This is the transcript for Space Dancing!.
(The video starts with a flying saucer is in outer space, while it plays The Zeezap Song instrumental. Venus appears with Greg's name. Mars appears with Murray's name. Saturn appears with Anthony's name. Neptune appears with Jeff's name. Earth and Moon appears on the screen. The Wiggles Logo appears & the title Card appears. It zooms in to show Wigglehouse on this opening scene, until opens the door. Finally, it translates to Murray & Anthony are playing a trick to wake Jeff up.)
Anthony & Murray: (They were all laughing & trying to wake Jeff up.) Hee-hee-hee!
Jeff: (snores)
Greg: Anthony, Murray, what are you doing?
Murray: Having fun. Aren't we?
Greg: Oh, yes. Um, Anthony, what's going on?
Anthony: Nothing, Greg. We're just having fun. (He chuckles.)
Greg: You know, I think there's something going on here.
(Murray & Anthony laughing together.)
Murray: Greg, you're right. We're just having a bit of fun with Jeff.
Anthony: He's always asleep.
Murray: So, we decided to try to wake Jeff up by making him laugh. (He laughs.) Ha-ha! Whee!
Anthony: (He's laughing around in circle.) Wake up, Jeff! Wake up! Whoo! Oh, but nothing we do seems to wake him up. Come on, Greg. Can you help us? Will you wake him up?
Greg: Well, hang on. They're telling us to try saying, "1, 2, 3. Wake up, Jeff!"
Anthony: Yeah, that would work. But we thought we'd try something different. Can you help us, everyone? Can you pull a funny face, too? Let's try it.
Murray: Come on, Greg. You try, too.
Greg:: Okay. All right. (with Murray & Anthony are trying to make silly faces to wake Jeff up. He sighs.) It doesn't seem to be working. I know! Maybe if I try one of my great magic tricks!
Murray & Anthony: Yeah!
Greg: (He grabs his magic hat & his magic wand & then he pulls out of a rubber chicken. Then, Anthony & Murray sleeping, while Jeff snores.) Whoo-hoo! (A chicken clucks.) Oh, but now Anthony and Murray are asleep.
Murray & Anthony: (They both are awake while they are trying to trick on Greg, while laughing.)
Greg: Oh, Anthony and Murray, you tricked me!
Anthony: Sorry, Greg. Just a little trick. And your magic is really very good.
Murray: But it still didn't Wake up Jeff. (Jeff sighs in his sleep.)
Greg: Hmm. That's true. And Jeff just loves to sleep.
Anthony: Well, I like to take a nap, too, Greg, but you can't eat yummy things in your sleep. (He's eating an apple.) I love food!
Murray: And you can't play music in your sleep either.(He plays his air electric guitar.)
Greg: Well, actually, you can do all of those things in your sleep.
Murray & Anthony: Huh?
Greg: You see, when you're sleeping, you can dream. You can use your imagination and you can do anything you want.
Murray: So, I could be a rock 'n' roll star. (He plays his air electric guitar.)
Anthony: Or a handsome prince. (A trumpet fanfare.)
Murray: Or ride horses. (A horse neighs.)
Greg: Anything's possible.
Murray: Yeah, but... Oh, gee! Jeff's always falling asleep.
Greg: Hey, I wonder what Jeff dreams about. (Jeff is dreaming about falling asleep himself.)
Anthony: Well, I don't know about Jeff, but I like to dream about food! Yum-yum!
Murray: Or making new friends.
Anthony: Or going on a great adventure! (With Murray & Greg feels excited.) Yeah!
Greg: (He's thinking about transforming into CGI.) Hey, I wonder what we look like in Jeff's dreams.
(The Live Action segment transforms into CGI.)
Anthony: So, this is what we look like in Jeff's dreams.
Murray: (He's concerned.) Still red.
Anthony: (He chuckles.) I'm still hungry.
Greg: Whoo-hoo! And I'm still Greg. And Jeff's still asleep.
Anthony: But we're in a dream.
Greg: I guess so.
Murray: So, if we're in a dream, anything's possible, right?
Greg & Anthony: Right!
Murray: Then let's use our imagination.
Greg: Yeah, let's go somewhere! Where could we go? What do you think?
Anthony: Hey, uh, what a lot of great ideas!
Murray: I don't know which one to choose.
Anthony: Well, some people thought a space adventure might be exciting. I like that idea!
Murray: I wonder what space looks like.
Greg: (He's thinking about space looks like.) Hmm! Dark.
Anthony: But there are lots of bright and shiny beautiful stars.
Murray: (He is thinking about people in space.) I wonder if there are people out there in outer space. Outer space… I wonder…
(A letter W transition to the song: The Zeezap Song. A scene where outer space looks like.)
Greg: (singing) Somewhere out there, amongst the stars,
(Anthony: Due east of Earth, turn right at Mars.)
Greg: (singing) There's travellers, explorers, adventure bound,
they speak a new language and make funny sounds.
Captain Feathersword: (speaking in a funny zeezap voices)
Greg: (singing) Zonk Zee is the captain of the ship,
he's one cool customer,
(Captain Feathersword: He's really hip)
Greg: (singing) He's the envy of many, a hero to some,
and his driving skills are second to none.
(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zee zank zow)
Anthony: "Means "Let's be friends."
(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zadda zup zung)
Anthony: "That's How do you do?"
(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zacker zucker zulu)
Anthony: "It's a pleasure to meet you."
(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zender zuper zippie)
Anthony: "Is Whoop de do!"
Greg: (singing) This time, the captain is looking for Earth
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) So the humans can share in the Zeezap mirth)
Greg: (singing) And when he sees that magic blue ball,
He plans to arrive there in no time at all.
