Yellow circle on a purple background. This one's different, it's a red triangle.
This one's different, it's a black rectangle. While this one is just plain blue.
Not what you were looking for?
Try Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! (video), the Australian Promotional video from 2003.

Lights, Camera, Action! is a TV Series compilation video released exclusively in North America on May 24, 2005. It contains two episodes from TV Series 2 and two from TV Series 3 (11-minute versions), with bonus features relating to TV Series 4.



Get ready for some wiggly fun! Join Anthony in his workshop to make pizza - yummy yummy! Captain Feathersword is making all sorts of animal sounds and where could Jeff be? Find the answers and some classic tunes in this exciting episode!

It's time for all things Australian with The Wiggles! Greg, Anthony, Jeff and Murray go on a bushwalk, and then try a game of boomerang! Kids will love discovering new Aussie music as well as dancing to The Wiggles' beloved songs!

"Can You (Point Your Fingers And Do The Twist?)" Of course, when you're wiggling with Greg, Anthony, Murray and Jeff! Hear an instrument that makes animal noises and help Captain Feathersword decide what to eat! When you wiggle, it's always fun!

Welcome to Network Wiggles News! Join Greg, Anthony, Murray and Jeff as they learn about awesome Aussie animals in a wildlife park and keep on wiggling to favorite songs like "Play Your Guitar (With Murray)!"


Welcome to Network Wiggles! Join the fab four of fun in four of your favorite episodes of wiggly TV!

Play your guitar with Murray, visit Anthony's Workshop, find out what's happening in Greg's News and help The Wiggles find Jeff!

Sing and dance along with The Wiggles, Dorothy the Dinosaur, Wags the Dog, Henry the Octopus and Captain Feathersword.

Discover the land Down Under with Australian music, games and animals. Beauty mate!

So, Lights, Camera, Action! Let's go, go, go!


Episodes and Songs[]

Special Features[]


