The Wiggles and the Wiggly Dancers
The Wiggles, Santa and the Wiggly Dancers
Santa and the Wiggly Dancers
News Reporter and Santa Claus
Paul Field and Peter Dudkin
Clare and Joseph as Mary and Joseph
Henry, Santa and the elves
"Henry's the Champion Christmas Wrapper"
Maria and the Wiggly Elves
The Other Wiggles and the Wiggly Dancers
The Wiggles and the Wiggly Dancers
The Wiggles and the Wiggly Dancers
Behind the Scenes: "This Little Baby is Born Again"
"This Little Baby is Born Again"
"This Little Baby is Born Again"
The Wiggles, The Wiggly Dancers and King Mondo
The Wiggles and Ross Wilson
The Wiggles and Ross Wilson
Paul Field and Ross Wilson
"Dorothy's Christmas Roses"
Dorothy under the beach umbrella
Dorothy drinking rosy tea
The Wiggles and Barry Williams
The Wiggles and Barry Williams
The Wiggles and Barry Williams
The Wiggles and Barry Williams
Santa, his and elves and reindeer
The Wiggly Group in promo picture
Anthony and his Christmas present
Greg and his Christmas present
Jeff and his Christmas present
Murray and his Christmas present
The Wiggly Mascots and Santa Claus
The Wiggly Group in a promo picture
The Wiggles and Santa Claus in a promo picture
The Wiggles and the Wiggly Dancers
Greg and Jeff in their Christmas pants
Captain, Katherine, Ben and Caterina
Captain, Anthony, Greg and Jeff
Captain, Ben, and Caterina
Captain Feathersword in his Christmas pants
Captain doing the reindeer dance
Ben, Captain and Katherine
Captain and Anthony at the Gladesville bridge
Anthony, Murray and Captain
Captain and Anthony at the Sydney Opera House
Murray, Anthony, Kristy, Brett and Jeff
Anthony and Murray in their Christmas pants
"Ho-ho, this is the best reindeer dance I've ever done!"
"Hey, everybody, it's that time of year. Time to dance and let out a cheer."
"Christmas sounds are everywhere..."
Captain ringing the bells
Greg introducing "Ring-a-Ding-a-Ding-Dong!"
"Ring the bells, everybody. It's Christmas time."
Murray, Greg, Captain and Anthony
Santa and the Wiggly Dancers
The Wiggles, Santa and the Wiggly Dancers
Greg and Captain ringing the bells
Greg, Anthony, Captain and Jeff
Ben, Clare, Greg, Jeff, Santa and Captain
The Wiggles, Captain and Santa
Murray, Anthony, Larissa and Katherine
Captain, Anthony, Larissa, Ryan, Caterina and Sam
Anthony playing the drums
Greg playing the glockenspiel
Seamus C., Clare and Joseph
Clare, Joseph, Sam, and Samus C.
Clare, Joseph and John Paul
Santa worried about his toys
Ben playing the tambourine
The Wiggly Dancers playing music
A split second pre-filmed deleted scene of the closing
Katherine as Henry the Octopus
Henry and the Wiggly elves
Henry, Santa and the elves
Brett, Sam, Clare, and Larissa
Santa and the presents wrapped
Greg, Murray and Ross Wilson
Greg asks Ross a question if a crown is too heavy to hold.
Ross answers yes so he takes it off
Greg holds the crown while falling down on his knees!
Murray introducing "This Little Baby is Born Again"
Anthony's daughter Lucia in his house
Anthony's wife Miki kissing Lucia
Creedence, Oliver and Anthony
Dylan, Alexis, Jodi and Edward
Katherine, Ross and Captain
Lucy, Anthony, Caterina, Larissa, Murray and Jeff
The Wiggles, Captain and the Wiggly Dancers
Jeff holding Christmas roses
Murray holding Christmas roses
Greg holding Christmas roses
Anthony holding a teddy bear
Anthony holding Christmas roses
The Wiggles holding Christmas roses
Greg playing the Yellow Maton guitar
Dorothy drinking rosy tea
The Wiggly Dancers holding Dorothy's name letters
The Wiggles playing music