Nikos Filippatos
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Filippatos playing bouzouki with Anthony during the Wiggly Big Day Out live tour.

Nikolaos Filippatos (born July 23, 1985)[1] is a Sydney-based Greek musician, singer, songwriter and audio engineer. Ηe has collaborated with the Wiggles as both a touring and studio musician and as a composer, and portrayed the character "Pilotos Pavlos" in the "Learning Greek with Lucia!" web video[2]. In January 2024, he officially joined the Wiggles' team as a full-time musician and sound engineer, and is proficient in playing multiple instruments including the bouzouki, piano, keyboards, accordion, guitar, bass, banjo, mandolin, and drums.

In addition to his musical talents, Filippatos holds a B.Sc. in Molecular Biology and Genetics from the Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH) and an M.Phil. in Medical Science from the University of Adelaide (UoA). He has also worked as a Research Assistant for the DUTH's Immunobiology department and the UoA's Breast Cancer Research Unit.

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