(The Wiggles Logo transitions to The Wiggles welcoming the audience)
The Wiggles: Hi, We're The Wiggles!
Greg: I'm Greg!
Murray: I'm Murray!
Jeff: I'm Jeff!
Anthony: and I'm Anthony!
Greg: and Welcome to The Wiggles Show, we hope you have lots of fun singing and dancing, and you never know who you might meet!
(Wags the Dog comes in front of The Wiggles)
Wags the Dog: (barking)
Anthony: Hey it's...
The Wiggles: Wags the Dog!
(Rainbow Guitar Transitions to The Wiggles introducing a song)
Anthony: Everybody! It's time to take a musical dance challenge! Oh Yes! We've got a question for you! A few questions about dancing! Here they come!
Jeff: Can you point your fingers and do the twist? You Can!
Murray: Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands? Yeah!
Greg: Alright everybody! Let's all point our fingers and do the twist together!
(Rainbow Guitar Transitions to The Wiggles and the Wiggly Dancers dancing outside to Can You (Point Your Fingers And Do The Twist?)
All right everybody, let's all get ready to point our fingers, and we'll do the twist! Here we go!
Can you point your fingers and do the twist? (Everybody's twisting Greg!)
Can you point your fingers and do the twist? (We're all doing the twist!)
Well, we're gonna go up and go down
Get back up and turn around
Can you point your fingers and do the twist? (What's next Greg? What's next?)
Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands? (Oh! That's Hard!)
Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands? (Shaky Shaky!)
Well, we're gonna go up and go down
Get back up and turn around
Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands? (What's Next Greg? What's Next?)
Can you point your fingers and do the twist? (Pointy! Pointy! Pointy!)
Can you point your fingers and do the twist? (I'm doing the twist really fast Greg!)
Now, we're gonna go up and go down
Get back up and turn around
Can you point your fingers and do the twist?
(Feathersword transitions to the Sailing Around the World (segment))
Greg: (singing) Come on now, come along with me
(backing vocals singing: Ooh ooh)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) We're taking a trip on the wavy sea
(Murray & Jeff: (singing) Sailing the ship all around the world)
Anthony: (singing) On the Goodship Feathersword.
Greg: (singing) Come on now, come along with me
(backing vocals singing: Ooh ooh)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Oh we're taking a trip on the wavy sea.
(Murray & Jeff: (singing) Sailing the ship all around the world)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) On the Good Ship Feathersword. Hoo hoo
Oh ho!
(Then video title card is shown again then it translates to The Wiggles & Captain Feathersword are wiggling their fingers & introduces themselves)
(Feathersword transitions to Murray introducing a segment)
Murray: Hey everyone! Let's all dance with Dorothy the Dinosaur! Yea-ah!
(The Roses transitions to Dorothy's Dance Class)
(The Roses transitions to Greg introducing a Wiggly Concert song)
Greg: Everybody guess what? It's that time! It's time to go to a Wiggly Concert! And we'd love you to come with us! In fact, I was wondering can you try this? Can you all shake your hips like Wags the Dog? Oh yeah! You can do that! That's Great! Alright, can you turn your head and groove along? You can do that too! Alright, can you shake your hands and move your knees? That's it! Now you're dancing just like Wags! Well, let's go to the concert everybody! It's time to dance with Wags the Dog!
(The Wiggly Concert Curtain transitions to The Wiggles, Wiggly Dancers and Wags the Dog on stage)
(Song: We're Dancing With Wags The Dog. A scene where The Wiggly Dancers & Wags are coming onto the stage to have a dance.)
Anthony: Here comes Wags!
Greg: (singing) Let's shake our hips with
(backing vocals singing: Wags the Dog)
Greg: (singing) Turn your head and
(backing vocals singing: groove along)
Greg: (singing) Shake your hands and
(backing vocals singing: move your knees)
Greg: (singing) We're
(backing vocals singing: dancing with Wags the Dog)
Greg: (singing) Put your hands up
(backing vocals singing: in the air)
Greg: (singing) Point them down once you've
(backing vocals singing: got them there)
Greg: (singing) Skip along like
(backing vocals singing: Wags would do)
Greg: (singing) We're
(backing vocals singing: dancing with Wags the Dog)
All: A-roo, doggy
Greg: (singing) Now we're singing it too
All: (singing) You can sing it, too, Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff!
Now Wags is digging,
we're all digging too
Anthony: Everybody's digging with Wags!
