"The Party" is the eighth episode of Series 1.
Do you know how to make a Fruit Salad feast? Peel a banana, toss in some grapes, chop up some apples, chop up some melons, and put them on your plate! Greg Wiggle has baked his prize-winning banana cake for a Wiggly Party! Join Greg, Murray, Anthony, Jeff, Wags the Dog, Henry the Octopus, Dorothy the Dinosaur, Captain Feathersword the Friendly Pirate, Officer Beaples and their guest of honour, Ms. Fez! Everyone's invited to this Wiggly Party!
- Fruit Salad (from Yummy Yummy)
- Dorothy's Dance Party (new video, from the album Big Red Car)
- Shaky Shaky (from Yummy Yummy)
Kaz the Cat[]
Kaz and her friends plan a surprise birthday party.
Kids run an obstacle course.
The Wiggles are having a party with their friends to celebrate Miss Fez, their friend, for being hired to work at the school. Anthony wants to have some of the food for the party. The other Wiggles warn Anthony to not eat all of the food. Anthony can't help himself and accidentally eats all the food. He covers the table hoping the others won't notice.
Wiggly Trivia[]
- Why has Anthony got a sore tummy?
- What will the guests think?
- Will there be enough food for everybody else?
Later, The Wiggles' friends come over and are interested in having some of the food. Anthony tries to stall them by making them play a game. Anthony still continues to try and stall everyone from going to the food table. Eventually everyone agrees that it's time for the food. Anthony tries to stall them again, but everyone starts to chant "FOOD! FOOD! FOOD!", causing Anthony to back up and try to stop everyone to see that the food's gone. But Greg lifts the sheet covering the table to find that the food was gone. Anthony says that the flies were bad, but Murray says that it was no flies, and it was him. Anthony asks "Apple, anybody?", and then everyone else says in response "Oh Anthony!"
Henry the Octopus[]
Henry and Jacques help a little fish train for a swimming race.
Captain Feathersword's Pirate Show[]
Captain Feathersword and Wags search for Frank the very rare, dancing, green, Mexican iguana.
The Chase[]
The Butterfly Net Chase
Alternate titles[]
- The Party/Shaky Shaky (Sprout name)
- At the end of the Captain Feathersword's Pirate Show segment, the picture shows Wags grinning. This is the first time in the series we see Wags' teeth.
- In the Kids Running the Obstacle Course segment, there is The Tigger Movie poster.
- The Wiggly Trivia Announcer font in this episode looks slightly different than that of the rest of the series.
- During the song Dorothy's Dance Party is the only appearance of the red/green and purple/orange dance cubes. (The ones they usually use are the red/blue and yellow/purple ones.)
- This is the first time Officer Beaples is mentioned by name.
- The camera sound effect in the Captain Feathersword's Pirate Show segment was later used in Hoop-Dee-Doo it's a Wiggly Party.
- This episode was out on September 18, 1998. The same month when The Wiggles performed at Disneyland.
- On December 13th 2020, this episode was uploaded to The Wiggles (YouTube channel).