This is the transcript for Lachy's Rhyme Time.
(The episode starts with an opening sequence when Anthony, Emma & Lachy are opening the Wigglehouse door, while greetings to the viewers.)
Anthony: Hello there. Welcome to the Wigglehouse. Today is upside-down Lachy day.
Emma: (Anthony strums his guitar, Simon & Captain Feathersword are holding Lachy to make it upside down, while singing.) Welcome to the Wigglehouse
(with the Male Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) To the Wigglehouse
Welcome to the Wigglehouse today.
Welcome to the Wigglehouse
To the Wigglehouse
It's Ready, Steady, Wiggle all day.
Captain Feathersword: Wow-how! (Emma wiggles her fingers.)
(Opening camera transition to the song: Ready, Steady, Wiggle! A scene where The Wiggles & their friends are getting ready to wiggle this song. At the end, Patrick Munoz rides his little Big Red Car toy.)
Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!
Lachy: (singing) Emma, Lachy, Simon and Anthony too!
Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!
Emma: (singing) You can jump like a kangaroo!
Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!
Simon: (singing) Dorothy, Wags and Henry too!
Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!
and Captain Feathersword, woo-hoo!
(Emma: (singing) Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, woo!)
(Shot transition to Lachy is trying to make up a rhyming poem.)
Lachy: Hello. What's your name again? Of course it is. Well, it's good to see you. I'm Lachy and today I'm trying to write a rhyming poem with the word "cat". This is what I've got so far. The cat sat on the... (A drumroll sound effect.) ..floor? (A cymbal crashed & a wrong buzzer sound effect.) No. No, no, no. That didn't work. The cat sat on the... (A drumroll sound effect.) ..fence? (A cymbal crashed & a wrong buzzer sound effect.) No. No, no, no. That didn't rhyme. Ah! The cat sat on the... (A drumroll sound effect.) ..banana chair? (A cymbal crashed & a wrong buzzer sound effect.) That didn't rhyme either. What do I do? What do I do? How do I come up with a rhyme for "cat"?
Paul Field: (offscreen, until the trivia appears on the screen.) What will Lachy do to find a rhyme? Will he find a rhyme in time? Is Lachy a poet, but he doesn't know it?
(Lachy's door closes. Then, Simon's door opens transition to the song: Pappadum. A scene where The Wiggles & Kimberley are wearing their Indian outfits, while eating some pappadums.)
Simon: (singing) Pappadum, pappadum, pappa-pappa-pappadum
Pappa-pappa-pappa-pappa-pappadum (The Other Wiggles could sing this song repeated 16 times, until at the end.)
Simon: (singing) Pappa-pappa-pappa-pappa
(They were all eating pappadums at the end of the song. Then, 4 coloured rectangles sliding transition to Professor Simon & Captain Feathersword talking about the letter of the day. It was the letter "F".)
Simon: Today's letter of the alphabet is the letter "F" or "fff".
Captain Feathersword: Oh! (He chuckles. He ribbits & hops like a frog.) Ribbit! Ribbit! Ribbit!
Simon: That's right, Captain! "Frog"!
Captain Feathersword: Ooh-hoo-hoo! Fabulously funny frogs!
Simon: Oh, Captain!
Captain Feathersword: (He ribbits & hops like a frog.) Ribbit! Ribbit!
(9 rectangles covered the screen, until the logo pops up transition to the Wigglehouse. While they're singing "In the Wigglehouse." Then, shot cuts to Lachy is wearing a science lab coat, safety goggles & a lavender to spray, until Mr. Shakespeare is coming to Lachy's room.)
Lachy: I'm trying to find a rhyming word for "cat" and you've come up with a great suggestion to help me. So here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna put on my safety goggles. (He put his safety goggles on.) I'm gonna use my lavender mist to bring back one of the best poets of all time, Mr. William Shakespeare. Here we go! (He sprays some lavender mist, while Mr. Shakespeare arrives.)
Mr. Shakespeare: (He arrived Lachy's room.) O! T'would appear I have come from a lavender mist!
Lachy: (He put down his lavender mist & take off his safety goggles.) Hi, Mr. Shakespeare.
Mr. Shakespeare: Hello. Oh, and what would your name be, young man?
Lachy: It's Lachlan.
Mr. Shakespeare: Oh! Hello, young Leopold. And what is it you would have me do?
Lachy: Er, it's Lachlan.
Mr. Shakespeare: Oh, yes, of course. Hello, young Ludwig. What can I help you with?
Lachy: Er, it's Lachlan.
Mr. Shakespeare: Yes. Young Lenny, you have a request of me?
Lachy: Yes, Mr. Shakespeare. Um, I'm trying to write a rhyming poem with "cat".
Mr. Shakespeare: Oh!
Lachy: So, if you wouldn't mind me performing it for you, this is what I've got so far.
Mr. Shakespeare: Yes, yes.
Lachy: The cat sat on the banana chair. (A wrong buzzer sound effect.)
Mr. Shakespeare: The cat sat on the banana chair? Oh! Not one of the best rhymes I've ever heard, young Lancefield. But never fear! Instead of giving you the answer that you are requireth of me, I shall instead depart and thou, with thine own mind, shall come up with the word, eventually, that thoust needeth.
Lachy: OK, well, thank you, Mr. Shakespeare. Er, just don't trip on the mat on the way out.
Mr. William Shakespeare: (He's shocked.) Didst thou say, "Don't trip on the mat"? Fancy that! And young Leopold is looking for a rhyme with the word "cat"! (He chuckles, while leaving.)
