Big Red Car and TV Series 5, whereas the "Walking On The Moon" song was filmed in April 2005 at the NASA Space Center.

This video was filmed at Sydney Film and Television Studios for the studio scenes, the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Anzac Bridge for the "We Like To Say Hello" song, the Sydney Harbour for the S.S Feathersword scenes, and at NASA in the US for the "Walking On The Moon" song.


It's time for wiggling, giggling, moving and grooving around the clock as The Wiggles sing and dance to keep their sleepy friend Jeff awake long enough to join the show! Featuring 18 songs like Wake Up Jeff!, Romp Bomp A Stomp, I Can Do So Many Things and Guess What?. Children will love dancing and singing with Greg, Murray, Anthony and of course, waking up Jeff!


Note: All songs are from the album of the same name, except where noted otherwise.

  1. We Like To Say Hello
  2. Henry's Underwater Big Band (Wiggly Animation)
  3. Having Fun At The Beach
  4. Bing Bang Bong (That's a Pirate Song)
  5. Wake Up Jeff!
  6. Bucket Of Dew/Paddy Condon From Cobar
  7. Romp Bomp A Stomp (from The Wiggles Movie Soundtrack)
  8. A Frog Went A Walking (Wiggly Animation)
  9. Take a Trip Out on the Sea
  10. Dorothy (Would You Like To Dance?) (from The Wiggles Movie Soundtrack)
  11. We're Playing A Trick On The Captain
  12. Have A Happy Birthday Captain
  13. I Can Do So Many Things
  14. Guess What? (Wiggly Animation)
  15. Wave to Wags
  16. Havenu Shalom Alechem
  17. Walking On The Moon (from Top of the Tots)
  18. Pipers Waltz

CD Songs[]


Intro - where the Wiggles pictures flash on the screen in a 4x4 grid.

The Wiggles introduce themselves.

  • Song 1: We Like To Say Hello - The Wiggles ride on their outdoor car set through Sydney traffic and bridges.

Greg points out to Henry that someone is waving hello to him, so Henry waves back. Henry announces he has his band and they'll play a song.

Murray introduces Jo and her son Alex at the beachside. Murray interviews Alex about what he likes to do at the beach.

Anthony sings a bunch of rhymes like "Sing Sang Song, that's Greg's song" and "snooorrre… that's Jeff's song". The SS Feathersword get into the act too and each crew member talks about their pirate item. For instance, Elefterios talks about his Pirate Bouzuki, Ben talks about his Pirate toothbrush, George talks about standing on his Pirate hands.

Jeff's fallen asleep! Greg walks up to him and asks for help to wake him up. Wake up Jeff! Jeff is awake and thanks Greg, but as soon as he leaves, Jeff falls asleep again. Same story with Anthony, and with Murray, except when Murray calls Wake Up Jeff, Jeff's still asleep (possibly because he can't hear Murray)! Murray asks for some ideas, and agrees that we would sing a song to do the trick.

Anthony and Murray sing the main verse of Bucket of Dew.

Greg asks Dorothy about a dance she is doing.

Anthony is wearing a lifejacket and a captain's hat, and invites everyone to get ready for a boat trip. That means putting on the jacket, having a whistle to blow, and waving at the nearby boats.

Jeff introduces Dorothy and asks her about a dance she is doing.

Skit - Captain Feathersword is sad because today is his birthday and it seems like everyone's forgotten about it He had put signs all over, but no one has seen them. Several of the pirate crew come and visit him but when the captain asks them what day it is, they answer with everything except his birthday. Of course they all know it's his birthday but are keeping it a surprise.

Skit continues: Lucia checks that everything is ready. Now it's time to bring the captain over, but how? Adrian does a backflip and announces a plan, and Elefterios goes to get the captain. When they return, they give him a big surprise!

Greg has a challenge for Jeff: can he run? Hop? Sing? Fall asleep? Greg tells him to wake Jeff up. 1, 2, 3. Wake Up, Jeff!

Murray introduces Wags and tells him a joke, which Wags laughs at and says "That's funny, Murray!".

Interview: Greg introduces Mike Fincke, an astronaut at the NASA Johnson Space Center. He's been in space for 188 days. They talk about what it's like to fly in space, and also looking at the Earth from space. Mike shows Greg some of the features of the Apollo space suit.

Anthony plays a pipe and asks everyone to join in on the dancing fun. You can dance with a friend or by yourself; it's all good. Everyone will be all dancing the piper's waltz. It comes from beautiful Scotland.

Jeff's fallen asleep again. Greg tells everybody to wake him up one last time. 1, 2, 3, Wake Up Jeff! Jeff awakes just in time but the show's over so everyone waves goodbye.

TV Airdate[]

  • April 9, 2006 (Playhouse Disney)[7]




