
"The Twins Song - Double Happy" is a song that was first released as a standalone single when Lachy and Dana Stephensen had their twin daughters, Lulu and Lottie Gillespie. It later appeared on the Lullabies with Love album and video as a special feature.


Lachy: Twins? What?!

Double happy, double nappy,

When everything around you starts with two.

Two nappies and two onesies and two-

Two little heads are pocking from the stroller.

Double happy, double nappy,

When everything around you starts with two.

Two little faces looking up at you.

Two times the fun, by gee we found a two-leaf clover.

One is fun,

Three is two plus one,

But two is one plus one.

Double happy, double nappy,

When everything around you starts with two.

Two nappies and two onesies and two-

Not again!

Two little heads are pocking from the stroller.

I, I, can't, can't, wait, wait, to, to, say, say, every, every, thing, thing, twice, twice.

I I can't can't wait wait to to say say every every thing thing twice twice so so hee hee I I (Gasps)

I I love love you you both both very very much much very very much much

Double happy, double nappy,

When everything around you starts with two.

Two nappies and two onesies and two-

Two times the fun inside that double stroller, yeah.

Song Credits[]

Written by Lachlan Gillespie (credited to Anthony Field, Lachlan Gillespie, Simon Pryce, Emma Watkins, Oliver Brian and Alex Keller). Initially published by Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd


