
This is the transcript for The Wiggles Reunion Show.


(The video starts with the logo is now showing to be filmed on September 9, 2016 at Melbourne. Then, the audience are whooping & cheering because they wanted to go see the show, while Hot Potato Instrumental track is playing in the background.)

Audience: Whoo! Yeah! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Get ready to wiggle.

(The video title card is shown. When, the audience cheering & clapping since The Wiggles Reunion concert is starting with a song: Wiggly Party. A scene where The Wiggles are celebrating their 25th anniversary show for adults. Then, a flashback for the song clip from Hoop-Dee-Doo it's a Wiggly Party.)

Captain Feathersword: (in high voice) Oh! Wiggly Party,

Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party!

Captain Feathersword: (in high voice) Everybody's grooving

Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party!

Captain Feathersword: (in high voice) Everybody's  grooving

Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party!

Captain Feathersword: (in high voice) Everybody's grooving

Anthony: Stamp, stamp, stamp, clap, clap, clap. Wiggle your hips just like that.

Pin the tail on the donkey.

Greg: (singing) Now we're playing hide and seek.

Anthony: And in the kitchen, we're making

Greg: (singing) All the fruit salad you can eat

At the

(The Other Wiggles singing) Wiggly Party.

Captain Feathersword: (in high voice) Everybody's  grooving

Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party.

Captain Feathersword: (in high voice) Everybody's grooving

Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party.

Captain Feathersword(in high voice) Everybody's  grooving

Anthony: Stamp, stamp, stamp, clap, clap, clap. Wiggle your hips just like that.

Put on your party hats

Greg: (singing) And you dress up in costumes, too.

Anthony: Pass the parcel and then

Greg: (singing) There's a present for me and you

At the

(The Other Wiggles singing) Wiggly Party.

Captain Feathersword: (in high voice) Everybody's grooving

Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party.

Captain Feathersword(in high voice) Everybody's grooving

Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party.

Captain Feathersword: (in high voice) Everybody's grooving

Anthony: Stamp, stamp, stamp, clap, clap, clap. Wiggle your hips just like that. Stamp, stamp, stamp, clap, clap, clap. Wiggle your hips just like that.

Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party.

Captain Feathersword: (in high voice) Everybody's grooving

Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party.

Captain Feathersword: (in high voice) Everybody's grooving

Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party.

Captain Feathersword: (in high voice) Everybody's grooving

Anthony: Stamp, stamp, stamp, clap, clap, clap. Wiggle your hips just like that.

(Audience cheering & clapping over that celebrating fantastic 25 years together than they introduced themselves)

Greg: Give yourselves a big clap, everybody.

Murray: That was well done.

Captain Feathersword: (cheering.) 

Greg: Hi, everybody. (with others.) We're The Wiggles. (himself.) I'm Greg.

Murray: I'm Murray.

Jeff: I'm Jeff.

Anthony: I'm Anthony. And, everybody, just a quick tip. We know it's gonna be a great night tonight. Look, if you have a big night, and tomorrow, you're thinking about having a healthy breakfast... (They were all laughing at each other.) Greg, what do we have?

Greg: Well, if you want to have something very healthy tomorrow morning, you can always have some fruit salad. Yummy, yummy!

(Audience cheering & clapping over they really want a song: Fruit Salad. A scene where they wanted to sing a song for all the girls & boys. Then, a flashback for the song clip from Yummy Yummy.)

Greg: Oh, yes, everybody. It's time to sing about the yummiest dish on the planet, fruit salad. 1, 2, 3, 4.

All: (singing) Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Lachy: (singing) Yummy yummy, yummy yummy, fruit salad!

Greg: (singing) Let's make some fruit salad today.

(with the others singing) Uh, huh, huh!

Greg: (singing) It's fun to do it the healthy way.

(with the others singing) Uh, huh, huh!

Greg: (singing) Take all the fruit that you want to eat.

It's gonna be a fruit salad treat!

(with the others singing) The first step,

Greg: (singing) peel your bananas.

Jeff: Bananas!

(with the others singing) The second step,

Greg: (singing) toss in some grapes.

(with the others singing) The third step,

Greg: (singing) chop up some apples.

Greg: (singing) Chop up some melons, and put them on your plate.

Now we've made it, it's time to eat it.

(with the others singing) Uh, huh, huh!

Greg: (singing) It tastes so good that you just can't beat it.

(with the others singing) Uh, huh, huh!)

Greg: (singing) Give everyone a plate and a spoon.

We'll all be eating it very soon!

Anthony: Are we ready?

(with the others singing) The first step,

Greg: (singing) eat up the bananas.

(with the others singing) The second step,

Greg: (singing) eat up some grapes.

