
Warren as Aunt Nellie in the Let's Eat! video.

Aunt Jemima Dancing

Warren dancing as Aunt Jemima.


Warren during the filming of a segment for Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles!.

Kathleen Blanche Warren is an Australian author and former college lecturer who has served as The Wiggles' Early Childhood Consultant. She has also written many of the band's video and television productions and print publications and made guest appearances in Space Dancing! as the voice of one of the Teeny Weenies and in Let's Eat! as Aunt Jemima and Aunt Nellie.

Warren previously worked as a professor of early childhood education at Macquarie University, where she first met founding Wiggles Anthony Field, Murray Cook, and Greg Page, who she taught as students.

Outside of her work with the group, she has also acted in and directed various non-professional live theatre shows.

Wiggles Media Credits[]


Television and Video Releases



Stories for The Wiggles Magazine

Electronic Storybooks

Early Childhood Advisor[]
