The Wiggles in the Big Red Car
Anthony playing Maton guitar
Lachy sleeping in the Big Red Car
"Let's get ready to wiggle."
Cartoon Captain Feathersword and Emma
Captain Feathersword's title
Cartoon Dorothy and Henry
The Cartoon Wiggly Friends
The Other Cartoon Wiggly Group
The Early Cartoon Wiggly Group
Anthony's arm and Captain Feathersword
Captain introducing "Do the Propeller!"
Anthony playing the drums
The Wiggles on the double decker bus
Anthony driving the plane
The Wiggles doing the propeller
Anthony doing the propeller
Lachy's British flag is missing
Lachy introducing "Peanut Butter"
Anthony eating peanut butter
Emma eating peanut butter
Lachy eating peanut butter
Simon eating peanut butter
Lachy and Emma eating peanut butter
The Wiggles eating peanut butter
The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword in the movie theater
Owen Lane and Charlotte Cowper
Simon playing Red Starry Keyboard
Charlotte Cowper and Jeremy Lane
Anthony playing Maton guitar
Lachy playing Red Starry Keyboard
"So what bow should I wear today?"
The Male Wiggles and King Jeff
Captain Feathersword holding Emma's bow
Lachy and Emma in Guildford Castle
The Other Wiggles in Guildford Castle
The Wiggles in Guildford Castle
The Male Wiggles and King Jeff chasing Emma
Simon, Anthony and King Jeff
King Jeff in Guildford Castle
The Wiggles and Greg while holding newspaper
The Awake Wiggles and Greg
The Wiggles and Greg wearing bows
The Wiggles and King Jeff in Guildford Castle
The Awake Wiggles and King Jeff
Emma and Maria wearing glasses
The Pro Wiggly Humans wearing glasses
Lachy and Emma wearing glasses
Captain Feathersword wearing glasses
Emma and Anthony wearing glasses
The Awake Wiggles wearing glasses
The Wiggles wearing glasses
The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword wearing glasses
Anthony and Captain Feathersword wearing glasses
Emma, Anthony and Captain wearing glasses
The Replacement Wiggles wearing glasses
The Wiggles, Jeff and Captain
Anthony introducing "Little Bunny Foo Foo"
The Awake Wiggly Humans and Jeff
Lachy and Simon as field mice
Anthony playing Maton acoustic guitar
Captain Feathersword as Little Bunny Foo-Foo
The Other Wiggly Humans and Jeff
Captain Feathersword as evil goon
"Hare today, goon tomorrow!"
Emma, Anthony and Dorothy
Wags playing inflatable guitar
The Wiggly Group on the balcony.
Wags and Captain Feathersword
The Opposite Wiggly Group
Wags in Grand Brighton hotel
The Wiggles, Jeff and Wags
The Wiggles and Wags in Grand Brighton Hotel
The Wiggles holding bones
The Other Wiggles holding bones
Emma and Anthony holding bones
The Awake Wiggles holding bones
Anthony and Lachy holding bones
Simon and Lachy holding bones
Wags lying down on the floor
Lachy and Captain Feathersword
Lachy and Captain Feathersword on shoulders
Captain Feathersword falling down
Lachy and Captain Feathersword falling down
Captain Feathersword at London Docklands
Simon, Lachy and Captain Feathersword
Captain Feathersword holding Emma's drumsticks
Emma, Anthony, Captain and Dorothy
Captain giving drumsticks to Emma
Caterina holding Mini Maton acoustic guitar
Greg holding Fender bass guitar
Dorothy, Anthony and Greg
Anthony introducing "The Shimmie Shake!"
Murray playing Red Fender Jazzmaster guitar
Anthony, Lachy, Captain and Dorothy
Bláthnaid playing Maton acoustic guitar
Lachy and Captain Feathersword
The Non-realistic Wiggly Humans
Captain Feathersword at Tower of London
Lachy and Henry at Tower of London
The Replacement Wiggles and Henry
Lachy and Dorothy at Tower of London
The Replacement Wiggles and Dorothy
Dorothy at Tower of London
The Replacement Wiggles and Wags
The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword
Anthony's title in end credits
Lachy's title in end credits
Simon's title in end credits
Emma's title in end credits
Captain Feathersword's title in end credits
Dorothy the Dinosaur's title in end credits
Wags the Dog's title in end credits
Wags' voice title in end credits
Henry the Octopus' title in end credits
Henry's voice in end credits