This is the transcript for Lachy!.
(The video starts with the song: Lachy! A scene where Lachy really likes curly locks in his hair & riding Ponso during the opening sequence of his TV Series.)
Jackie Barnes & Emma: (singing) Lachy Wiggle
Lachy: (singing) Curlylocks flying in the air
Jackie Barnes & Emma: (singing) Lachy Wiggle
Lachy: (singing) Riding Ponso Pony everywhere
Jackie Barnes & Emma: (singing) Lachy Wiggle
(Shot transition to the song: Hello, Hello, Welcome to the Lachy Wiggle Show. A scene where Lachy introducing himself.)
Lachy: (singing) Hello, hello, hello, hello
Welcome to the Lachy Wiggle Show
G'day, g'day, we're on our way.
For some adventure and play
Today feels like a singing day.
(singing) La, la, la, la, la, la
I'd really love you to sing along.
La, la, la, la, la, la
(Opening camera transition to Lachy introducing a special purple & pink horse.)
Lachy: Do you have a friend? Friends are great, aren't they? Well, you're about to meet a friend of mine. Now, he's a purple and pink horse. His name is Ponso the Pony. Ponso and I spend lots of time together. He's always by my side. We go lots of rides. He doesn't eat a lot of food but he's a great friend. Let's come and say hi to Ponso the Pony.
(It translates to the song: Ponso, the Purple and Pink Horse. A scene where Lachy is riding Ponso the Pony to the song.)
Lachy: This is a song about Ponso the Horse.
(singing) He's a purple and pink horse
He has a smile for everyone
While he gallops in the sun
To know him is to love him
He's a purple and pink horse
Where are ya wanna go now, Ponso? You wanna go into town?
Ponso: (neighing) Yes.
Lachy: (singing) Ponso, we found you on a farm
You're our lucky charm
We owe it all to you
He's the purple and pink horse
Trotting up and down
Trotting into town
To know him is to love him
He's the purple and pink horse
Where are ya wanna go now, Ponso? You wanna back go into town?
Ponso: (neighing) Yes, Lachy.
Lachy: (singing) Ponso, we found you on a farm
You're our lucky charm
We owe it all to you
He's the purple and pink horse
And I love him just because
He's the purple and pink horse
(neighing) Giddy-up, Ponso!
(Opening circle transition to Lachy introducing a song about a koala.)
Lachy: Do you like koalas? Koalas are cute little animals with fluffy ears. They live up in the trees and they eat lots of leaves. Let's sing "Koala-By".
(Opening circle transition to the song: Koala-By. A scene where Lachy plays on a piano, while playing with a koala puppet.)
Lachy: (singing) Koala up in the tree,
Do you feel like some leaves?
You sleep for most of the day,
I, too, will sleep your way.
Koala, Koala, Koala-By,
Koala, Koala, Koala-By
Koala, now it is time,
I've been waiting in line,
for a cuddle with you,
now I'm sleepy, too.
Koala, Koala, Koala-By,
Koala, Koala, Koala-By.
(Opening circle transition to Lachy at the construction building site in Toronto.)
Lachy: I'm here at a building site somewhere in Toronto. For safety reasons, I'm not allowed over the other side of the fence because I haven't got a hard hat on. Can you see the diggers behind me? They're digging a big hole, in the ground, getting ready for the builders to build one block at a time until they make a building, like that big one over there. (He looks at the skyscrapers.) So come on, let's get you safety hard hat on. Let's do some building.
(Shot cuts to the Toy Room. Until, opening camera transition to the song: It's Time to Walk to the Toy Room. A scene where Lachy is going for a walk to the toy room.)
Lachy: (singing) It's time to walk up to the toy room
Come on and walk my way
Come on, let's walk to the toy room
And see what we find today.
(Song: Block Building. A scene where Lachy is building a big block tower.)
Lachy: Hmm, blocks. Let's build them up.
(singing) Build them, build them, build them up high
Build the blocks up, ride up to the sky
Build them, build them, build them up high
Build the blocks up, ride up to the sky.
Hmm, the blocks are really high. Let's take them back down again.
(singing) Take them, take them down one at a time
Take the blocks down one at a time
Now build them, build them, build them up high
Build the blocks up, ride up to the sky.
