"The Dingle Puck Goat" is a British song written by Johnny Patterson and covered by The Wiggles on The Wiggles Go Bananas! album and video.
I am a sea captain who sails on the sea
Here's a fine story, please listen to me
While sailing to Dingle to buy me a coat
I stumbled upon an old Dingle goat
He was tied to a tree in a farmer's front yard
He wanted his freedom, he was trying quite hard
The farmer who owned him did say unto me:
"Take my Dingle puck goat; you can have him for free!"
So I took my new friend and I boarded my ship
And headed once more on my sea ferry trip
But it wasn't long after we started to go
That my fine sailing trip to get slow
Then all of a sudden, a cry and wail
"This Dingle puck goat is eating the sail!
He's eaten our rations and most of our clothes
You can see there's a button on the end of his nose!"
My crew tried to catch him, alas, they did sail
He just gave a 'baaa' and ate some more sail
We came to a halt all surrounded by sea
And that dingle puck goat was a laughin' at me
We jumped and we pounced, but try as we may
That dingle puck goat just bounded away
He said as he bounded, "I need me more treats
It's time to start eating those soft cotton sheets!"
Then all of a sudden, that Dingle puck goat
had a strange tummy rumbling come into his throat
And as that last sheet, he chewed with a slurp
The Dingle puck goat gave a monstrous burp
Now the burp was so big that my ship and my crew
Were blown back to Dingle, I tell you it's true
The Dingle puck goat I took back to the tree
And never again did he sail on the sea
Song Credits[]
Trad. Arr. Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Anthony Field, Sam Moran, Paul Paddick (Wiggly Tunes Pty. Ltd.)