
Michael King (born 1 November 1995) has been a lifelong Wiggles fan, owner of the largest Wiggles collection as far as the eye could see and he has had the amazing privilege to work for The Wiggles in many different ways. He's toured as a Wiggly Dancer, has been the "helper" of every Wiggly Friend (except for Shirley-Shawn) at least once; (Most notably filled in as Captain Feathersword when Dominic Field was filling in for Simon). King has also been on stand-by as an understudy for Anthony Field during a show when Anthony was ill. King has also been working at Dreamworld for a number of years. In 2018, he became known as the "Wiggly Brain of the Universe" when he competed against Anthony getting every question right.

Most recently, Michael has been helping out with The Wiggles' YouTube Channel. Most notably, choosing songs for the compilations.

