
Sir Lesley Longley is a character portrayed by Anthony Field. He's in charge of searching through The Wiggles' Archives located in Hot Potato Studios, hoping to find Unused/Unreleased Material to digitize and upload to YouTube.

The character was initially created in the early days of the group’s existence as a person who would announce when concerts were about to begin. An example of this appears in The Wiggles Movie, where his voice is heard offscreen as the group are about to come out on stage.


  • The liner notes for Wake Up Jeff! gives special thanks to an unknown person of the same name (albeit the spelling of the last name there is Longlie), over 24 years before this character made his debut. Anthony has confirmed in a tweet that it is Sir Lesley Longley.
  • He took a six-month hiatus in the first half of 2021. Due to waiting on the legal clearances before he could upload more footage.
  • Anthony revealed in the comment section of a post by user wigglesenthusiasts2 that the character appeared in The Wiggles Movie as the voice who introduces The Wiggles at Mrs. Bingle's school.[1]


See Also[]

Sir Lesley Longley's Wiggly Archives

