The Latin American Wiggles (officially known as Los Wiggles) are a Spanish-speaking franchise of The Wiggles created during the mid-2000s. The line-up is made up of Zoe Velez (Blue Wiggle), Fernando Moguel (Yellow Wiggle), Katty Villafuerte (Purple Wiggle) and Francisco Madrid (Red Wiggle).
The TV series they starred in originally aired on Disney Channel Latin America in 2006[1], but no official CDs or DVDs featuring the group were ever released. Select songs and film clips have appeared in mainline Australian Wiggles releases, often serving as the backing music to clips of animated Mariachi Wiggles; caricatures of the regular Wiggles dressed in sombreros and mustaches.
In 2018, Australia-based company Panita Productions acquired the rights to localize The Wiggles as Los Wiggles for Latin America[2], effectively reviving The Latin American Wiggles. Nothing from Panita Productions ever surfaced.
On May 22, 2021, Anthony Field announced on Twitter and Instagram that international Wiggles content (Taiwanese and Latin American) will be making its way to The Wiggles' YouTube channel. A Spanish-language Play Time video starring Francisco and Zoe will be on the YouTube channel as well.
On June 7, 2021, The Wiggles Uploaded a video of Francisco and Zoe announcing that The Spanish Wiggles clips would be uploaded to the channel soon, followed by the Spanish music video of Dorothy (Would You Like To Dance?).
On June 11, 2021, the first episode of The Latin American Wiggles Show was released on the official Wiggles YouTube channel, with songs never before released, such as the Spanish versions of Henry's Dance, Shaky Shaky and D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. (My Favourite Dinosaur). All episodes have been confirmed to be released and were uploaded every 2 weeks (some episodes were delayed due to other projects, e.g Fruit Salad TV), along with Spanish Play Time videos that aired on the first Monday of every month with the final episode being uploaded on July 8, 2022.
On September 17, 2021, Anthony Field announced on his Instagram story that The Latin American Wiggles' discography will be released on Spotify and possibly other music services at some point in the future.[3]
Original run (2006)[]
- Una Rana Fue a Caminar (Wiggly Animation)
- Cochesote Rojo
- Morenita en el Aro
- La Cubeta de Gotitas
- El Vuelo de las Mariposas (Wiggly Animation)
- ¿Podrás (Apuntar Tus Dedos y Hacer el Twist?) (seen as an bonus song on "Hot Potatoes!" 2010 DVD)
- Captain Feathersword
- El Captain Feathersword se Durmió en el Barco Pirata
- Los Botones Mágicos del Capitán
- Pan Crujiente Hecho con Miel
- Di Dicki Do Dum
- D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. (Mi Dinosaurio Favorito)
- Dorothy (¿Te Invito a Bailar?)
- Dorothy the Dinosaur
- Fiesta de Cumpleaños de Dorothy
- Has el Flap
- Copia al Buho
- Codo con Codo
- Cinco Patitos (Wiggly Animation)
- Cinco Canguritos
- Ensalada de Fruta (partially seen in in 15 Years of Wiggly Fun! until Episodio 2 was uploaded on YouTube worldwide)
- Cancion de Georgia
- Listos Para Hacer el Wiggle
- Vamos Captain Feathersword, Vamos!
- ¿Adivina qué Es? (Wiggly Animation)
- Gulp Gulp (Wiggly Animation)
- Haru Ga Kita (Wiggly Animation)
- Gorra en mi Cabeza
- Que Tengas un Feliz Cumpleaños Capitana
- Diversión en la Playa
- Cabeza, Hombros, Rodillas y Pies
- Henry the Octopus
- La Banda Submarina de Henry (Wiggly Animation)
- El Baile de Henry
- Aquí Viene un Oso
- Je, Je, Je El Baile del Pirata
- Hoop Dee Doo (LIVE)
- Papa Caliente
- Soy una Vaca (Wiggly Animation)
- Soy Bailarín
- Yo Puedo Hacer Tantas Cosas
- Subo Diez Escalones (Wiggly Animation)
- Me Veo en el Espejo
- Me Encanta que Llueva
- Me Pongo la Chaqueta
- Lucía usa un Martillo
- Vamonos (Estamos Paseando en el Coche Rojo)
- ¡Luces, Cámara, Acción, Wiggles! (LIVE)
- Hormiguita Cafe (Wiggly Animation)
- Marchando
- Fito el Gatito
- Trapeando (LIVE)
- Muevete Como un Emu
- Mueve los Brazos como Henry
- El Juego del Nombre
- Nicky Nacky Nocky Noo
- Nuestro Barco se Sacude por el Mar
- Toca tu Guitarra con Francisco (LIVE)
- Ponis
- Trenecitos
- Mece a tu Osito
- Romp Bomp A Stomp
- Navegando Alrededor del Mundo (theme song)
- Sanctissima
- Shaky Shaky
- Perdóname
- Sydney Barcarolle
- Vamos a Pasear al Mar
- Los Cuatro Regalos
- El Gitano Andante (Wiggly Animation)
- El Baile del Chango
- Bip, Bip, el Cochesote Rojo
- Arca Del Tío Noé (Wiggly Animation)
- Sopa de Verduras (Wiggly Animation)
- Wags the Dog
- ¡Despierta Katty!
