
For her character in The Wiggles, see Kelly Wiggle.

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Kelly Hamilton (born May 25, 1976) is a Chinese-Australian who was one of Dorothy the Dinosaur’s suit performers, as well as a Wiggly Dancer. In 2021, she became the second yellow Wiggle alongside Emma and then Tsehay in Fruit Salad TV. She then left The Wiggles in 2022 and was replaced by Evie as the second yellow Wiggle.

Wiggles Media Credits[]



  • She left the Wiggles in 2013, returned in 2021 for the Fruit Salad TV series and left again in 2022.
  • She has also appeared on several children's shows such as Sesame Street and Play School.
  • Like Greg she also left and came back for a short period of time.