This is the transcript for Laugh, Draw, Sing Anything.
(The episode starts with a Wiggle Town location of a cartoon version. Until, the song: Come on Down to Wiggle Town the short version. It appears their names in the opening sequence.)
Lachy: (singing) There's a town called Wiggle Town
What a place to be
Emma: (singing) Come on down to Wiggle Town
Wiggles: (singing) A great place to be
(After the song is finished, it shows the title card. Then, opening camera transition to the song: Welcome to Wiggle Town. A scene where The Wiggles introducing themselves, until Dorothy is clapping.)
Wiggles: (singing) Hello and welcome to our Wiggle Town
Simon: Howdy, doody!
Anthony: Tutti frutti!
(with Simon, Lachy & Emma singing.) Take a look around
Dorothy claps applause
(Dorothy claps.)
Here in Wiggle Town.
(Opening circle transition to the song: Two Painters. A scene where Lachy holding a book to tells about some 2 people who can paint with Emma & Lachy.)
Lachy: (singing) Two painters met in a lane
Bowed most politely, bowed once again
Emma: (singing) Spligidy splodge!
Lachy: (singing) Spligidy splodge!
Wiggles: (singing) Spligidy splodge again.
Dorothy: (offscreen) The Music Room.
(It translates to the Music Room sign transition. Then, shot cuts to the song: Rock & Roll Preschool. A scene where Anthony starts playing his electric guitar, while The Wiggles are gonna sing a song about our special preschool.)
Lachy: (singing) Rock and roll preschool
(with Emma, Anthony & Simon singing.) Rock and roll preschool
Lachy: (singing) Laugh, draw, sing anything
Pack a lunch, play on a swing
Dance, paint, dress or, play
Whatever rock and rolls your day
(with backing vocals in a bridge: Day-ay-ay)
Lachy: (singing) Rock and roll preschool
(with Emma, Anthony & Simon singing.) Rock and roll preschool
Emma, Simon & Lou Diamond Phillips: (singing) Don't share your food at preschool
(with Anthony & Lachy singing: Do not bring peanuts)
Emma, Simon & Dominic: (singing) Don't share your food at preschool
(with Anthony & Lachy singing: Do not bring peanuts)
Emma, Simon & Dominic: (singing) Don't share your food at preschool
(with Anthony & Lachy singing: Because of allergies)
Emma, Simon & Dominic: (singing) Never bring peanuts to preschool
Lachy: (singing) Rock and roll preschool
(with Emma, Anthony & Simon singing.) Rock and roll preschool
Lachy: (singing) Rock and roll preschool
(with Emma, Anthony & Simon singing.) Rock and roll preschool
(After the singing there is a big jump at the end. Then, opening camera transition to the song: Goodbye from Wiggle Town. A scene where The Wiggles & Wags are saying goodbye to our favourite place called Wiggle Town at the end of the show, while the end credits are rolling.)
Wiggles: (singing) It's goodbye from Wiggle Town
It's goodbye from Wiggle Town.
(Shot cuts to the endboard is shown.)