Wags and the Wagettes dancing
Henry and his Underwater Big Band
Captain Feathersword and Wags practice begging
Dorothy and the music bug
The Puppet Wiggles and Captain Feathersword
Captain Feathersword and Wags racing
Dorothy watering the roses
Captain Feathersword teaching Wags and the Wagettes the "Yo-Ho-Ho" dance
Dorothy having breakfast with Wags.
Captain Feathersword holding an empty treasure chest
Captain Feathersword and his pirate crew on the S.S. Feahersword
Captain Feathersword falling down
Chaos at Captain Feathersword's dockyard
Captain Feathersword being tickled by the music bug
Wags and the Wagettes playing ball
Puppet Wags as an astronaut
Dorothy throwing her roses
Captain Feathersword, Officer Beaples and the Waggetes
Captain Feathersword and the Wagettes
Dorothy introducing the video
Captain Feathersword and his camera
Captain setting his camera timer
But the camera clicks too soon.
"You're supposed to wait till I'm ready, you silly camera."
Captain resets his camera timer
"Come on, camera, click!"
A photo of Captain Feathersword taken
"I just took a photograph of my teeth."
Puppet Anthony, Puppet Captain Feathersword and Puppet Jeff
Puppet Anthony and Captain
Puppet Captain falling down
The Puppet Wiggles and Captain Feathersword
Puppet Captain in the water
Puppet Captain and Jacques the Shark
Puppet Greg, Murray and Captain
The Wiggles Puppets in the puppet theatre
Dorothy introducing the "Yo Ho Dance"
The S.S Feathersword dockyard
Captain, Wags, and the Wagettes
Captain Feathersword teaching Wags and the Wagettes the "Yo-Ho-Ho" dance
"Pirate Rudolf, Charlie, James!"
Pirate Rudolf, Charlie and James
Captain, Cartwhelle and Skally
Captain, Skally and Fluffy
Pirates Rudolf, Charlie and James dancing
Captain Feathersword and Pirate James
Captain Feathersword and Pirate Rudolf
Captain Feathersword doing the "Yo-Ho-Ho" dance
Big Red Car banner Song Title
Puppet Greg and Joey the Crab
The puppeteer's head in the background
Puppet Captain Feathersword falling down
Puppet Greg close to the screen
Puppet Captain without his hat
Puppet Captain's hat flying
"Oh Wiggly Wiggly Wiggly Wiggly! Oh Wiggly Wiggly Wiggly!"
"Fruit Salad, Yummy Yummy"
Puppet Greg, Captain and Murray
Puppet Greg and Murray bonking heads
The Awake Wiggly Human Puppets
Puppet Anthony with Captain's hat
Puppet Greg and the Fishettes
The Wiggly Colours background
Puppet Wags on the microphone
Puppet Wags in a sailor hat
Puppet Wags in a viking hat
Puppet Wags wagging his tail
Puppet Wags kicking his legs
Puppet Wags having bacon and eggs sandwiches
Puppet Wags' viking hat falling off
Puppet Wags barking on the microphone
Wags the Dog's Construction
Puppet Wags as an astronaut
Puppet Wags in a sleeping cap
Puppet Wags chasing the microphone
Puppet Wags in a sailor hat
Puppet Wags digging for construction
Puppet Wags and the microphone
Puppet Wags chasing the microphone
Puppet Wags in his astronaut helmet hanging upside down scratching
Puppet Wags barking on the microphone
Puppet Wags' magician cape
Puppet Wags and the microphone
Puppet Wags floating in his astronaut helmet
Puppet Wags' face covered in a viking hat
Puppet Wags chasing the microphone
Puppet Wags holding a bone in his mouth
"Oh, that music bug certainly buzzes beautifully."
"Where did the little bug go?"
"Stop tickling me bug! (Giggle)
Dorothy following the music bug
Dorothy throwing her roses while giggling
Dorothy exiting her garden
Dorothy following the music bug in Wiggle World (notice that Dorothy's costume changed to the 2nd version of the 4th costume)
Dorothy and the music bug at Wags' World
Dorothy, Wags and the music bug
The S.S. Feathersword dockyard
Pirate James holding a crate of Wiggles cow milk
Captain Feathersword and his pirate crew
"We love Wiggles cow milk, too."
"Well, blow me down, mmm."
"We've been all over the world."
Wags, Dorothy and the music bug
The Land Wiggly Friends, the pirates, and the music bug
Wags and Captain Feathersword
Chaos at Captain Feathersword's dockyard
Captain Feathersword being tickled by the music bug
Captain Feathersword dancing
Captain Feathersword pressing the fast button
The Land Wiggly Friends and the pirates
"That was fun, and I'm hungry."
Captain speaking to the music bug
The music bug tasting the milkshake
Dorothy watering her rose
Dorothy talking to her rose
"I remember when my garden was just an empty field."
Wags, Cartwhelle and Skally
Wags and the Wagettes dancing in their new shoes
Dorothy and her rose bush
Captain Feathersword holding a treasure chest
"Shall we see what's inside?"
Captain opening the treasure chest
"Bones?!? This isn't treasure!"
Captain Feathersword, Wags and the Wagettes
"And an empty chest. Oh, well. At least they like the treasure."
Captain Feathersword taking the treasure chest
"What a nice treasure chest."
Dorothy introducing "Wake Up Jeff Medley Mix Up" sung by The Wiggle Puppets.
The Wiggle Puppets, Captain and Dorothy
The Other Wiggly Human puppets
Puppet Wags and the Big Red Car
Puppet Murray and Dorothy dancing
The Professional Puppet Wiggles
The Non-realistic Puppet Wiggles
The Wiggle Puppets and Puppet Dorothy
Puppet Anthony and Dorothy
Captain, the Wagettes and Officer Beaples
Wags and the Wagettes dancing
Henry and his Underwater Big Band
Captain Feathersword and Wags practice begging
Dorothy and the music bug
Dorothy watering the roses
Captain Feathersword teaching Wags and the Wagettes the "Yo-Ho-Ho" dance
Dorothy having breakfast with Wags.
Captain Feathersword holding an empty treasure chest
Dorothy knocking over her rose compost post
Captain Feathersword and his pirate crew on the S.S. Feahersword
Captain Feathersword falling down
Chaos at Captain Feathersword's dockyard
Captain Feathersword being tickled by the music bug
Wags and the Wagettes playing ball
Wags blowing Captain down
Captain and his crew falling down while screaming
Dorothy throwing her roses
The Wagettes on Upside Down Street
Dorothy and the music bug
Wags the Dog Construction
"Do you know what I try to feed the munchworm?"
"Salty chips?!? Sour milk?!? Pizza?!?"
A flashback of Dorothy making compost
Compost in Dorothy's flashback
Dorothy introducing Captain Feathersword and the Wagettes
Dorothy picking roses while singing
Dorothy and the music bug
Dorothy following the music bug
""I remember when my garden was just an empty field."."
Captain Feathersword, Henry, Wags and the Wagettes
The Wagettes on Back to Front Street
Captain Feathersword on Upside-Down Street
Skally on Slippery Street
Fluffy on Slippery Street
Cartwhelle on Slippery Street
Captain Feathersword on Slippery Street
"This babysitting's sure is hard work!"
The Wagettes on Twirly Street
The Wagettes and Officer Beaples
Captain Feathersword on Twirly Street
Captain Feathersword and the Wagettes sleeping
Dorothy introducing her manners poem
Dorothy reciting her manners poem