
"Looking For Rock-a-Bye Bear" is a song from the Fruit Salad TV episode: "Team Work". The song's lyrics are based on "The Bear Hunt".


Let's find Rock-A-Bye Bear

It could be anywhere

It's a beautiful day

It's a beautiful day

To find Rock-A-Bye Bear

Oh a door a big wiggly door

We have to walk through it

And there's an empty chair

We'll do the swish swish dance there

Swish swish swish swish swish swish

Swish swish swish swish swish

Let's find Rock-A-Bye Bear

It could be anywhere

It's a beautiful day

It's a beautiful day

To find Rock-A-Bye Bear

Oh a door a big wiggly door

We have to walk through it

But there's an empty chair

We'll do the swish swish dance there

Swish swish swish swish swish swish

Swish swish swish swish swish

We can't find Rock-A-Bye Bear

We looked everywhere

But there's an empty chair

But no Rock-A-Bye Bear

Let's go through the door

The big wiggly door

Let's Walk through it

To find Rock-A-Bye Bear

Let's do the Tip-toe dance

Tip-toe Tip-toe Tip-toe Tip-toe Tip-toe

Tip-toe Tip-toe Tip-toe Tip-toe

Song Credits[]

Anthony Field, Alex Keller, Dominic Lindsay, Simon Pryce (Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd)