(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zee zank zow)
Captain Feathersword: "Means "Let's be friends"
(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zadda zup zung)
Captain Feathersword: "Is How do you do?"
(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zacker zucker zulu)
Captain Feathersword: "It's a pleasure to meet you"
(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zender zuper zippie!)
Captain Feathersword: "Is Whoop-dee-doo!"
Greg: (singing) But the Zeezaps don't know a human face
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) And the cows and the chickens seem to run the place)
Greg: (singing) So the Zeezaps decide to say hello,
To the farm animals in the field below.
(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zee zank zow)
Anthony: "Means Let's be friends"
(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zadda zup zung)
Anthony: "Well, that's how do you do?"
(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zacker zucker zulu)
Anthony: "Oh, yeah, that's It's a pleasure to meet you"
(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zender zuper zippie)
Anthony: "well that's whoop de do)
(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zender zuper zippie)
Anthony: "whoop de doo!"
(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zender zuper zippie)
Anthony: "whoop dee doo!"
(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zender zuper zippie)
Anthony: "whoop dee doo!"
(Zeezaps: (speaking) Zender zuper zippie!)
Anthony: "whoop dee doo!"
(Yes! what a great language.) (Chuckles)
Zeezap Teacher: "How do you do?"
The Other Zeezaps: How do you do?
Zeezap Teacher: "We come as friends. You have beautiful eyes".
The Other Zeezaps: We come as friends. You have beautiful eyes.
(A spaceship zooms traveling through farm animals & zooms towards to Wigglehouse, while The Wiggles come out of the Wigglehouse & introducing their Wiggly Friends.)
Greg: Hi there, again. Do you know our friends? Dorothy the Dinosaur.
Dorothy: (She giggles.) Hi, everybody!
Greg: Captain Feathersword.
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there, me hearties! Hoo-hoo!
Greg: Wags the Dog.
Wags: Woof, woof.
Greg: And Henry the Octopus.
Henry: Hello, everybody. It's good to see you!
Anthony: We've been wondering what space is like.
Murray: It must be so big. Is there much up there?
Greg: I guess not. That's probably why the call it, um, "space".
Jeff: (He yawns, while he is gonna have a sleep.)
Murray: Gee! Just imagine what it's like to be out there.
Greg: We'll never know.
(Jeff's sleeping on his armchair pillow. While the spaceship landed on the ground, while they are jumping cause it's gravity.)
Zeezaps: "How do you do?" "We come as friends. (The spaceship door is closing.) "Beautiful eyes".
Dorothy: Yummy for my tummy! What lovely red roses! Well, maybe just a quick rose petal snack.(She picks up a rose eating & then hiccup. She giggles.) Oh, yummy! More roses! Well, maybe just one more snack.
Zeezaps: (They're speaking trying to communicate.) Cow! Zooper zoo! (Zeezap is bonking Jeff's nose while he's sleeping, while giggles.)
Greg: Did you hear something? Did you hear anything?
Anthony: Did you hear that noise?
Murray: I thought I heard something.
Captain Feathersword: Whoo-hoo-hoo! Whoa-ho! There you go, me hearties! (He's using his feathersword to tickle Wags, while chasing after tickling.) A tickle for you, Wags the Dog. Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! (with Murray, Anthony & Greg are chasing Wags, while laughing around in a circle. Then, they bumped each other & fell down.) Whoa! Whoa-ho-ho! Oh, my friends, you can't escape the good old Captain and his clever feathersword. (They were all laughing. Except, a Zeezap is laughing saying "Oops!")
Anthony: Captain, did you hear that?
Captain Feathersword: Hear anything? Yes, I think I did. It was the sound of... a doggy laughing! (He's using his feathersword to tickle Wags, while chasing after him.) Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
Wags: Woof, woof, woof!
Murray: Well, Jeff's fast asleep. He obviously didn't hear anything.
Greg: We'll need his help. Let's see if we can wake him up. On three, everybody, let's call out "Wake up, Jeff!" 1, 2, 3... (With Murray & Anthony.) Wake up, Jeff!
Jeff: (He blubbers & running around in a circle) Gee, everyone, you surprised me! I was just taking a nap. Hey, it's such a beautiful day.
Murray: It sure is. But I can't help thinking there's something strange going on. I can hear something but I can't work out where it's coming from. (Spaceship giggles, while jumping & Zeezap makes a whistling sound.) Have you seen anything unusual?
Anthony: Where? (Spaceship giggles, while jumping & Zeezap makes a whistling sound when Wiggles murmuring.) Where?
Murray: Over here?
Greg: Okay, we'll look over there then.
Anthony: Well, something's different. There's got to be something. Let's have another look around.
Greg: All right. Let's see what we can find. There's got to be something.
Zeezaps: How do you do? We come as friends. You have beautiful eyes. Zicker zooper zoober. Zipper zoober zicker zicker.
(Space robot beeps, whirrs & whistles coming out of the spaceship towards the zeezap.)
Jeff: (He bumps into Anthony.) Huh?
Greg: Huh?
Murray: Huh?
Anthony: Huh?
(Space robot uses arms to carry a zeezap & leaves.)
Wiggles: Did you see that?
Captain Feathersword: Will you look at that? It's a... It's a... It's a... What is that?
Greg: (He's holding a Spaceship Identification Manual.) I've got my Spaceship Identification Manual right here. Now, if, I'm not mistaken, it's a spaceship!
Jeff: Wow! A spaceship at Wigglehouse! Whoo-hoo! I must be dreaming!
Anthony: Cool! I wonder if they've got space food on board.
Captain Feathersword: Let's have a look!
Greg: Captain, you can't just walk in there!
Captain Feathersword: Hmm, you're right, Greg. I'll dance! Hoo-hoo-hoo! (He walks in the spaceship, while dancing.)
