Now We Can Put On A Show is a The Kingdom Of Paramithi song. It is an adaptation of Never Mind The Why And Therefore from the H.M.S Pinafore comic opera.
Never mind our royal duties
We have other work to do, please
I will tell the cast to get here fast
And they'll perform the show
There'll be costumes so delightful
And some that will be frightful (ooh!)
Hear the singer's lovely chorus
Voices like the angels sing
They will sing with deep emotion
They will sing for Queen and King
For our good Queen Isabella
Find a cast that's simply stellar
And for King John we must find them
They'll be here in Paramithi
Let the search for singers begin
Costume makers start to sew
Paint the set and build some props
And then we can put on our show!
Arthur Sullivan/Arr. Paul Field, Paul Paddick (Wiggly Tunes Pty. Ltd.)