Ready, Steady, Wiggle! Alternate Logo
The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword
Backdrop of the Wiggly Lounge Room
Backdrop of the Wiggly Kitchen
Behind the Scenes: "Anthony's Alphabet"
Behind the Scenes: "Ready, Steady, Wiggle! Theme Song"
The Wiggles and Captain in a promo picture
Dorothy and Anthony in a promo picture
The Wiggles,Henry and Captain in a promo picture
Simon, Captain Feathersword and Zamel the Camel
Dorothy, Chloe and Cooper
Lachy sleeping in his armchair
Behind the Scenes: "Dorothy the Dinosaur Interviews"
The Wiggles and Captain in a promo picture
The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword
The Replacement Wiggles and the Wiggly Mascots
Simon, Lachy, Henry and Wags
The Professional Wiggles and the Male Wiggly Friends
Dorothy and the Wiggles' bodies
Dorothy, Wags' body and the Wiggles' legs
Dorothy, Wags' Body and Henry's legs
Lachy and the Wiggly Mascots
The Opposite Wiggly Group