(Song: The Bricklayers Song. A scene where Lachy is wearing a construction hat, while singing a song about brick building.)
Lachy: Come on, everybody, let's all sing the bricklayers song.
(singing) We love to work all day
Laying bricks the bricky way
We can sing our bricklaying song
Working out in the sun
(That's the way our work gets done)
We can sing our bricklaying song
(One brick) Started on the bottom
(Two bricks) We're building up a home
(Three bricks) The first wall's on its way
(Four bricks) Now it's getting higher
(Five bricks) Up to the sky now
(Six bricks) We build our home all day.
(It translates to some lavenders. Then, it translates to Lachy is holding a special flower called a lavender while sitting on a fountain in Toronto.)
Lachy: Everybody, I'm sitting on a fountain somewhere in a park in Toronto. And I've got this beautiful sprig of lavender ready to make some lavender mist. Now, I love lavender. It's coloured purple, I love the colour purple. It has a beautiful scent. (He sniffs lavender.) Ah! And it's a very calming herb. In fact, it's so calming that it might make me fall asleep. So if you see me fall asleep, can you wake me up? Beauty, mate. (He sniffs & falls asleep, while snoring. Until, he blubbers & wakes up.) Hey! Thanks for waking me up! Beautiful lavender. (He sniffs lavender.) Ah!
(Shot cuts to the Invention Room. Until, opening circle transition to the song: The Invention Song. A scene where Lachy is gonna show something an invention called a lavender spray mist.)
Lachy: (singing) Are you ready to invent something fun?
All you need is your lavender mist.
What would you like to invent today?
Put your goggles on, come on let's play.
Use your lavender mist and you will see.
Spray it in the air on the count of 3.
1, 2, 3. Spray! (He sprays a lavender mist.) Isolation dancing! (He dances some his moves.)
(Song: It's Time to Walk to the Toy Room. A scene where Lachy is going for a walk to the toy room.)
Lachy: (singing) It's time to walk to the toy room
Come on and walk my way
Come on, let's walk to the toy room
And see what we find today.
(Song: Dressing Up in Style (Super Lachy). A scene where Lachy dressed up as a superhero.)
Lachy: (singing) I'm dressing up in my purple cape
My armbands, well they look great
Ooo, I'm dressing up in style
Hello! I'm Lachy the Superhero.
It's nice to meet you.
My super power is my snore.
(He snores.)
Dressing up is so much fun
You can dress as anyone
You can use any clothes you find
I'm dressing up in my purple cape
My armbands, well they look great
Ooo, I'm dressing up in style
Ooo, I'm dressing up in style.
(He whistles, while going back to his room.)
(Song: It's the Tin Can. A scene where Lachy is making a phone call to see if they come. It was The Wiggle Town Dancing Police.)
Lachy: (singing) It's the tin can
Hello, who's there?
It's The Wiggle Town Dancing Police
I'm on my way.
(Song: Let's Go Riding with Ponso the Pony. A scene where Lachy is riding Ponso to go see The Wiggle Town Dancing Police to come & have a dance.)
Lachy: Come on, everybody! We're off to see the Dancing Police Force. Giddy up, Ponso!
(singing) Let's go riding with Ponso the Pony,
Let's go riding with Ponso the Pony.
We're off to see the Dancing Police Force,
Yippee aye ay,
Yippee aye ay!
Giddy up, Ponso!
(Song: What Dance Will We Do Today? (Ballet Dancing). A scene where Lachy is gonna think of a special dance at The Wiggle Town Dancing Police.)
Lachy: (singing) What dance will we do today with The Wiggle Town Dancing Police?
Hmm, ballet dancing.
(Song: This is How We Dance Ballet. A scene where Caterina, Emma & Anthony are in police uniform to dance ballet with Lachy.)
Lachy: (singing) Rise and low, a demi plié
This is how we dance ballet
Dégagé and point your toe
Rise up and turn around you go
Temps levé, temp levé, dance ballet
Rise and low, a demi plié
This is how we dance ballet
(Instrumental break to do a big finish.)
Dance ballet.
(A xylophone with 4 changing colours transition to Lachy introducing a special Irish lullaby song.)