Greg: (singing) Shake our hips with Wags The Dog
(backing vocals singing: Wags the Dog)
Greg: (singing) Turn your head and
(backing vocals singing: groove along)
Greg: (singing) Shake your hands and
(backing vocals singing: move your knees)
Greg: (singing) We're
(backing vocals singing: dancing with Wags the Dog)
All: A-roo, doggy
Greg: (singing) Now we're singing it too
All: (singing) You can sing it, too, Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff!
Now Wags is digging,
we're all digging too
Jeff: Watch Wags, everyone!
Greg: Yeah!
Jeff: Look at this!
Wags: Ruff!
(Audience cheers & claps when Wags has done the splits.)
Greg: Great dancing, everyone! Well done!
(The Wiggly Concert Curtain transitions to Henry the Octopus introducing a segment)
Henry the Octopus: Breebop! Let's all go to Wigglehouse! Youp!
(The Wiggles Logo transitions to the Wigglehouse segment)
In the Wiggles' world, in the Wiggles' world
You're all welcome here
so let's give a cheer
Welcome to the Wiggles World!
(The intro transitions to the Wiggles sitting in the Kitchen bored while it's raining outside)
Murray: Still raining guys.
Greg: Yep. It's been raining for days.
Jeff: I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting tired of staying inside all day! Every day!
Anthony: Me too, Jeff.
Murray: Me three!
Greg: Well, you know what guys, you don't have to stay inside just because it's raining.
Jeff: What do you mean, Greg?
Greg: Well, sometimes you have to go outside even when it's raining.
Murray: Well, what do you do then?
Greg: Well, if you gonna go outside when it's raining, you have to wear special clothes! Clothes that'll keep you dry!
Anthony: Hmmm...I think I know what you mean there, Greg. Something like a special Hat!
Greg: Yes indeed.
Murray: A Hat! I've got a hat! (Runs to get a hat)
Greg: Yes, but it's best if it's a special rain hat, like this one! (Puts on the rain hat) Usually made out of plastic!
Murray: (Runs back to the Kitchen wearing a sunhat) Hey look! I'm wearing a hat and I can go out in the rain!
Jeff: Well Murray, that hat can get the sun off your face, but your head would still get wet if you wore it in the rain!
Murray: Oh, so I need a hat like Greg's wearing?
Greg: That's right, Murray! Yes! You need a rain hat.
Murray: Oh, well, what else could I wear in the rain?
Anthony: Well, how about a coat, Murray?
Murray: A Coat! Yes, I've got a coat! (Runs to get a coat)
Jeff: Yes. You need to wear a special plastic raincoat, just like this one! (Puts on the raincoat)
Murray: (Runs back into the Kitchen wearing a work coat) Hey guys! I'm ready to go out in the rain! I'm wearing a coat!
Anthony: That's a nice coat, Murray!
Greg: Murray, indeed, that is a very good woolly coat! It'll keep you warm when it's cold but I'm afraid, it's not gonna keep the rain off you.
Jeff: Yeah, you need to wear a raincoat just like this.
Murray: A Plastic Coat! Oh, I think I'm getting the idea, but what else do you need to wear?
Jeff: Um, what about something to wear on your feet?
Murray: Yes! Shoes! Some Special Shoes! I've got special shoes! (Runs yet again to go find some shoes)
Anthony: When it rains, I wear my special plastic rainboots! (Dances with shoes on)
Murray: (Runs back into the Kitchen wearing shoes) Look guys! Special Shoes!
Greg: Uh, yeah Murray! They're very nice but, they're not gonna keep your feet dry.
Murray: They won't?
Greg: No.
Anthony: No Murray, you need special gumboots like mine!
Murray: Oh, I see! I think I'm getting the idea. Well, what else do I need to keep dry in the rain?
Greg: Ah, well, you could try an umbrella.
Murray: Yes! An Umbrella! (Runs to get an Umbrella)
Greg: Yes Murray! You need an umbrella! Rather much more like this one here! (Pulls up rainbow umbrella and couldn't see) Murray? Uh, where did he go?
Murray: (Runs back with a small umbrella) Check out this umbrella!
Greg: Oh, uh, Murray, that's not what I quite had in mind! No! That umbrella is way to small. That's not gonna keep you dry!
Jeff: Yes, you need a bigger umbrella just like this one!
