
"The Fairy Dance (Instrumental)" is the instrumental track of "The Fairy Dance" that was played at the end of various Wiggles concerts from 2008 to 2011.

An unrelated instrumental song of the same name first appeared on the Och Aye the G'Nu! album, and was later performed in Emma's Bowtiful Ballet Studio and in Episode 18 of Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle!.

Song Credits[]

Dorothy the Dinosaur's Traveling Show![]

Trad. Arr. Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Anthony Field, Sam Moran, Carolyn Ferrie, Dominic Lindsay (Wiggly Tunes Pty. Ltd.)

Och Aye the G'Nu![]

Jackie Barnes, Jimmy Barnes, Oliver Brian, Anthony Field, Alex Keller (Sony/ATV Music Publishing Australia, Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd)
Keyboard: Lachlan Gillespie
Drums: Anthony Field
Percussion: Oliver Brian, Anthony Field
Bagpipes: Anthony Field
Six-String Banjo: Oliver Brian

Wiggly Big Day Out[]

Trad Arr Evie Ferris, Anthony Field, Lucia Field, Lachlan Gillespie, Tsehay Hawkins, Caterina Mete, John Pearce, Simon Pryce (Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd)


  • The 2008 version plays in G while the 2017 plays in C and D.
  • The Emma's Bowtiful Ballet Studio version of the song was uploaded on The Wiggles' YouTube channel on September 10th 2017. The YouTube upload of this version of the song also refers to it simply as "Fairy Dance".