
"The Fairy King and Queen from Narrabeen" is a song from The Wiggles' Big Ballet Day! album and video. It uses the tune "The Fairy Hills" as the backing track.


Lachy: There once was a fairy king and queen

They danced in the garden but were rarely seen

King Jock, Queen Jean from Narabeen

They danced but were rarely seen

(Instrumental break)

King Jock, Queen Jean from Narabeen

They danced but were rarely seen

One day the townspeople saw them dance

It made them smile with fine romance

King Jock, Queen Jean from Narabeen

The first time that they were seen

So everyone in the town joined the dance

One day the townspeople saw them dance

It made them smile with fine romance

King Jock, Queen Jean from Narabeen

They joined in the fairy dance.

Song Credits[]

Trad Arr Anthony Field, Lachlan GillespieSimon Pryce, Emma WatkinsOliver Brian, Alex Keller (Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd)
