Lachy introducing "Say the Dance, Do the Dance"
The Professional Wiggles as statues
Captain Feathersword as statue
The Professional Wiggles at Manly Beach
2015 version (Emma! Series 1 version)
2016 version (Wiggle Town! TV Series version)
The Wiggles doing the whirlybird
The Wiggles standing still as a statue
The Wiggles doing the belt buckle shine
2016 live (DANCE DANCE! The Wiggles BIG SHOW!)
Emma standing still as a statue
Lachy standing still as a statue
Simon standing still as a statue
The Wiggles standing still as a statue
Anthony and the Singing Barbers
The Singing Barbers version
The Little Wiggles version
Little Simon, Little Lachy, and Little Anthony
2022 live (Fruit Salad Big Show version)
Ready, Steady, Wiggle! (TV Series 4) version
Ready, Steady, Wiggle! (TV Series 5) version