Lachy: Mums and dads and older brothers and sisters have sung lullabies to their babies for many, many, many years. The next song is called "The Castle of Dromore" and it's a beautiful lullaby, written in Ireland. Now, my musician friends helping me play the song today, this is Oliver, and Oliver's playing the guitar. And this is Anthony and he's playing the six-string banjo. You might like to take your hands like this and slowly rock the baby. and sing "The Castle of Dromore".
(It fades to the song: Castle of Dramore. A scene where Lachy is rocking a baby named Rachel who is putting her to sleep.)
Lachy: (singing) The October winds lament
around the castle of Dramore
Yet peace is in her lofty halls
My loving treasure store
Though Autumn leaves may droop and die
a bud of spring are you sing hush-a-by
loo,la-lo,la lan
sing hush-a-by loo la lo
Bring no ill will to hinder us
my helpless babe and me dread spirits
of the blackwater clan owen's wild banshee
and Holy Mary pitying us in Heaven
for grace doth sue sing hush-a-by
loo,la-lo,la lan sing hush-a-by loo la lo
Take time to thrive my ray of hope
in the garden of Dramore
Take heed young eaglet
till thy wings are feathered fit to soar
a little rest and then the world
is full of work to do
sing hush-a-by loo,
la-lo,la lan sing hush-a-by loo la lo
sing hush-a-by loo,
la-lo,la lan sing hush-a-by loo la lo
(It fades to Lachy introducing a song that they like to dress up.)
Lachy: G'day! Dressing up can brighten up your day. Dressing up is so much fun. You can dress as anyone. You can choose any clothes you find. And you can up as a prince. (He pretends to dress up as a prince.) Hello! I'm a prince. You can dress up as a doctor. (He pretends to dress up as a doctor.) Open up your mouth and say, "Ahh!" Ahhh! You can dress up as an astronaut. (He is doing his moonwalk.) You can walk on the moon! And you can dress up s a juggling jester clown. (He hums as he's pretending to be a juggling jester clown.) Come on, let's dress up in style!
(Opening circle transition to the song: Dressing Up in Style (Prince Lachy). A scene where Lachy dressed up as a prince.)
Lachy: (singing) I'm dressing up in my noble crown
My Prince boots and royal gown
Ooo, I'm dressing up in style
Hello! I'm Prince Lachy.
It's nice to meet you.
Shall we dance?
Aa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Thank you!
(singing) Dressing up is so much fun
You can dress as anyone
You can use any clothes you find
I am a Prince!
I'm dressing up in my noble crown
My Prince boots and royal gown
Ooo, I'm dressing up in style
Ooo, I'm dressing up in style.
(Balloons transition to the song: Blow Up Your Balloon (Huff and Huff and Puff). A scene where Lachy is blowing up some balloons in the toy room.)
Lachy: (singing) Blow up your balloon
Huff and huff and puff
Oh, but just enough
Blow up your balloon
Huff and puff and blow up your balloon
March with your balloon
Lift your knees up high
Lift your knees up high
March with your balloon
March with your balloon
Lift your knees up high
Lift your knees and march with your balloon.
(Opening circle transition to Lachy dancing, while introducing a song about Moonshine Pearl.)
Lachy: Everybody, it's music time. And I'm about to sing a beautiful song called "Moonshine Pearl". Now, Moonshine Pearl is all about a girl who lives one the moon and sits on her swing and tries to catch the stars. Next time you look up into the night sky, look up to the moon and wave to Moonshine Pearl. She'll be there, sitting on her swing, trying to catch the stars.
(Shot cuts to daytime, then it translates to nighttime. Until, opening circle transition to the song: Let's Go Riding with Ponso the Pony. A scene where Lachy is riding Ponso to go to the piano room & play a song.)
Lachy: Ah, Ponso! Come on, let's go to the piano room. Giddy up!
(singing) Let's go riding with Ponso the Pony,
Let's go riding with Ponso the Pony.
We're off to play the piano and sing today,
Yippee aye ay,
Yippee aye ay!
Giddy up, Ponso!
(He whistles, while going to the piano room. Song: Moonshine Pearl. A scene where Lachy plays a piano, while playing with a king wooden puppet.)
