
This is the transcript for Shalom Aleichem.


(The episode starts with an opening sequence during the Song: E-M-M-A Theme Song.)

Lachy: (singing) E-M-M-A

That spells Emma

(with Emma.) Emma!

Lachy: (singing) E-M-M-A

That spells Emma

(with Emma.) Emma!

(Opening camera transition to the Song: Emma's Hello Song. A scene where Emma introduced herself.)

Emma: (singing) Hello there My name is Emma

It's nice to see you today

You can join in Dance and sing

Or demi-pliƩ


Can you tell me your name?

(She is doing her sign language to say hello.)

Today is a day to dance this way

Try a dƩgagƩ.

Time to wheel to the garden.

(Song: Time To Wheel To the Garden. A scene where Emma is gonna go wheel through the garden to see.)

Emma: (singing) Now it's time to wheel to the garden

Have some fun when we wheel to the garden

Come, it's time to wheel to the garden

To see what is happening outside today.

(Song: Yalo Yalo. A scene where Emma is singing her beautiful song comes from Greek.)

Emma: (singing in Greek, dressed up as Nana Mouskouri.) Is ton afro, is ton afro tis thalassas

I agapi mou, I agapi mou kimate

Parakalo sas, kimata

Min mou tin exipnate

Parakalo sas, kimata

Min mou tin exipnate

Yialo, yialo

(backing vocals: Yialo Yialo.)


(backing vocals: Piyename.)

Ki'olo yia sena leyame

(backing vocals while vocalizing: La-la-la-la.)

Yialo na pas

Yialo n'arthis

Ta loyia mou

Na thimithis

(Oliver & Anthony are clapping at the end after an instrumental break. Until, it translates to the Song: Now's the Time for Dressing Up. A scene where Emma is in the costume gonna dressed up as a judge.)

Emma: (singing) Now's the time for dressing up

A costume makes what you dream up

Now's the time for dressing up

You can dress up too

I wonder what we'll be today

Ta-da! Look what I'm in now

You look great Let's take a bow

Dressing up today

Dance in your costume now

You look great Let's take a bow

Dressing up today.

Like a judge.

(Emma's bow window transition to Emma is teaching everyone how to sign book with her hands without speaking. Until, 4 Emma's different things transition to the Song: Emma's Music Box. A scene where Emma could open up her music box & she could see what's inside.)

Emma: (She gasps.) What's that sound? Oh, that's the sound of the music box. I wonder... ..what's inside the music box today? Come on. Let's have a look together. Ready? Here we go.

(singing) I open up my music box

And what do I see?

A ballerina twirling, dancing there for me...

Try this. Twirl around. Up high, on your toes.

(singing) Look at what my music box has given to me.

Wow! Look at this. I wonder what this is. Oh, you're right. It's a dreidel. A spinning dreidel. Look. Ooh. It's got some Hebrew letters decorated on the front. Wouldn't it be nice if we sang a song in the Hebrew language about peace?

(Song: Havenu Shalom Alechem. A scene where Emma & the dancers are dancing to the Jewish song about in peace.)

Emma: (singing) Hevenu shalom aleichem

Hevenu shalom aleichem

Hevenu shalom aleichem

Hevenu shalom, shalom, shalom aleichem

Hevenu shalom aleichem

Hevenu shalom aleichem

Hevenu shalom aleichem

Hevenu shalom, shalom, shalom aleichem

Shalom, shalom

Shalom aleichem

Shalom, shalom

Shalom aleichem

Shalom, shalom

Shalom aleichem


Hevenu shalom

Hevenu shalom aleichem.

(Shot transition to Emma's dance studio. Then, shot cuts to the Song: Pigtail Polka. A scene where the kids & Emma having gonna put their pigtails on & do the polka dance.)

Emma: (singing) Doing the pigtail polka

Part your hair in two

Doing the pigtail polka

Try this polka hairdo

You can curl them, you can plait them

Tie them up in a bow

You can crimp them, you can braid them

Pigtail polka, here we go

Emma: (singing) Doing the pigtail polka

Part your hair in two

Doing the pigtail polka

Try this polka hairdo

You can curl them, you can plait them

Tie them up in a bow

You can crimp them, you can braid them

Pigtail polka, here we go

(Instrumental break to the part they were all dancing around in a circle, wearing pigtails.)

Emma: Polka!

Hey, polka!


Pigtail polka!

(4 Emma's different things transition to the Song: Five Fingered Family (Anindilyakwa). A scene where Syrenne & Emma are gonna do the actions to finger play in Anindilyakwa.)

Syrenne: (singing) Ngongwa finger, ngongwa finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am

How do you do?

Ngarnda finger, ngarnda finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am

How do you do?

Neningama, neningama, where are you?

Here I am, here I am

How do you do?

Diyeba finger, diyeba finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am

How do you do?

Wurrangariya, wurrangariya, where are you?

Here I am, here I am

How do you do?

Whole family, whole family, where are you?

Here we are, here we are

How do you do?

(Instrumental break to Syrenne & Emma are dancing to the finger jive.)

Emma: (singing) Ngongwa finger, ngongwa finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am

How do you do?

Ngarnda finger, ngarnda finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am

How do you do?

Neningama, neningama, where are you?

Here I am, here I am

How do you do?

Diyeba finger, diyeba finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am

How do you do?

Wurrangariya, wurrangariya, where are you?

Here I am, here I am

How do you do?

Whole family, whole family, where are you?

Here we are, here we are

How do you do?

Here we are, here we are

How do you do?

(4 Emma's different things transition to the Song: Emma's Goodbye RƩvƩrence. A scene where Emma had a great bowtiful day while it's time to do her one more dance.)

Emma: (singing) We've had a bowtiful day

(Emma speaks in sign language to say goodbye.)

Emma: (singing) Come take a curtsy, wave and bow

It's time to say goodbye for now

(Emma sings & dance the rƩvƩrence while the end credits are rolling.)

Emma: (singing) La-la-la, la-la-la


La-la-la, la-la-la

Goodbye for now.
