
"One, Two, Three, Four Rhymes" is a Wiggles song from the Getting Strong! album and video.


One rhyme for cat

It's hat

Two rhymes for dog

Fog and log

Three rhymes for tree

Sea, tea, and bee

Four rhymes for coat

Boat, goat, moat and throat

One rhyme for cat

It's hat

Two rhymes for dog

Fog and log

Three rhymes for tree

Sea, tea, and bee

Four rhymes for purple

Smurple, burple, hurple, curple


The end, my friend

EspaƱol Latino[]

Una rima para frasco: Es casco.

Dos rimas para tos: AdiĆ³s y arroz.

Tres rimas para gris: MaĆ­z, nariz, paĆ­s.

Cuatro rimas para calor: Menor, color, pastor y sabor

Una rima para frasco: Es casco.

Dos rimas para tos: AdiĆ³s y arroz

Tres rimas para gris: MaĆ­z, nariz, paĆ­s

Cuatro rimas para pipa: Bipa, lipa, nipa, sipa. Huh?

Es el fin, amigos!

Song Credits[]

Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Anthony Field, Greg Page, John Field, Dominic Lindsay (Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd)


Video Appearances[]

Album Appearances[]

Episode Appearances[]

Wiggle and Learn[]

11-minute versions[]
22-minute versions[]