"The Dancing Flowers" is a Wiggles song from the Whoo Hoo! Wiggly Gremlins! album and was featured as a bonus clip in the video.
A long, long time ago
In a valley below
There were four little flowers
Living under a big old tree
And they were blue, budda-bu-baa
And red, budda-bu-baa
And yellow, budda-bu-baa
And purple too
It was the middle of the afternoon
And a really big cloud came along
It was raining
Actually it was pouring
And the little flowers got a little bit scared
The big old tree said don't be scared
I'm here to protect you
just sing a song and you'll be right mate
the storm will pass
And they were blue, budda bu baa
And red, budda-bu baa
And yellow, budda-bu-baa
And purple too
So remember this everyone
Whenever a storm is around
Just remember those 4 little flowers
And how they sang a song
And the storm passed
And they were blue, budda-bu-baa
And red, budda-bu-baa
And yellow, budda-bu-baa
And purple too
(repeat 6 times)
Song Credits[]
Alfonso Rinaldi (Wiggly Tunes)

“The Dancing Flowers” aspect ratio comparison
- The song is played on the game Grow your own Wiggly flowers!.
- The 2002-2003 version plays in C while the 2008 version plays in D.
- Anthony provides narration for the 2002-2003 version and using his drum set as bongos too.
- Buddy provided narration for the 2024 version.
- While the song's appearance in Series 3 is in 16:9 widescreen, it was featured as a bonus clip for Whoo Hoo! Wiggly Gremlins! in a letterboxed 14:9 ("halfway widescreen") format.
Video Performances[]
- Whoo Hoo! Wiggly Gremlins! (Bonus Feature; 14:9 aspect ratio)
- Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! (DVD)
- Dorothy the Dinosaur's Memory Book
Album Appearances[]
- Whoo Hoo! Wiggly Gremlins!
- Omo Colourlock Limited Edition CD Sampler
- Dorothy the Dinosaur's Memory Book
- Wiggle and Learn: 100 Educational Songs for Children
Episode Appearances[]
Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles![]
11-minute versions[]
- Episode 13 (paired with Quack Quack)