Lachy: (singing) On the moon, lives a girl
Her name is Moonshine Pearl
Every night she swings
And tries to catch the stars
On her swing she sings this tune
As we see the bright full moon
It's a song she calls 'The Full Moon Melody'
Full moon, full moon, full moon
Full moon, full moon, full moo-oo-oo-oon.
(It fades to blank screen, then it fades to nighttime, while it translates to daytime. Until, opening circle transition to the song: Hello, Hello, Welcome to the Lachy Wiggle Show. A scene where Lachy introducing himself.)
Lachy: (singing) Hello, hello, hello, hello
Welcome to the Lachy Wiggle Show
G'day, g'day, we're on our way.
For some adventure and play
Today feels like a groovy day.
Oh, yeah, man! Gee, c'mon!
(singing) Let's dance in a groovy way
For some adventure and play.
(Song: It's the Tin Can. A scene where Lachy is making a phone call to see if they come. It was The Wiggle Town Dancing Chefs.)
Lachy: (singing) It's the tin can
Hello, who's there?
It's The Wiggle Town Dancing Chefs
I'm on my way.
(Song: Let's Go Riding with Ponso the Pony. A scene where Lachy is riding Ponso to go see The Wiggle Town Dancing Chefs to come & have a dance.)
Lachy: Come on, everybody. We're off to see the Wiggle Town Dancing Chefs. Giddy up, Ponso!
(singing) Let's go riding with Ponso the Pony,
Let's go riding with Ponso the Pony.
We're off to see the Wiggle Town Dancing Chefs,
Yippee aye ay,
Yippee aye ay!
(Song: What Dance Will We Do Today? (Line Dancing). A scene where Lachy is gonna think of a special dance at The Wiggle Town Dancing Chefs.)
Lachy: (singing) What dance will we do today with the Wiggle Town Dancing Chefs?
Hmm. Line dancing.
(Song: Line Dancing Chefs. A scene where Emma & Simon are in chef uniform to do some line dancing with Lachy.)
Lachy: (singing) Grab your spoon, step front and back
Stir the pot, do the heal jack
Come on, oh, come on
The spatula, the pancake flip
Mashed potato, do the Broadway kick
Come on, mmm, come on
Line dancing with the Wiggle Town chefs, come on
(singing in a high note) Grab your spoon, step front and back
Stir the pot, do the heal jack
Come on, oh, come on
The spatula, the pancake flip
Mashed potato, do the Broadway kick
Come on, mmm, come on
Line dancing with the Wiggle Town chefs, come on.
(A xylophone with 4 changing colours transition to Lachy introducing about playing the whistling gypsy rover.)
Lachy: Everybody, the next song is called "The Gypsy Rover", all about the whistling gypsy rover. Now, I'm going to be playing the part of the gypsy rover. Can you try to whistle with me? All you do is purse your lips and blow. (He whistles to "The Gypsy Rover".) Now, Ponso here is going to play the whistling gypsy rover's pony. (Ponso neighs.) Emma is playing the part of the beautiful princess.
Emma: Hello! I'm the princess. What do you think of my flower crown?
Lachy: And Anthony is playing the part of King Archibald.
Anthony: I am King Archibald. I am the princess's father. What do you think of my crown?
Lachy: Come on, everybody! Let's whistle and sing "The Gypsy Rover".
(Opening circle transition to the song: The Gypsy Rover. A scene where Lachy is singing a song about a princess who gets together with King Archibald.)
Lachy: (He whistles.)
(singing) The gypsy rover came over the hill
Down through the valley so shady
He whistled and he sang
'Til the green woods rang
And he won the heart of a lady
Ar, de, doo, ar, de, doo, ar, day
Ar, de, doo, ar, de, day, de
He whistled and he sang
'Til the green woods rang
And he won the heart of a lady
She left her father's castle gate
She left her own fond lover
She left her servants and estate
To follow the Gypsy Rover
Ar, de, doo, ar, de, doo, ar, day
Ar, de, doo, ar, de, day, de
He whistled and he sang
'Til the green woods rang
And he won the heart of a lady
Her father saddled up his steed
Roamed the valleys all over
Sought his daughter at great speed
and the whistlin' gypsy rover
Ar, de, doo, ar, de, doo, ar, day
Ar, de, doo, ar, de, day, de
He whistled and he sang
'Til the green woods rang
And he won the heart of a lady
He came unto a mansion fine
Down by the river Clady
And there was music and there was wine
For the gypsy and his lady
Ar, de, doo, ar, de, doo, ar, day
Ar, de, doo, ar, de, day, de
He whistled and he sang
'Til the green woods rang
And he won the heart of a lady
He is no gypsy, my father, she said
But lord of these lands all over,
And I will stay till my dying day
With my whistlin' gypsy rover
Ar, de, doo, ar, de, doo, ar, day
Ar, de, doo, ar, de, day, de
He whistled and he sang
'Til the green woods rang
And he won the heart of a lady.
