"Put The Pop In The Popcorn" is the seventeenth episode of The Wiggles' World.
Meet Emma's cat 'Banjo', He Likes lots of cuddles. It's Party Day at Le James Café, so James is serving party food to put us in the party mood. Wags the dog plays a trick on Paul and he ends up with fruit salad and yogurt all over his face. Oh Wags! Now let's shake your hips with Wags the Dog at the Wiggly Arena.
- You Might Like A Pet (New recording)
- Paul the Dancing Waiter (Party Food)
- Entrez S'il Vous Plait (Party Food)
- Let's Put the Pop in the Popcorn! (New version)
- James' Dessert Song (Fruit Salad and Yoghurt)
- We're Dancing With Wags The Dog (Live)
- Wags' Dance (Live)
- This episode aired on Treehouse TV the day the Choo Choo Trains, Propeller Planes & Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Big Red Car! DVD was released in America.