
This is the closing scene of The Wiggles' Big Birthday!.

Song Credits[]

Album Version[]

Video Version[]

  • Music: Anthony Field, John Field
  • Lyrics: Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Anthony Field, Sam Moran
  • Music Arrangement: Anthony Field, John Field
  • Original Idea: ?
  • Publisher: Wiggly Tunes


Album Version[]

Video Version[]

  • Vocals - Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Anthony Field, Sam Moran
  • Snoring - Jeff Fatt

Closing Scene Transcript[]

Murray: Well, everyone, it's almost time to go. We've had a great time and we hope you'd have fun.... at The Wiggles' Big Birthday! You know, I love all the singing and dancing.

Sam: My favorite part was meeting the singing and dancing weatherman, Al Roker!

Anthony: I'll tell you what, I love those bloopers. Whoo-Hoo!

Murray: Hey, Jeff, What was your favorite part? (Jeff snores.) Oh, no! Look at Jeff everyone. He's falling asleep! Let's wake him up. (with Sam & Anthony.) 1, 2, 3. Wake up, Jeff!

Jeff: (He blubbers & wakes up.) I'd had lots of fun too! Thank you, bye-bye!

Murray & Sam: Bye-bye!

Anthony: Bye, everyone!


  • For an unknown reason, this scene is not included in the US version. After Hot Potato, it goes straight to the credits.
  • The Instrumental that is playing in the background on the album version is Get Ready To Wiggle while the video version as a instrumental track of Thank You, Mr. Weatherman!.