(He whistles.)
(Opening circle transition to a Canada flag. Then, it fades to Lachy waving. Until, he turned to camera while introducing a song all about colours of the rainbow.)
Lachy: There are so many beautiful colours. Colours in flowers, beautiful reds, beautiful greens, blues, pinks, yellows. There are colours in flags as well, reds, whites and blues. Colours are everywhere. There are a rainbow of colours for you to see and paint.
(Shot cuts to the Toy Room. Until, opening camera transition to the song: Fingers, Fingers, Covered in Paint! A scene where Lachy is gonna paint with their fingers in the toy room.)
Lachy: We're going to do some finger-painting!
(singing) Fingers, fingers covered in paint
Splodge it, splodge it, splodge the page
Fingers, fingers covered in paint
Splodge it, splodge the page
Hmm, we've done splodging. Now let's try swirling.
Fingers, fingers covered in paint
Swirl it, swirl it, swirl the page
Fingers, fingers covered in paint
Swirl it, swirl the page.
(Song: Rainbow of Colours. A scene where Lachy is gonna sing a song about colours of the rainbow after finished finger painting.)
Lachy: (singing) Purple is the colour of grapes
Red is the colour of cherries
Yellow is the colour of bananas
And blue is the colour of blueberries
We've got a rainbow of colours together
Colours that you see here and there
A rainbow of colours together
See them everywhere.
(Song: It's the Tin Can. A scene where Lachy is making a phone call to see if they come. It was The Wiggle Town Dancing Sailors.)
Lachy: (singing) It's the tin can
Hello, who's there?
It's The Wiggle Town Dancing Sailors
I'm on my way.
(Song: Let's Go Riding with Ponso the Pony. A scene where Lachy is riding Ponso to go see The Wiggle Town Dancing Sailors to come & have a dance.)
Lachy: Come on, everybody! We're off to see the Wiggle Town Dancing Sailors. Giddy up, Ponso!
(singing) Let's go riding with Ponso the Pony,
Let's go riding with Ponso the Pony.
We're off to see the Wiggle Town Dancing Sailors,
Yippee aye ay,
Yippee aye ay!
Giddy up, Ponso!
(Song: What Dance Will We Do Today? (Tap Dancing). A scene where Lachy is gonna think of a special dance at The Wiggle Town Dancing Sailors.)
Lachy: (singing) What dance will we do today with the Wiggle Town Dancing Sailors?
Hmm, tap dancing!
(Song: Oliver's Tap. A scene where Caterina, Emma & Anthony are in sailors uniform to do some tap dancing with Lachy.)
Lachy: (singing) Let's all tap, tap, tap our feet
With the Wiggle Town Sailors
Tap, tap, tappity, tap, tap, tap
With the Wiggle Town Sailors
(Instrumental break.)
Tappity, tap, a-tap, tappity, tap, a-tap
Tappity, tap, a-tap, tappity, tap, a-tap
The Wiggle Town Sailors.
(Shot cuts to the Invention Room. Until, opening circle transition to the song: The Invention Song. A scene where Lachy is gonna show something an invention called a lavender spray mist.)
Lachy: (singing) Are you ready to invent something fun?
All you need is your lavender mist.
What would you like to invent today?
Put your goggles on, come on let's play.
Use your lavender mist and you will see.
Spray it in the air on the count of 3.
1, 2, 3. Spray! (He sprays a lavender mist.) Robot dancing. (He dances some his robot moves.)
(Song: It's Time to Walk to the Toy Room. A scene where Lachy is going for a walk to the toy room.)