Lachy: (He shrugs.) Huh?
Paul Field: (offscreen, until the trivia appears on the screen.) Will Mr. Shakespeare trip on the mat? Will Lachy find a rhyme with cat? What do you think of that?
(A picture of four things & colours transition to the song: I've Got My Glasses On! A scene where The Wiggles & Captain Feathersword are wearing glasses, so they could see better.)
Emma: Now what do you look through to see clearly? Help me, guys!
Anthony: Glasses.
Lachy: Spectacles.
Simon: Prescription sunglasses.
Paul: Bifocals.
Lachy: Goggles.
Simon: Monocle.
Emma: (singing) I can see clearly now
(backing vocals: I can see clear)
Emma: (singing) I got my glasses on
(backing vocals: I've got my glasses on)
Lachy: (singing) I can see the leaves on the tree
(backing vocals: Leaves on the tree)
Lachy: (singing) With my glasses on
(backing vocals: With my glasses on)
Emma: (singing) A butterfly
(backing vocals: Fly)
Emma: (singing) or birds in the sky
(backing vocals: Sky)
Emma: (singing) I want to tell you that I, I, I, I, I
I can see clearly now
(backing vocals: I can see clear)
Emma: (singing) I got my glasses on
(backing vocals: I got my glasses on)
Simon: (singing) Who's got the glasses?
Lachy: (singing) We've got the glasses
Simon: (singing) We've got the glasses on
Wiggles: (singing) And on, and on, and on
Simon: (singing) Who's got the glasses?
Lachy: (singing) We've got the glasses
Simon: (singing) We've got the glasses on
Emma: (singing) I can see clearly now
(backing vocals: I can see clear)
Emma: (singing) I got my glasses on
(backing vocals: I've got my glasses on)
Lachy: (singing) Detail of the ants antennae
(backing vocals: ant's antennae)
Lachy: (singing) With my glasses on
(backing vocals: With my glasses on)
Simon: (singing) Little baby's toes
(backing vocals: Toes)
Simon: (singing) or a circus show
(backing vocals: Show)
Simon: (singing) I've got my glasses on, on, on, on, I
I can see clearly now
(backing vocals: I can see clearly)
Simon: (singing) I got my glasses on
(backing vocals: I've got my glasses on)
Anthony: (singing) Who got the glasses?
Lachy: (singing) We got the glasses
Wiggles: (singing) You've got the glasses on and on and on and on
Anthony: (singing) Who got the glasses?
Simon: (singing) We got the glasses
Lachy: (singing) We got the glasses on
Emma: There are lots of different types of glasses and words to describe them. Tell us, guys.
Anthony: Sporty
Lachy: UV protection.
Simon: Designer.
Paul: Brackets.
Lachy: Groovy.
Emma: (singing) Who's got the glasses?
Wiggles: (singing) We've got the glasses
Emma: (singing) You've got the glasses on
Wiggles: (singing) And on and on and on
Emma: (singing) Who's got the glasses?
Wiggles: (singing) We've got the glasses
Emma: (singing) You've got the glasses on
Simon: (singing) Who's got the glasses?
Lachy: (singing) We've got the glasses
Simon: (singing) We've got the glasses on
Wiggles: (singing) And on, and on, and on
Simon: (singing) Who's got the glasses?
Emma and Lachy: (singing) We've got the glasses
Wiggles: (singing) We've got the glasses on.
(4 coloured rectangles sliding transition to the Wigglehouse. While they're singing "Wigglehouse." Then, shot cuts to Lachy found a solution for a rhyming word.)
Lachy: I'm trying to find a rhyming work for the word "cat". Mr. Shakespeare made such a hoo-ha about the word "mat" so that's that! Cat! Mat! Ah-ha! A poem by Lachy Wiggle. The cat sat on the mat! (They're applauding in the background.)
(Simon's door closes. Then, Anthony's door opens transition to the song: Open, Shut Them. A scene where Emma is teaching them how to open & close with their hands.)
Wiggles: (singing) Open, shut them
Open, shut them
Emma: (singing) Give a little clap
Wiggles: (singing) Open, shut them
Open, shut them
Emma: (singing) Lay them in your lap
Wiggles: (singing) Creep them, creep them
Creep them, creep them
Emma: (singing) Right up to your chin
Wiggles: (singing) Open wide your little mouth
Emma: (She gasps.) (singing) But do not let them in.
Now, this time let's sing a little bit faster. Here we go.
Wiggles: (singing) Open, shut them
Open, shut them
Emma: (singing) Give a little clap
Wiggles: (singing) Open, shut them
Open, shut them
Emma: (singing) Lay them in your lap
Wiggles: (singing) Creep them, creep them
Creep them, creep them
Emma: (singing) Right up to your chin
Wiggles: (singing) Open wide your little mouth
Emma: (She gasps.) (singing) But do not let them in.
(A picture of four things & colours transition to Dorothy talked about what we learned today in the epilogue part.)
Dorothy: What did we do today? We sang songs and danced together. William Shakespeare helped Lachy with his rhymes. Lachy was a poet be he didn't know it! (She giggles.) We heard about some fabulous, funny frogs in "Simon's Alphabet". It was "ribbiting"! (She giggles.) We'll see you next time on Ready, Steady, Wiggle! Bye!
(Shot transition to the end credits are rolling, while Captain Feathersword & The Wiggles are waving goodbye to the screen, during Ready, Steady, Wiggle! instrumental track is playing in the background. After that, the endboard is showing.)