"Sensational Salsa" is the twenty-fourth episode of The Wiggles' World.
Meet Anthony's Dog Fergus, and we can all Scrubby, Dub Dub and wash our pets. Paul the dancing waiter is serving Chunky Salsa today at Le James Café. It's time to dance the Salsa to this musical dish. Wags the dog plays a trick on Paul and he ends up with homemade apple pie all over his face. Oh Wags! It's time for some bagpipe fun, clap your hand with Anthony. Join the Dancing horses and fish at the wiggly arena.
- Scrubby, Dub, Dub (Audio taken from Furry Tales)
- Paul the Dancing Waiter (Salsa)
- Entrez S'il Vous Plait (Salsa)
- Cubano Salsa (New recording, audio taken from Party Time!)
- James' Dessert Song (Apple Pie)
- The Dance Of The Scottish Horses (Live)