
"The Five Senses" is a Wiggles song from the Getting Strong! album and video.


I use my eyes to see, see, see

I use my nose to smell, smell, smell

I use my ears to hear, hear, hear

My hands to touch and my tongue to taste.


Español (Latinoamérica)[]

Yo uso mis ojos para ver, ver, ver

Yo uso mi nariz para oler, oler, oler

Yo uso mis oídos para oír, oír, oír

Con mis manos tocaré y con mi lengua probaré

Song Credits[]

Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Anthony Field, Greg Page, John Field, Dominic Lindsay (Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd)


  • Sam is the only Wiggle to appear in the clip.


Video Appearances[]

Album Appearances[]

Episode Appearances[]

Wiggle and Learn[]

11-minute versions[]
22-minute versions[]