Wiggles: Captain! (They call out while going into the spaceship, while Henry stays outside instead going back into the spaceship.)
Murray: Hello? Hello! Is anybody there?
Greg: Hello! We're The Wiggles. We like to sing and dance. Hello!
Anthony: This is spooky.
Captain Feathersword: (He is thinking about getting to press all these buttons.) Hmm. What's this button for? (He presses the dark button.)
Murray: Captain, what have you done?
Captain Feathersword: It's okay. I'll just push the button again! (He presses the light button.) I wonder. (He pushes the furniture smaller.) Whoa-ho! (He pushes to make the furniture really big.) Would you look at that?
Jeff: Wow, this is great! Look, comfy seats!
Greg: (He pulls Jeff.) Wiggles, we really shouldn't be here. This is somebody else's spaceship.
Captain Feathersword: Hey, what's this button for? (He presses some of their different buttons.)
Wiggles: Don't!
(Song: What's This Button For? A scene where Captain is trying to push all the buttons in a spaceship.)
Wiggles: (singing) What's this button for?
What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Hey Greg! What's this button for?)
What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Oh ho, what about this one?)
What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Wow!)
Greg: (singing) Why don't you try reading a book?
(Captain Feathersword: I'd love to, Greg, but I have no time to look!)
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) The Captain's enraptured, he's getting distracted)
(Captain Feathersword: I can't help myself! Oh, I just gotta know!)
Wiggles: (singing) What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Yeah, what's this button for?)
What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Whoo hoo hoo hey, what about this button?)
What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Hey, this big red button looks fun)
What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Whoo hoo hoo!)
Greg: (singing) Captain, why don't you try and paint?
(Captain Feathersword: I'd love to, Greg, but I just can't concentrate!)
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We're painting a picture of a space age mixture)
(Captain Feathersword: I can't help myself! Oh, I just gotta know!)
Wiggles: (singing) What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Hey Greg! What about this one?)
What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Ooh I love all of these buttons, They're so pretty!)
What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Whoo hoo hoo)
What's this button for?
(Wags & Dorothy are getting into a spaceship without Henry.)
Greg: (singing) Why don't you try cooking some food?
(Captain Feathersword: I'd love to, Greg, but I'm not in the mood.)
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Try cooking some pasta or there'll be a disaster)
(Captain Feathersword: I can't help myself! Oh, I just gotta know!)
Wiggles: (singing) What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Whoo hoo!)
What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Oh, what's this button for?)
What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Ooh look! There's so many buttons!)
What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Whoa hoo hoo hoo hoo!)
(Oh, there's so many buttons, Oh I like the green one and the blue one)
(Whoo hoo hoo! Hey look at what this one does!)
(Wow! Whoa-ho!!)
(Hey what's this button for? Ooh!)
(Captain Feathersword accidentally pressing the wrong button, until the spaceship is flying up towards the sky.)
Jeff: Hang on, everybody!
Murray: I'll try and steer. Here's the autopilot! (He was trying to pull the autopilot with Captain Feathersword.)
Captain Feathersword: Hang on! (with Murray pulling the autopilot. But all the sudden, they both fall down & doing rotating the spaceship.)
Wiggles: Whoa!
Henry: Well, I don't know where they've all gone but there's something funny going on down here. Just take a look at this!
Zeezaps: "How do you do? We come as friends. You have beautiful eyes".
Murray: (He's feeling very dizzy.) A smooth ride? A wacky ride? Up-and-down ride? "Smooth ride" sounds best.
(Murray is turning the smooth ride control, until Spaceship is going the smooth ride. And he says "Ooh, yeah, baby. Smooooooth Riiiiiiide. Ooh, yeah.")
Murray: At least we seem to be moving smoothly now.
Greg: But what are we going to do? This is another fine mess you've gotten us into, Captain.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, Greg, I'm sorry. I was just having fun! Sometimes I get carried away.
Greg: Never mind. Now we've got to figure out where we're headed.
Anthony: Hey, Wiggles, look at this! It's a... It's a map or, or something.
Captain Feathersword: Hey, what's this button for? (He presses some of different buttons.)
Wiggles: Don't!
Computer: Zipperdee zankee zoodoo. zing zang zullaby zanadoo. Zip zap. Zinner zack...
Greg: It seems to be telling us where we're headed, but I wish we could understand the language it's speaking.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, I've got a special language decoder button! Um, this one.
Anthony: Captain, that's a button we'd love you to push.
Captain Feathersword: Certainly, Anthony. Here I go! (He pushes his magic button translated to computer speaking.)
Computer: You are now leaving Earth behind. You have selected autopilot journey number 72.
Anthony: Well done, brave and wise Captain.
Murray: But where are we going?
Computer: To the galaxy of Whoosh-ka.
Greg: "Whoosh-ka"? How far is that from Earth?
Computer: Roughly 7 billion kilometers
All: "Billion"?
Computer: No, just kidding. He-he-he-he. 7 trillion.
Anthony: Oh, no! But what about Earth?
Computer: Earth is a small planet supporting...
Anthony: I mean, how do we get back to Earth?
Computer: "Back to Earth" does not compute with this program. Please switch to manual pilot for return to earth. (Captain Feathersword is holding a broken Autopilot control.)
Greg: Well, it doesn't look like that's going to happen.
Murray: Please, spaceship, tell us how to get back to Earth.
Computer: A return to Earth is impossible on autopilot. Repeat, return to Earth is impossible. Have a nice day.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, dear. I've got us into more trouble! Oh. Will I never learn? I'm sorry, my friends. I'm so sorry.
Greg: Never mind, Captain. If we stick together and try really hard, we'll figure this out.
