
"One Monkey Who" is a Wiggles song from The Wiggles Go Bananas! album and video.


One monkey who does what monkeys do
Swinging in the trees or hanging happily.
One monkey who does what monkeys do.
Look around as now there are two.

Two monkeys who do what monkeys do
Swinging in the trees or hanging happily.
Two monkeys who are swinging in the breeze.
Look around as now there are three.

Three monkeys who do what monkeys do
Swinging in the trees or hanging happily.
Three monkeys who hang above the floor.
Look around as now there are four.

Four monkeys who do what monkeys do
Swinging in the trees or hanging happily.
Four monkeys who hang near a beehive.
Look around as now there are five.

Five monkeys who do what monkeys do
Swinging in the trees or hanging happily.
Five monkeys who are crazy through and through
'Cause that's what monkeys love to do.

Español Latino[]

Un mono que, monerías, va a hacer
Cuelga de una rama, y se va a mecer
Un mono que saluda y dice "adiós"
Miro hacia arriba, ¡y hay dos!

Dos monos que, monerías, van a hacer
Cuelgan de una rama, y se van a mecer
Dos monos que se mecen otra vez
Miro hacia arriba, ¡y hay tres!

Tres monos que, monerías, van a hacer
Cuelgan de una rama, y se van a mecer
Tres monos que cuelgan por un rato
Miro hacia arriba, ¡y hay cuatro!

Cuatro monos que, monerías, van a hacer
Cuelgan de una rama, y se van a mecer
Cuatro monos hay, dando muchos brincos
Miro hacia arriba, ¡y hay cinco!
(¡Uno, dos, tres, cuatro!)

Cinco monos que, monerías, van a hacer
Cuelgan de una rama y se van a mecer
Cinco monos que, sin duda, van a hacer
Monerías hasta enloquecer

Song Credits[]

Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Anthony Field, Sam Moran, Paul Paddick (Wiggly Tunes Pty. Ltd.)