Lachy: (singing) It's time to walk to the toy room
Come on and walk my way
Come on, let's walk to the toy room
And see what we find today.
(Song: Dressing Up in Style (Juggling Jester). A scene where Lachy dressed up as a clown who juggles.)
Lachy: (singing) I'm dressing up in my big clown shoes
My clown hat, I'm in a funny mood
Ooo, I'm dressing up in style
Hello! I'm Lachy the Clown.
Let's juggle.
(He juggles.)
Dressing up is so much fun
You can dress as anyone
You can use any clothes you find
I am a clown!
I'm dressing up in my big clown shoes
My clown hat, I'm in a funny mood
Ooo, I'm dressing up in style
Ooo, I'm dressing up in style.
(Fruit transition to Lachy holding some fruit & introducing a song about making fruit salad.)
Lachy: Fruit salad, yummy, yummy! Do you like fruit? You know what? With fruit, you can make a beautiful fruit salad. You can make your own fruit salad at home. You can get some grapes, some banana, some apple, and whatever other favourite fruits you like, watermelon, grapefruit, honeydew melon. Now, when you make a fruit salad at home, make sure Mum or Dad are with you. You can use a plastic knife, cut the fruit up, spoon it into a bowl, and then you're ready to eat yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy fruit salad! Mm-mm!
(Opening camera transition to the song: Chop it, Chop it, Fruit Salad. A scene where Lachy is gonna chop the fruit to make some fruit salad in the toy room.)
Lachy: Mm, let's make fruit salad!
(singing) Chop it, chop it, fruit salad
Chop it, chop it, fruit salad
Chop it, chop it, fruit salad
Chop it, fruit salad
Hmm, well, we've chopped the fruit salad. Now let's put it in a bowl.
(singing) Spoon it, spoon it into a bowl
Spoon the fruit salad into a bowl
Spoon it, spoon it into a bowl
Yummy, yummy fruit salad.
(Song: Fruit Salad. A scene where Lachy is gonna eat some fruit salad after he chopped up some fruits.)
Lachy: (singing) Fruit salad, yummy, yummy
Fruit salad, yummy, yummy
Fruit salad, yummy, yummy
Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy fruit salad
Fruit salad, aha, yummy, yummy
Fruit salad, aha, yummy, yummy
Fruit salad, aha, yummy, yummy
Yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy fruit salad.
(He whistles after he ate a bowl of fruit salad, while he is going to the piano room. Song: Moonshine Pearl. A scene where Lachy plays a piano, while playing with a king wooden puppet next to an apple & a banana.)
Lachy: (singing) I like to eat, eat, eat
Apples and bananas
I like to eat, eat, eat
Apples and bananas
Oh I like to eat, eat, eat
Apples and bananas
I like to eat, eat, eat
Apples and bananas.
(Opening circle transition to a fountain in Toronto Park. Shot cuts to Lachy is doing some sign language called "AUSLAN".)
Lachy: (He's signing.) Hi. My name is L-A-C-H-Y. I love to dance. (He is dancing.)
(Opening circle transition to the song: It's the Tin Can. A scene where Lachy is making a phone call to see if they come. It was The Wiggle Town Dancing Nurses.)
Lachy: (singing) It's the tin can
Hello, who's there?
It's The Wiggle Town Dancing Nurses
I'm on my way.
(Song: Let's Go Riding with Ponso the Pony. A scene where Lachy is riding Ponso to go see The Wiggle Town Dancing Nurses to come & have a dance.)
Lachy: Come on, everybody! We're off to see the Wiggle Town Dancing Nurses. Giddy up, Ponso!
(singing) Let's go riding with Ponso the Pony,
Let's go riding with Ponso the Pony.
We're off to see the Wiggle Town Dancing Nurses,
Yippee aye ay,
Yippee aye ay!
(Song: What Dance Will We Do Today? (Jazz Dancing). A scene where Lachy is gonna think of a special dance at The Wiggle Town Dancing Nurses.)
Lachy: (singing) What dance will we do today with the Wiggle Town Dancing Nurses?
Hmm. Oh, jazz!
(Song: Oliver's Jazz. A scene where Caterina, Emma & Dominic are in nurses uniform to do some jazz dancing with Lachy.)