Anthony: Yeah, we can't worry about things. We just have to make the most of what's in front of us.
Jeff: Yeah! And I reckon I can sleep anywhere!
Murray: (He's looking out of the window.) Wow! Look out the window. Space really is amazing.
(The Wiggles & friends are floating up into the air called gravity.)
Greg: Come on, Wiggles. Whoo-hoo! Look at me! This is fun. I love traveling to new places. I wonder where are now. Let's see. (Spaceships telescope comes out & have a look out there.)
Voice #1: (He is acting look like Elvis Presley's voice.) Ladies and gentlemen, you are now entering Elvis World. Thank you. Thank you very much. You're a beautiful spaceship. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Voice #2: (He is acting look like a robot.) Upside-Down World this way to.
Voice #3: (He is acting like an announcer.) You are now entering Whoosh-ka Galaxy. A Tidy Star System.
Greg: Looks like this is our first stopover in Whoosh-ka Galaxy.
Murray: Maybe we'll find someone who can tell us how to get back to Earth.
Captain Feathersword: Let me take over here! (He tries to land the spaceship down.) Hey, here's a "smooth-landing" button!
Anthony: Well done, clever Captain.
All: Ahh!
Jeff: What star is that?
Computer: Rock Star.
Jeff: Huh?
Computer: Prepare for landing on Rock Star.
Anthony: But...
Rock People #2 Whoa, cool! (A spaceship landed on Planet Rock Star. Then, spaceship's foot gets squashed by a tour bus.) Whoa. Not cool. (Spaceships door open, until after get squashed by a bus & they came out.)
Captain Feathersword: Whoops!
Anthony: Now I get it. It's a rock 'n' roll planet.
Cowboy: Do yourself a favour.
Jeff: Wow, this place looks like it never sleeps.
Murray: So cool. Rock 'n' roll everywhere. Hey, come on, Wiggles, let's take a look. Will you come with us? Come on, then.
Paul Paddick: (He is dressed as Slim Crusty.) Howdy, partner. Hoo-hoo-hoo! Fine to see you here today. Ho-ho! You're having a great time, I understand. Yee-haw! (He is dressed as Dan Martin.) Good evening, everybody. Here's a little song you might enjoy. (He is dressed as Wozzy Hasbourne.) Welcome to Planet Rock Star. (He imitates his air electric guitar. He dressed as Pavaroadie.) Ciao tutti, or, hello everyone.
Murray: Come on, Wiggles. Let's rock 'n' roll.
Pasqua: Buona sera, signori, signorina. You wish to enter? (Wags' ears are standing up.)
Dorothy: Well, yes. (She giggles nervously.)
Pasqua: I am Pasqua. The, uh... How do you say, uh... Bouncer.
Dorothy: These are The Wiggles! They sing and dance.
Pasqua: Pfft! So? Everybody here sings and dances.
Murray: No, Pasqua, we're visitors from another planet.
Pasqua: Okay. We get all the types.
Murray: You see, we thought we might be able to experience a bit of the planet's music.
Pasqua: Okay. But not tonight. Tonight is sold out!
Dorothy: Oh! It must be someone very popular!
Pasqua: Very popular. He is the king around here.
Jeff: (They showed a poster of King Mondo a.k.a. Ross Wilson.) King Mondo! Cool! I'd like to see that.
Pasqua: Hmph. But it is not possible.
King Mondo: Hey, Pasqua!
Pasqua: (She shocked to see if he comes in.) The King himself. King, what is it?
King Mondo: My band, they haven't turned up. Something about a spaceship landing on their van.
Captain Feathersword: Whoops!
Dorothy: Umm... (She giggles nervously.) Mr. Mondo!
Pasqua: King Mondo!
Dorothy: King Mondo, these are The Wiggles and they can sing and dance. Perhaps they can help out.
King Mondo: Dinosaur rockers, huh? Okay, let's do it! Let them through, Pasqua. (They are all go inside to the stage.)
Anthony: Come with us. We might need your help.
(Closing circle transition to the song: Eagle Rock. A scene where The Land Wiggly Group, Pasqua & King Mondo are performing a special rock 'n' roll concert.)
King Mondo: Great, follow me. Here we go, guys. Let's rock!
Anthony: I'm glad you're with us. I thought we might need your help. Sing. Do the actions. Anything. Just give us a hand!
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, residents of the Planet Rock Star. Please welcome on stage King Mondo, The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword.
King Mondo: (singing) Now listen,
Murray: We're listening.
King Mondo: (singing) Oh we're steppin' out
I'm gonna turn around,
Anthony: Turn around, everybody!
King Mondo: (singing) Gonna turn around once and we'll do the Eagle Rock.
Oh momma!
Yeah you're rockin' fine!
Why don't you give me a sign?
Hmm just give me a sign and we'll do the Eagle Rock.
Come on!
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there King Mondo!
King Mondo: (singing) Oh you're rocking swell!
Hmm yeah you do it so well,
Well we do it so well when we do the Eagle Rock.
(with The Wiggles singing) Hey Hey Hey, good old Eagle Rock's here to stay,
I'm just crazy about the way we move,
Doing the Eagle Rock.
Oh Oh Oh come on fast, you can come on slow
I'm just crazy about the way we move,
Doing the Eagle Rock.
Captain Feathersword: (in a high pitched) Eagle Rock!
King Mondo: (singing) Everybody,
Captain Feathersword: (in a high pitched) Hello everybody!
King Mondo: (singing) Well you're rocking fine!
Captain Feathersword: (in a high pitched) Oh, rock is fun!
King Mondo: (singing) Why don't you give me a sign?
Captain Feathersword: (high pitched) Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
King Mondo: (singing) Just gotta give me a sign and we'll do the Eagle Rock
Oh yeah!