- Camina
- Saluda a Wags
- Nos Gusta Saludar
- Estamos Jugando Unga Broma al Capitán
- Siempre Que Oigo Esta Música
- Wiggly Fiesta (LIVE)
- Aire, Lluvia y el Mar
- Bostezar Bostezar Bostezar
Unused Songs[]
- Bing Bang Bong (Es la Cancion de un Pirata)
- Soplame
- Ven a Brincar
- La Fiesta Para Bailar de Dorothy
- Disfrazandome
- Ve Santa Ve
- Un Gran Hombre Vestido de Rojo
- Sombreros
- Numeros
- Oh es el Capitán Feathersword
- Rodando Hacia Abajo en la Loma Arena
- Corriendo Hacia Arriba de la Loma de Arena
- Navegando Alrededor del Mundo (full song)
- Estamos Bailando con el Perro Wags
- En Donde Esta el Pulgar?
- Donde Esta Katty?
Revival (2021-2022)[]
The Wiggles[]
- Fernando Moguel Jr. as Fernando Wiggle
- Zoe Velez as Zoe Wiggle
- Frank Madrid as Francisco Wiggle
- Katty Villafuerte as Katty Wiggle
The Wiggly Friends[]
- John Martin as Captain Feathersword
- Mario Martinez-Diaz as the voice of Henry the Octopus
- Jennifer Taipari as the voice of Dorothy the Dinosaur
- Frank Madrid as the voice of Wags the Dog
- Sam Moran as Professor Singalottasonga
- Fernando Moguel Sr. as various characters
The Wiggly Dancers[]
- Ryan Desaulnier
- Clare Field
- Mario Martinez Diaz
- Sam Moran
- Ben Murray
- Adrian Quinnell
- Jennifer Taipari
- Yarima Herrera
- Marcela Balart
- Mauricio Alpizar
- Jose Luis Camarena
- Some of the Latin American Wiggles have worked for the original Australian Wiggles. Fernando Jorge Moguel and his family met The Wiggles on tour with Barney's Musical Castle, after which they collaborated a few times over the following years. Katty Villafuerte and Zoe Velez were Wiggly dancers in 2005-2006, and Zoe was an occasional English voice artist for Dorothy during this time as well, most prominently in Racing to the Rainbow. Fernando was also a Wiggly Dancer for a time in 2007-2008, and Francisco was a Wiggly Dancer during the LIVE Hot Potatoes! tour and later went on to play the dance instructor for Emma! (Series 2).
- Sam Moran performs most of the backing vocals, with Brett Clarke also occasionally performing lower notes (such as in D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. (My Favourite Dinosaur)).
- According to Sam, the group re-recorded about "two or three albums worth" of songs for the project.
- From 2009 to 2011, a show called Dos y Dos aired on the American Spanish-language cable network Sopresa!. It starred characters who wore the same colours as the Wiggles singing songs in both Spanish and English. Whether the similarities to the Latin American Wiggles were intentional or not has yet to be confirmed.
- When uploaded to YouTube, the episodes were originally given names. However, around the time when Episodio 7 released, the titles were edited to just say "Episodio (insert episode number)'".
- Episodio 2, according to an end card from the master disc from The Wiggles Archives, was originally titled "Dorothy's Birthday Party". This is also the only episode of the Latin American Wiggles TV Series to have a completion date (12/12/2005).
- Wags' head is reused from the Hoop-Dee-Doo it's a Wiggly Party video in 2001, the Australian Wiggles also used the head for their promotion photos in 2004.
- If you listen to the vocals carefully, you'll notice that unlike the Australian and Taiwanese Wiggles, they copied either Fernando or Zoe's vocal recordings for the same lyrics, instead of them singing the same lyrics again. Some examples:
- In numerous YouTube uploads of the series' episodes, multiple lines were redubbed by unknown voice actors for some reason.