Lachy: (singing) Let's all dance some jazz with the Wiggle Town Nurses
Let's all dance some jazz with the Wiggle Town Nurses
(Guitar solo.)
Yeah, you've got that jazzbo feeling
Let's all dance some jazz with the Wiggle Town Nurses
Let's all dance some jazz with the Wiggle Town Nurses
(Guitar solo.)
Let's dance some jazz with the Wiggle Town Nurses.
Gee, c'mon!
(It translates to the Piano Room. Until, opening camera transition to the song: This Little Pig. A scene where Lachy plays a piano, while playing with a king wooden puppet next to some pigs.)
Lachy: (singing) This little piggy went to market
This little piggy stayed home
This little piggy had roast beef
This little piggy had none
This little piggy cried "Whee, whee, whee, whee whee!" all the way home.
This little piggy went to market
This little piggy stayed home
This little piggy had roast beef
This little piggy had none
This little piggy cried "Whee, whee, whee, whee whee!" all the way home.
(It fades to blank screen, then it fades to nighttime, while it translates to daytime. Until, opening circle transition to the song: Hello, Hello, Welcome to the Lachy Wiggle Show. A scene where Lachy introducing himself.)
Lachy: (singing) Hello, hello, hello, hello
Welcome to the Lachy Wiggle Show
G'day, g'day, we're on our way.
For some adventure and play
Today feels like a walking day.
Walk, walk, walk, walk, walk!
(singing) Come on, everybody and walk with me
For some adventure and play.
(Song: It's Time to Walk to the Toy Room. A scene where Lachy is going for a walk to the toy room.)
Lachy: (singing) It's time to walk to the toy room
Come on and walk my way
Come on, let's walk to the toy room
And see what we find today.
(Song: I Climb Ten Stairs. A scene where Lachy is going for a walk to climb ten steps.)
Lachy: (singing) Well there's ten stairs that I must climb
To get up to my home
And every day as I climb
I count them as I go
I count one, two, three, four, five and six
Seven, eight, nine and ten
I count one, two, three, four, five and six
Seven, eight, nine and ten
When I get up to the top
I count back down again
I count ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four
Three, two and one
I count ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four,
Three, two and one.
(He whistles & walking, while he is going to the piano room. Song: Michael Finnegan. A scene where Lachy plays a piano, while playing with a king wooden puppet who played by Michael Finnegan.)
Lachy: (singing) There was an old man
Named Michael Finnegan
He had whiskers
On his chin-ne-gan
Along came the wind
And blew them in again
Poor old Michael Finnegan, begin again.
There was an old man
Named Michael Finnegan
He had whiskers
On his chin-ne-gan
Along came the wind
And blew them in again
Poor old Michael Finnegan.
(It slides transition to Lachy at the train station in Canada.)
Lachy: (He acts like a train.) I'm here outside a train station somewhere in Canada. Now, inside the train station, the trains are arriving at the station, ready to pick up the passengers to take them to where they need to go. Do you know what sound a train makes when it's on the tracks? Chugga-chugga, chugga-chugga, chugga-chugga, chugga-chugga, chugga-chugga, chugga-chugga, chugga, toot! You can build your trains at home. Connect them, connect them, one at a time.
(Shot cuts to the Toy Room. Until, opening camera transition to the song: All Aboard the Lachy Train A scene where Lachy is gonna connect train cars & play with it.)
Lachy: Oh, look! A train engine and carriages.
(singing) Connect them, connect them, one at a time
Connect them, connect them, one at a time
Connect them, connect them, now take your time
Let's count. 1, 2, 3.
Now the train's connected, let's push it and make it roll.
(singing) Push the train, make it roll
Push the train, make it roll
Push the train, make it roll.
All aboard the Lachy train!
(Song: Down by the Station. A scene where Lachy is wearing a train conductor's hat & goes for a train ride.)
Lachy: (singing) Down by the station early in the morning
See the little pufferbillies all in a row
See the engine master turn a little handle
Puff puff! Toot toot! Off we go
Puff puff! Toot toot! Off we go.
Faster, pufferbillies!