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there me hearties!
King Mondo: (singing) Well I feel so free!
Captain Feathersword: (in a high pitched) Yippee!
King Mondo: (singing) Come on and dance with me!
Dorothy: (giggles) This is fun!
King Mondo: (singing) Dance with me while do the Eagle Rock.
(with The Wiggles singing) Hey Hey Hey, good old Eagle Rock's here to stay,
I'm just crazy about the way we move,
Doing the Eagle Rock.
Oh Oh Oh come on fast, you can come on slow
I'm just crazy about the way we move,
Doing the Eagle Rock.
King Mondo: Let's Rock!
Murray: We're all doing the Eagle Rock! This is fun!
Anthony: Everybody's doing the Eagle Rock with King Mondo!
King Mondo: (singing) Now listen,
Murray: We're still listening.
King Mondo: (singing) Oh, we're stepping out.
Yeah, gonna turn around,
Gonna turn around once and we'll do the Eagle Rock.
(with The Wiggles singing) Hey Hey Hey, good old Eagle Rock's here to stay,
I'm just crazy about the way we move,
Doing the Eagle Rock.
Oh Oh Oh come on fast, you can come on slow
I'm just crazy about the way we move,
Doing the Eagle Rock.
Doing the Eagle Rock.
Doing the Eagle Rock.
Doing the Eagle Rock, Rock, Rock!
Captain Feathersword: (in a high pitched.) Eagle Rock!
(Audience are cheering of the song finishes he says "You guys are awesome!")
Murray: Well, thank you very much. And thank you. You we're awesome, too. (They were all leaving the stage.)
King Mondo: Thank you, Wiggles. (singing) If there's anything I can do for you...
Jeff: Well, there may be, King Mondo. Uh, could you show us the way back to Earth?
King Mondo: Whoa! Earth? Oh, why don't you guys stay around here? You've got a bright future in the... (singing) ..rock 'n' roll business!
Greg: Well, thank you, but we've got some shows lined up on Earth.
Anthony: And I have to get back for dinner!
King Mondo: Well, let's get out to your spaceship and see if I can... (singing) ..point you in the right direction. (with The Wiggles are going out to the entrance door.) Been a long time since I toured the Earth. But as I recall, you head that way. That's it, there. That tiny, blue ball.
Captain Feathersword: (They all get back into spaceship.) Ready for take-off? Leave it to me, Wiggles. I'll get us home.
Greg: Are you sure Captain?
Anthony: We don't want to get lost.
Murray & Jeff: No, no, we don't!
Captain Feathersword: No, no, no. Look. It's setting it's course for Earth! Earth, here we come!
(Spaceship travels zoom through outer space to planet earth.)
Anthony: I don't think so, Captain. It looks as though we're still on autopilot.
Computer: Welcome. You are now 12 trillion kilometres from Earth. Next stop, Planet Teeny Weeny. Repeat, the Planet Teeny Weeny.
Murray: "Teeny Weeny"?
Computer: Warning. Fuel is low. Advise refueling.
Anthony: Refuel? With what?
Computer: Fruit salad.
Anthony: Ah...!
Computer: Just kidding! With fuel, of course. He-he-he-he!
Anthony: Oh...
Dorothy: (She's nervously in a scared voice.) Wiggles, I'm a little frightened!
Greg: I know it's a bit scary, Dorothy, but it is exciting! And we'll make sure everything is okay.
Captain Feathersword: That's right, Dorothy. Never fear, the Captain is... (The spaceship suddenly lands on Teeny Weeny, causing him to stumble across the ship, while screaming. He slams into a window.) ..here. (He slides down to the floor.)
Anthony: Well, we're here.
Wags: (He's holding a broken autopilot control.) Woof!
Captain Feathersword: That's it, Wags. We'll stay behind and fix the ship!
Murray: Captain!
Captain Feathersword: Oh, all right. You stay behind and fix the ship. (wah-wah sound, until the spaceships door is opening & they come out.)
Murray: Looks okay.
Anthony: Any food?
Murray & Greg: Anthony!
Dorothy: There are no rose gardens out there. It looks a little unfriendly.
Greg: Come on, Wiggles. Let's be brave. Sometimes it's hard being in a new place, but it's not so bad if you can make new friends. Will you come with us? Come on!
Captain Feathersword: (He laughs.) Okay, okay! (He sighs.) Oh, I suppose I got us into this mess. (He is trying to step & there was no gravity.) There. Come on, Wiggles. Seems quiet enough!
Teeny-Weeny Lady: Oi!
Jeff: What's that noise?
Teeny-Weeny Lady: Oi!
Captain Feathersword: What noise? There's nothing!
Teeny-Weeny Lady: Oi!
Captain Feathersword: What's that?
Teeny-Weeny Lady: Watch it! Oi! Down here! Hey, giant, be careful what you do, where you place that monstrous shoe!
Captain Feathersword: Ho-ho-ho! (He chuckles.) Wow! Will you look at this!
Teeny-Weeny Men: Go away!
Captain Feathersword: Well, I just want to...
Teeny-Weeny Men: Come on! Come on, ya coward. Look at your cheeky face. I'll put you on your seat. I'll put you in your place.
Murray: Why is he talking to his shoe?
Captain Feathersword: Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't mean you any harm. My friends and I are lost, and we're trying to get back to Earth.
Teeny-Weeny Lady: Look! It is The Wiggles. So you're the Captain who tickles. And that must be the gentle dinosaur.
Captain Feathersword: Oi! Wiggles! Come and meet some new friends!
Greg: "New friends"? What does he mean?
Anthony: Do you know what he's talking about?
(They were all running, stomping, making earthquake on this planet & they made the Teeny-Weeny people scream.)
