"Jeff the Mechanic" is the fifth episode of Series 1.
The Wiggles are about to leave for their worldwide concert tour, but the Big Red Car won't drive! Murray, Greg, Anthony and their friend, Henry the Octopus, try their best to stop the engine leaks but to no avail, the Big Red Car can't get out of the Wigglehouse driveway! Bring your bear along to sing Rock-a-Bye Your Bear. Join Henry the Octopus to sing a cooking song as he bakes an absolutely sea-licious meal with The Underwater Big Band and put your Train Station Master's hat on to come on a train trip on a Pufferbilly!
- Captain Feathersword from Wiggle Time!
- Rock-A-Bye Your Bear from Wiggle Time!
- Pufferbillies from Yummy Yummy
Series Intro
- Song 1: Captain Feathersword (from Wiggle Time!)
Kaz the Cat[]
Kaz goes on a trip and lets all of her friends know.
Kindergarten Text Types[]
Playing in the Sand Pit
The Wiggles are going on a concert tour and Greg is telling everyone about getting ready for the tour. Anthony had packed all his lunch, Jeff had his pillow for sleeping when he gets tired, and Greg asked Murray if he called the mechanic to have a look at the Big Red Car. He checked his diary and he said yes nearly because he phoned her and said that she is going to come here today. But when? The Big Red Car has been making funny noises lately, so they went to the Big Red Car to pack their stuff and looked at the engine to see what the problem is. Suddenly a blue leak squirted Anthony. They said that it came from a part of the engine and then Greg got squirt by a yellow leak and then Murray got squirted by a red leak. When they put their fingers on there, they got squirted and Dorothy got towels for them. They found out that it was broken down and they need about eight arms to fix those leaks, so they got Henry to do it. Henry did a great job but then Murray got squirted again so they just have to wait until the mechanic comes. It took a long time for her to get here, so Jeff decided to go to sleep. Murray and Anthony played rock, paper and scissors (which ends up being a tie each round). Next, Anthony and Greg did some juggling. After that, Anthony ate a hamburger and Greg did a magic trick to get the rabbit out of the hat, but a lobster pinched him on the nose and then Anthony's hand. Later, Murray and Greg did a little bit of painting to see if it's the same colour as the wall and Anthony did some dancing. The lobster is pinching Jeff's ear while he is asleep. Finally, Anthony ate some fruit and a chicken. The Awake Wiggles and Henry all fell asleep after waiting for a very long time. Meanwhile, the mechanic has finally arrived and asked Jeff if he was from the Wiggles because she said that the Wiggles rang up about having problems with the Big Red Car. However, Jeff thinks there's nothing wrong with it. When the mechanic was going to look at it, she said it was 4:00 and Jeff got surprised, so he accidentally sent the mechanic away. Jeff notices that everyone (except Dorothy) is sleeping. He wakes them up and tells everyone that they were going to be late, but they say that the mechanic needs to fix the leaks. Jeff asks "Leak? What leak?" and a purple leak squirted him, which makes him realize that they needed the mechanic after all. Unfortunately, the mechanic has gone home for the day, so Jeff fixes the Big Red Car with sticky tape, and it worked. Jeff told them that he fixed the engine, and their troubles were over, but when Jeff put the basket in the trunk of the car, another purple leak squirted him. Jeff says, "Looks like it is back to the old drawing board".
- Song 2: Rock-A-Bye Your Bear (from Wiggle Time!)
Henry the Octopus Puppet Show[]
The Sea Feast
Henry and his band have been playing continuously for a long time, so Henry decides to give them a break and cook a sea feast.
Captain Feathersword's Pirate Show[]
Wags is planting a bone tree and Captain Feathersword tries to tickle him. Wags makes a fake feathersword that doesn't tickle and swaps it with the Captain's.
- Song 3: Pufferbillies (from Yummy Yummy)
Wiggly Chase Scene[]
The Butterfly Net Chase: The credits come up when a butterfly lands on Dorothy's head and Wags tries to catch it with a net, but accidentally catches Dorothy instead. The butterfly then steals the net, which leads to The Wiggles and their friends chasing after the butterfly.
Wiggly Trivia[]
- How long will The Wiggles have to wait for the mechanic?
- Will she be able to fix the Big Red Car?
- What will The Wiggles do to amuse themselves?
Alternate titles[]
- Everyone's Asleep/Puff Puff, Toot Toot! (Sprout title)
- When Captain Feathersword gets ready to do the pirate dance he says, "Let's all do the pirate dance together!" but the receiving mic is one from a far distance so you can barely hear it. This was previously redubbed on the Wiggle Time! video, so it's likely the wrong take was used.
- In the Kids Playing in the Sand Pit, there is Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse on the wall.
- This was the first time the Big Red Car was broken, other times include:
- Toot Toot!
- Toot Toot Show!/The Wiggly Big Show
- Wiggly Safari
- Whoo Hoo! Wiggly Gremlins!
- 歡樂Party!
- Racing to the Rainbow
- A Wiggly Wedding (Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle! episode)
- While The Wiggles are waiting for the mechanic to show up to fix the Big Red Car, Anthony does a dance inspired by Irish-American tap dancer Michael Flatley.
- This is one of the few times where only the purple Wiggle is awake.
- During the Kindergarten segment, one of the kids is seen wearing a Bob the Builder shirt. A Thomas the Tank Engine hat is also seen.
- According to Greg's Twitter page, the liquid that squirted on The Wiggles' faces was coloured corn starch syrup.[1]
- This is one of the first episodes of Series 1 to air on Playhouse Disney in America.
- The fade effects for Captain Feathersword and Pufferbillies are briefly seen.
- On November 22nd 2020, the episode was uploaded on The Wiggles' YouTube channel.
- The mechanic is mistakenly credited as “Jeff the Mechanic” in every episode of this season.