(singing) Down by the station early in the morning
See the little pufferbillies all in a row
See the engine master turn a little handle
Puff puff! Toot toot! Off we go
Puff puff! Toot toot! Off we go.
(He whistles, while going back to his room.)
(Song: It's the Tin Can. A scene where Lachy is making a phone call to see if they come. It was The Wiggle Town Dancing Police.)
Lachy: (singing) It's the tin can
Hello, who's there?
It's The Wiggle Town Dancing Police
I'm on my way.
(Shot cuts to the Dancing Police. Until, shot transition to the song: Oliver's Tap. A scene where Caterina, Emma & Anthony are in police uniform to do some tap dancing with Lachy.)
Lachy: (singing) Let's all tap, tap, tap our feet
With the Wiggle Town Police
Tap, tap, tappity, tap, tap, tap
With the Wiggle Town Police
(Instrumental break.)
Tappity, tap, a-tap, tappity, tap, a-tap
Tappity, tap, a-tap, tappity, tap, a-tap
The Wiggle Town Police.
(A xylophone with 4 changing colours transition to Lachy standing next to a tree at the park in Canada, while getting ready to sing.)
Lachy: Everybody, I'm standing next to a tree somewhere in a park in Canada, ready to sing a beautiful sonnet just for you. (He clears his throat.)
(singing) Music can be beautiful
Music can be fun
Music is not just for me but for everyone.
Did you enjoy that? I hope so.
(Shot cuts to daytime, then it translates to nighttime. Until, opening circle transition to the song: Dressing Up in Style (Lachy The Astronaut). A scene where Lachy dressed up as an astronaut.)
Lachy: (singing) I'm dressing up in my astronaut suit
I'm ready to walk on the moon
Ooo, I'm dressing up in style
Hello! I'm Lachy the Astronaut.
Let's walk on the moon!
(He is doing a special moonwalk.)
Dressing up is so much fun
You can dress as anyone
You can use any clothes you find
I'm dressing up in my astronaut suit
I'm ready to walk on the moon
Ooo, I'm dressing up in style
Ooo, I'm dressing up in style.
(Shot cuts to the Piano Room. Until, opening camera transition to the song: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. A scene where Lachy plays a piano, while playing with a king wooden puppet next to a star.)
Lachy: (singing) Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
How I wonder what you are
How I wonder what you are.
(It fades to blank screen, then it fades to nighttime, while it translates to daytime. Until, opening circle transition to the song: It's the Tin Can. A scene where Lachy is making a phone call to see if they come. It was The Wiggle Town Dancing Police.)
Lachy: (singing) It's the tin can
Hello, who's there?
It's The Wiggle Town Dancing Police
I'm on my way.
(Shot cuts to the Dancing Police. Until, shot transition to the song: What Dance Will We Do Today? (Line Dancing). A scene where Lachy is gonna think of a special dance at The Wiggle Town Dancing Police.)
Lachy: (singing) What dance will we do today with the Wiggle Town Dancing Police?
Hmm, line dancing.
(Song: Line Dancing Polices. A scene where Emma & Simon are in police uniform to do some line dancing with Lachy.)
Lachy: (singing) Blow your whistle, step front and back
Stop the traffic, do the heal jack
Come on, oh, come on
Wave the baton, do the twist
Mashed potato, do the Broadway kick
Come on, ooh, come on
Line dancing with the Wiggle Town police, come on
(singing in a high note) Blow your whistle, step front and back
Stop the traffic, do the heal jack
Come on, oh, come on
Wave the baton, do the twist
Mashed potato, do the Broadway kick
Come on, ooh, come on
Line dancing with the Wiggle Town police, come on.
(Lachy gives their police hats to Emma & Simon. Lachy rides with Ponso, leaving The Wiggle Town Dancing Police while going back to his room.)
(Song: Lachy's Goodbye Song. A scene where Lachy is gonna wave goodbye to everybody at the end of the show.)
Lachy: (singing) It's nice to see you today so much fun
It's time to say goodbye, the time has come
Can you put your hand up high?
Let's all wave goodbye
And goodbye rhymes with
(Shot cuts to the end credits are rolling. While Lachy! is playing during the closing sequence of his TV Series.)
Jackie Barnes & Emma: (singing) Lachy Wiggle