Teeny-Weeny Lady: What are you doing? Get out of here! What are you doing?
Captain Feathersword: Oh, Wiggles, be careful where you walk!
Murray: Why? (He is looking down.) Wow! Hello! (He is carry the Teeny-Weeny Men.)
Teeny-Weeny Men: Put me down! (He put the Teeny-Weeny Men down.)
Greg: Well, how do you do? We're sorry to intrude.
Anthony: Oh, we seem to be lost.
Greg: We need help to get back to Earth.
Anthony: By dinnertime. (He laughs.) ..at any cost. "Lost, cost". (He chuckles.) You've got me doing it now!
Teeny-Weeny Lady: Earth I know of. And The Wiggles, too. Singing and dancing we all like to do.
(Teeny-Weeny & The Wiggles are Irish dancing to the song: Fergus' Jig.)
Jeff: That was so much fun!
Murray: Yeah, it nearly made me forget we're billions of kilometers from home on a strange planet in a spaceship which is on autopilot and running out of fuel!
Anthony: Yeah.
Dorothy: What are we gonna do?
Greg: Can you help us with fuel for the spaceship?
Teeny-Weeny Lady: We have fuel, but hardly enough for your giant rocket ship.
Murray: So what are we to do?
Teeny-Weeny Old Lady: You have sung with us and danced a jig. So I'll help you in your plight. You'll need to be very careful for the rest of your dangerous flight.
Greg: Please, tell us what to do.
Teeny-Weeny Old Lady: There's a planet that will draw you in by any means of deception. (Teeny-Weeny Men shocked in a gasp.) You'll think you are fine until you arrive. But then, oh, what a reception!
Greg: What do you mean?
Teeny-Weeny Old Lady: The people there are in despair, though they used to sing and dance.
Anthony: What happened?
Teeny-Weeny Old Lady: Oh, they men no harm. 'Tis lonely they are. But listen to my warning. Don't end up on Planet Gloom, or you won't be home by morning.
Captain Feathersword: (He is shocked that his spaceship is fixed.) Oh! It looks as though Wags has fixed the ship!
Wags: Woof, woof!
Captain Feathersword: Come on, Wiggles. I'll get you back home, my friends. (He is going back to the spaceship.) Leave it to the Captain.
Greg: I hope he's right!
Teeny-Weeny Old Lady: Remember, they will try to deceive you!
Greg: Come on, Wiggles. We'd better get going.
Anthony: Yeah, it's nearly dinnertime. Let's go! (They were all going back to spaceship.)
Murray: Bye-bye, friends. Thank you! (He falls down & sees Teeny-Weeny Men.) Hey! Who's down there?
Teeny-Weeny Men: (He's laughing.)
Computer: 10, 9, 8...
Murray: Quick, Wiggles! Let's get strapped in!
Computer: ..5, 4, 3, 2...
Captain Feathersword: Hey! What happened to the 1?
Computer: Just kidding. 1. He-he-he-he-he-he. (The spaceship is about to blast off & leave Teeny Weeny Planet.)
Captain Feathersword: Oh! My lucky feathersword. This will do the trick! (He put his feathersword down.)
Greg: So, Captain, it looks as though you should do a right turn here. And a left turn here! And another right here. (The spaceship is going a different direction with these arrows.)
Captain Feathersword: Oh, whoops!
Greg: Captain, I said a right turn.
Anthony: (He is looking out through the window.) Oh, dear. I don't like the look of this. We're very close to Gloomy World! (A clunking & whirling.)
Dorothy: What was that?
Anthony: Jeepers. It sounded like it came from down there. (He is so scared that he looked down.)
Greg: Come on, Wiggles, Wags, Dorothy. We'll go and take a look together. Captain, keep flying straight. We're bound to get back on course if you just keep going straight.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, oh, straight. Okay, straight it is. (The spaceship is going flying straight to Gloomy World.) That was quick! Any problem? (He is looking at The Wiggles in the wrong shirts, cause they were acting in a gloomy voice.)
Gloomy Jeff: No problem.
Gloomy Anthony: No problem.
Gloomy Greg: No problem.
Gloomy Murray: No problemo. Greg says turn right.
Captain Feathersword: Huh? But Greg just told me to stay straight!
Gloomy Murray: Greg now says "right". Right?
Gloomy Greg: Listen to Greg.
Captain Feathersword: Hmm. There's something going on here. What? Uh-oh, uh, tell me later. I've got to concentrate on my lefts and my rights.
Gloomy Jeff: Anthony says so it. (Gloomy Anthony snoring.)
Captain Feathersword: Oh, okay. (The spaceship just landed on Gloomy World, until it got no fuel.)
Greg: Hey, what's going on?
Captain Feathersword: Greg! (He was so shocked that The Wiggles won't believe that they are in the wrong shirts.) Greg?
Greg: Captain, what are you doing? You've changed course!
Captain Feathersword: Well... You... He said... Him and... Oh! Somebody told me to! I knew there was something going on!
Computer: Warning, warning. You have no fuel left. You must land as soon as possible. Warning. (The Wiggles are in the wrong shirts just turn into the gloomies & they walk out of the spaceship.)
Gloomy #1: We'd like to welcome you to Gloom World, but we never welcome anybody.
Anthony: What happened to these other ships?
Gloomy #1: They came to visit us.
Greg: I don't think they came to visit you by choice. I think you made them come here, like us.
Gloomy #2: Yes. And now, they are as gloomy as us.
Dorothy: Why are you so sad? Don't you like to laugh and sing? (She giggles in a happy voice.)
Gloomy #2: No. Well, we don't remember how.