Murray: Oh, I see. Let me see if I got this right. I need a rainhat, a raincoat, gumboots and a big umbrella. I think I know where to find all these things! Yeah! (Runs to change into rain clothes then the rain stops and the sun comes back up again)
Anthony: Hey! Good News Guys!
Jeff: What is it Anthony?
Anthony: The rain stopped!
Greg: (Cheers) Guess we won't be needing this anymore then!
Anthony: Hey guys, let's go outside and play!
Greg: Great idea Anthony!
(The other Wiggles go outside to have fun then Murray came running back in the kitchen wearing rain clothes and holding an umbrella)
Murray: Greg! Anthony! Jeff! I'm ready to go out in the rain! Guys? Where are you? Have you seen the other Wiggles? They've gone outside? It stopped raining!
(The Wiggles Logo transitions to Anthony dressed up as a pilot introducing a song)
Anthony: Welcome aboard, Wiggly Airlines everybody! It's time to fly through the sky! You might like to take control of the Wiggly Airplane! Just get control of your joysticks ready, and just move them up and up we go! Let's Fly through the Sky!
(Rainbow Guitar Transitions to an Airplane on the Airport Runway)
Fly through the sky, through the sky
through the sky (Fly through the sky)
Flying the controls of the big aeroplane
Little windows on each side
Zooming over here, zooming over there
Wave as we go by
Fly through the sky, through the sky
through the sky (Fly through the sky)
Aeroplanes run on fuel. Tyres take air
The wings are made of aluminium
Stow your bags, take your seats
Put your seatbelt on, Get ready to
Fly through the sky, through the sky
through the sky (Fly through the sky)
This is Murray
Pilot of Wiggle Airlines to control tower
We have completed our checks
Everyone has their seatbelts on
We request permission to take off
Here we go
Fly through the sky, through the sky
through the sky (Fly through the sky)
Fly through the sky, Fly through the sky
(Rainbow Guitar Transitions to Jeff introducing a segment)
Jeff: it's always fun dancing with Dorothy the Dinosaur!
(The Roses Transitions to Dorothy's Dance Class)
(The Roses Transitions to Greg introducing a Wiggly Concert song)
Greg: Hey Everybody! We're off to a Wiggly Concert and we'd love you to come with us! In fact, I gotta challenge for you! Can you do a monkey dance just like this? You can! That's Great! Alright, can you do an elephant dance just like that? Oh yeah, that's very good! How about a tiger dance? Rarr! Oh, you do that so well! Well everybody, let's go to the concert! Let's do a Monkey Dance!
(The Wiggly Concert Curtain transitions to the stage when the Wiggles were coming out of the curtain)
(a scene translates to the song: The Monkey Dance. A scene where The Wiggles are coming back on the stage with their animal mascots.)
Greg: Alright, everyone, here's some of our favourite animals and we're going to move like them. Here we go.
Jeff: Here we go.
Murray: Here we go.
Wiggles: (singing) We're gonna do the monkey
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
Do the monkey
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
The Monkey, monkey
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
Yeah, that's alright...
Greg: Here comes an elephant, everybody.
Wiggles: (singing) Let's do the elephant
Do the elephant
Do the elephant
Yeah, that's alright...
Greg: Get ready to jump, everyone. Here we go!
Wiggles: (singing) Let's jump to the front and back
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
We're gonna jump to the front and back
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
We're gonna jump to the front and back
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
Yeah, that's alright...
Greg: Here comes a growling tiger.
Wiggles: (singing) So do the tiger,
Do the tiger,
The tiger, tiger,
Yeah, that's alright...
Greg: Get ready to jump again. Here we go!
Wiggles: (singing) Let's jump to the front and back
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
We're gonna jump to the front and back
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
Come on and jump to the front and back
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
Yeah, that's alright...
Greg: Here comes that crazy monkey again!
Wiggles: (singing) So do the monkey.
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
Do the monkey.
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
And do the elephant.
The tiger, tiger.
(Audience cheers& claps when the song is finished, while the animal mascots are leaving.)
Greg: Give yourselves a really big clap. Great animal dancing, everyone! Well done.
(The Wiggly Concert Curtain transitions to the Wiggles and their friends saying goodbye)
Jeff: We hope you had fun at The Wiggles Show today! We'd like to say goodbye but there's someone missing!
Greg: Wait For Me!
The Wiggles and their friends: Oh Greg! Goodbye!
(The Wiggles and their friends wave goodbye until they fade away)