Anthony: Come on, watch me! (He is gonna do a wacky dance move, while he is laughing, doing a handstand and trying to make the gloomies laugh. But, it didn't work) Hoo-hoo! Oh, yeah! Whoo-whoo-whoo! Ha! Ha! Hoo! Ha! Hee! Ho! Whoo-whoo-whoo! Ha! Ha! Whoo! Ha! Hee! How about that?
Gloomy #2: (offscreen) Great...
Murray: Maybe we could all help you. And you'll help, too, won't you?
Gloomy #1: Who are you talking to?
Murray: These are our friends! We have lots of adventures together, and I know they'll help cheer you up.
Gloomy #1: Oh, they won't be able to help us.
Murray: I'm sure they will. Come on, everyone! Let's help sing their gloomies away! And don't forget to smile when you're singing so they can learn that, too!
(Opening circle transition to the song: Dance The Gloomies Away. A scene where The Land Wiggly Group are dancing to cheer the Glommies.)
Greg: (singing) Dance your gloomies away
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Dance your gloomies away)
(Dorothy: Dance your gloomies away, he hee hee!)
Greg: (singing) Dance your gloomies away
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Hey Hey Hey!)
Greg: (singing) Dance your gloomies away
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Dance your gloomies away)
(Captain Feathersword: Whoa ho! Dance your gloomies away me hearties! Whoo hoo hoo!)
Greg: (singing) Dance your gloomies away
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Hey Hey Hey!)
Greg: (singing) Shake your hands
(Anthony: (singing) And stomp your feet)
Greg: (singing) Jump up and down
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) To the wiggly beat)
(Captain Feathersword: (singing in high voice) Let your body bounce)
(Anthony: (singing) And wiggle your nose)
Greg: (singing) Shake your body
The Other Wiggles: (singing) right down to your toes
Greg: (singing) And dance your gloomies away
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Dance your gloomies away)
(Dorothy: Dance your gloomies away)
Greg: (singing) Dance your gloomies away
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Hey Hey Hey!)
Greg: (singing) Dance your gloomies away
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Dance your gloomies away)
(Captain Feathersword: Whoa ho ho! Dance your gloomies away, Whoo hoo!)
Greg: (singing) Dance your gloomies away
Put your hands up high
(Anthony: (singing) And turn around)
Greg: (singing) Swivel your hips
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) And fall right down)
(Captain Feathersword: (singing in high voice) Everybody's got to swim)
(Anthony: (singing) Climb up a tree)
Greg: (singing) Flap like a bird
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) That's flying free)
Greg: (singing) Dance your gloomies away
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Dance your gloomies away)
(Captain Feathersword: Whoa ho! Dance your gloomies away, me hearties! Whoo hoo hoo!)
Greg: (singing) Dance your gloomies away
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Hey Hey Hey!)
Greg: (singing) Dance your gloomies away
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Dance your gloomies away)
(Dorothy: Dance your gloomies away, he hee hee!)
Greg: (singing) Dance your gloomies away
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Hey Hey Hey!)
Greg: (singing) Dance your gloomies away
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) That's right dance your gloomies away)
Dance your gloomies away
(That's right dance your gloomies away)
(Captain Feathersword: Whoa ho! Dance your gloomies away me hearties! Whoo hoo!)
Greg: (singing) Dance your gloomies away
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Hey Hey Hey!)
(The Wiggly group did a really big jump for the big finish, until the fireworks are exploded but the gloomies didn't work.)
Gloomy #1: Well, that was fun. But... oh. (He sighs.)
Anthony: But what?
Gloomy #1: If only we could laugh.
Murray: (He laughs.) Laughing is easy!
Jeff: Hey, Cappy-Wappy. Where do astronauts park their spaceships?
Captain Feathersword: Ho-ho! I don't know, Jeffy-Weffy. Where do astronauts park their spaceships?
Jeff: At parking meteors! (They were laughing over space jokes. Except, the gloomies didn't laugh. But, they all groan.)
Anthony: Uh, oh, hey, Greggy-Weggy, how do you get a baby astronaut to sleep?
Greg: I don't know, Anty-Aanty. Tell me.
Anthony: You rock-et. Get it? "Rock-et".
Captain Feathersword: Yeah, rock-et! (They were laughing over space jokes. Except, the gloomies didn't laugh. But, they all groan.)
Greg: This isn't going so well. Maybe a few knock-knock jokes.
All: Okay. Good idea.
Greg: Knock, knock.
All: Who's there?
Greg: Zoom.
All: Zoom who?
Greg: Zoom did you expect? (They were laughing over space jokes. Except, the gloomies didn't laugh. But, they all groan.) See? They're all laughing.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, dear, this is very gloomy, isn't it?
Greg: I wonder what's going on back on Earth.
Henry: Well, I don't know where they've all gone, but there's something funny going on down here. Just take a look at this.
Zeezaps: "How do you do? We come as friends. You have beautiful eyes".
Henry: There, what did I tell you?
Anthony: I'll never make it back for dinner now.
Captain Feathersword: And it's all my fault. All I wanted to do is have a bit of fun.
Murray: Hey, Captain, how about a funny dance?
Captain Feathersword: Oh, Murray, it was one of my funny dances that got us all into this.
Greg: (He is gonna stand up.) So let's see if one more will help us get through this.
Captain Feathersword: Well, you are my friends. And you'll dance, too, won't you? (He's gonna do a wacky crazy dance in his pirate pants, until the gloomies can laugh. Then, Gloomy World just turned into Happy World when the sun comes up.)
Greg: (offscreen) See? No gloom around here. It worked. It really worked.
Gloomy #1: (He's laughing over that funny Captain Feathersword.) Oh, Wiggles, Captain, it's been such a long time since we laughed. Oh, dear, but it's such a shame we had to trick you into coming here.
Murray: Oh, don't worry about that. If your people are laughing and singing and dancing, then you won't get lonely again.
Gloomy #1: (He chuckles.) I suppose you're right. But now you are stuck here with us. You have no fuel.
Captain Feathersword: Ooh, uh, Wags!
'Wags: Woof, woof.
Captain Feathersword: (He is trying to communicate Wags about how to get some more fuel from spaceship & they give a high five.) Hey! Hey, Wiggles... (He is saying that Wags the Dog to get some more fuel from spaceship.) How does that sound?
Anthony: By golly, I think the Captain has got a great idea! Come on!
Jeff: Brilliant idea, Captain. Get the fuel from the other old ships.
(The Wiggles, Wags & Captain trying to get some fuel from spaceship, while Running Up The Sandhills instrumental track is playing in the background.)
Greg: Well, I think that's it then.
Gloomy #1: It will be sad to see you go, but perhaps you will come and see us again?
Murray: Sure will, Gloomster.
Jeff: Yeah. Next time, we'll have a party.
Captain Feathersword: Ho-ho, come on, Wiggles, it's time to leave. This time, I'll get you home. Goodbye, Gloomies.
Gloomies: Goodbye, Captain. Goodbye, Captain. See you, Wiggles.
Gloomy #1: Say goodbye to your friends out there for us.
Anthony: Oh, Gloomies, wave to them yourselves. I know they'll wave back, won't you?
Gloomy #1: Really?
Gloomies: Really? Oh. Oh! They are! They're waving back! Bye!
All: See ya, Gloomies.
(As they get into the spaceship after saying goodbye to the Gloomies. Then, the spaceship blast off and leave Gloomy World, until they have to go back home for a song: Going Home.)
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Ooby Do)
Greg: (singing) We're going home
(Captain Feathersword: (singing) We're going home)
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Ooby Do)
Greg: (singing) We're going home
(Captain Feathersword: (singing) We're going home)
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We've been to space)
Greg: (singing) We've had some fun
(Captain Feathersword: (singing) Now our adventures are done)
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We love to roam)
Greg: (singing) But there's no place like home
We traveled all through space
We made many friends
We've all needed so much help
Dorothy: (She giggles.)
And now our journey ends
We met the tiny folks
Of Teenie Weenie Land
(Murray: (singing) We helped King Mondo rock by playing his band)
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Ooby Do)
Greg: (singing) We're going home
(Captain Feathersword: (singing) We're going home)
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Ooby Do)
Greg: (singing) We're going home
(Captain Feathersword: (singing) We're going home)
Dorothy: I can't wait to eat some roses!
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We've been to space)
Greg: (singing) We've had some fun
(Captain Feathersword: (singing) Now our adventures are done)
Dorothy: (She giggles.)
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We love to roam)
Greg: (singing) But there's no place like home
We traveled all through space
We made many friends
We've all needed so much help
And now our journey ends
We helped the Gloomies laugh
We let them with a smile
(Jeff: (singing) It's a long way back to Earth. I'll be sleeping for a while)
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Ooby Do)
Greg: (singing) We're going home
(Captain Feathersword: (singing) We're going home)
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Ooby Do)
Greg: (singing) We're going home
(Captain Feathersword: (singing) We're going home)
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We've been to space)
Greg: (singing) We've had some fun
(Captain Feathersword: (singing) Now our adventures are done)
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We love to roam)
Greg: (singing) But there's no place like home
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Ooby Do)
Greg: (singing) We're going home
(Captain Feathersword: (singing) We're going home)
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Ooby Do)
Greg: (singing) We're going home
(Captain Feathersword: (singing) We're going home)
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We've been to space)
Greg: (singing) We've had some fun
(Captain Feathersword: (singing) Now our adventures are done)
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We love to roam)
Greg: (singing) But there's no place like home
(Spaceship just landed onto the planet Earth. When they got out of the spaceship, until we finally arrived in Wigglehouse.)
Anthony: It's great to be home. You did it, Captain, you got us home.
Henry: So there you are! You've no idea what's been happening while you've been away. Just look at that.
Zeezaps: Zees zum. Zees zum.
(Cow moos.)
Anthony: They want the cows to go with them.
Murray: Yeah, but what do the cows want?
(Cow moos.)
Henry: Ooh, I think they want to go.
Anthony: Have a wonderful adventure!
(The spaceship is leaving waving goodbye. Until, the CGI transforms back into the live action segment. While, Jeff is awake when he is so shocked that Anthony, Greg & Murray are falling asleep.)
Jeff: Will you look at that? They're all asleep. (He yawns & then he is laughing about his funny dream.) That was a funny dream I had. Now, what was it all about?
Captain Feathersword: Ho-ho! Ahoy there, me hearties. Ho-ho! It's your old friend Captain Feathersword.
Wiggles: (They saw Captain Feathersword in live action.) Captain?
Captain Feathersword: Ho-ho-ho-ho. Oh, you're all sleepyheads. Why don't you get out and have an adventure?
Murray: I think I just did.
Captain Feathersword: Ho-ho, come on, you sleepyheads, otherwise I'll have to tickle you with my feathersword. (He was so shocked that he forgot his feathersword.) My feathersword! Oh. Oh, I had it. Oh, where did I leave it?
Zeezaps: (They're speaking in a funny voice since they dropped his feathersword. Then, they make an earthquake that the spaceship just rumbled by from outer space. But, when it stopped Captain just found his feathersword.)
Captain Feathersword: My feathersword! Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho! Imagine that!
(Opening circle transition to the end credits are showing during the The Zeezap Song instrumental track playing in the background. After that, it shows the Plastic Wax Animation logo & then The Wiggles endboard. Finally, in the American version it shows the HIT Entertainment logo at the end for the official copy release.)