(with the others singing) The third step,

Greg: (singing) eat up some apples.

Now eat the melons, now there's nothing on your plate!

Now we've had our fruit salad today.

(with the others singing) Uh, huh, huh!

Greg: (singing) It's time to put all the scraps away.

(with the others singing) Uh, huh, huh!

Greg: (singing) So wash the bowls and wash the spoon.

Let's do it all again real soon!

All: (singing) Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Lachy: (singing) Yummy yummy, yummy yummy, fruit salad

All: (singing) Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Lachy: (singing) Yummy yummy, yummy yummy, fruit salad!

Greg: Hey. keep it going there, guys...

(Audience cheering cause they wanted to do it again.)

Greg: 'cause it is time to get the Croxton Choir singing with The Wiggles.

Captain Feathersword: Yeah!

Greg: Now... We're gonna try this. We're gonna ask all the boys here tonight, all the males, to sing this.

(singing) Fruit Salad,

Then the girls, we want you to go...

(singing) yummy yummy!

Okay? Now, it's not very hard. Boys, "fruit salad". Girls, "yummy yummy". Okay?

Captain Feathersword: Yeah.

Greg: Are you ready? Boys!

Boys: (singing) Fruit Salad,

Greg: Girls!

Girls: (singing) yummy yummy!

Greg: Boys!

Boys: (singing) Fruit Salad,

Greg: Girls!

Girls: (singing) yummy yummy!

Greg: Boys!

Boys: (singing) Fruit Salad,

Greg: Girls!

Girls: (singing) yummy yummy!

Greg: Everybody!

Audience: (singing) Yummy yummy, yummy yummy, fruit salad!

Greg: One more time! Come on! Sing it! Boys!

Boys: (singing) Fruit Salad,

Greg: Girls!

Girls: (singing) yummy yummy!

Greg: Boys!

Boys: (singing) Fruit Salad,

Greg: Girls!

Girls: (singing) yummy yummy!

Greg: B-boys!

Boys: (singing) Fruit Salad,

Greg: G-girls!

Girls: (singing) yummy yummy!

Greg: Everyone!

Audience: (singing) Yummy yummy, yummy yummy, fruit salad!

All: (singing) Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Fruit Salad, yummy yummy!

Lachy: (singing) Yummy yummy, yummy yummy, fruit salad!

Greg: Well done, everyone.

Captain Feathersword: Whoo!

(Audience cheering that fruit salad treat was really delicious.)

Greg: Oh, this is too much fun, everybody. Thank you so much for coming out tonight in aid of Soldier On. (He's giving by handed over to the poster.) Okay. Hang on. We've got a poster here. Have a look at that! "We were at the Sydney concert." Well done. What have we got coming up now? Oh. Okay. This... Anthony, do you want to...? Is that for us? Oh, thank you. Thank you very much.

Anthony: That's great!

Greg: I'll put it right there. We have a challenge for everybody.

Anthony: Oh, yeah. Can you hold my banjo? Can you hold my banjo?

Greg: Huh! Yeah. I've never held...

Anthony: Everybody, the challenge is this. Can you point your fingers?

(Audience cheering for pointing our fingers.)

Anthony: But that's not all. Can you do the twist at the same time?

(Audience cheering for pointing our fingers and doing the twist.)

Anthony: But hang on.

Greg: That's easy. Yes?

Anthony: Greg, have you got something for everybody?

Greg: I have got something for everybody, and it is a little bit later in the evening, everybody, so this could be quite tricky, depending on what you've had before you had your fruit salad. (The audience is laughing about we finished our song about fruit salad.) Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands?

Captain Feathersword: Yeah!

(Audience cheering for standing on one foot and shaking our hands.)

Murray: That's a bit hard!

Greg: Alright, everybody. Let's all get ready to point our fingers...

Anthony: Hang on, Greg. Jeff, Jeff. Hang on, man. Hang on, man. We can't really hear that keyboard. We need it... Everybody, Jeff's gonna start it off.

Greg: Oh, yeah.

(Audience cheering for Jeff is gonna start playing on his keyboard for the beginning part.)

Jeff: Again?!

Anthony: Jeff... Okay. Everybody listen to this. He's amazing, Jeff.

Jeff: You ready?

Anthony: Yeah.

(Song: Can You (Point Your Fingers And Do The Twist?). A scene where Jeff is gonna start playing on his keyboard, while everyone is gonna have a dance. Then, a flashback for the song clip from Big Red Car & Here Comes The Big Red Car.)

Greg: Oh, yeah! What a groove!

Can you point your fingers and do the twist?

Can you point your fingers and do the twist?

All: (singing) Well, we're gonna go up, and go down

Get back up and turn around

Can you point your fingers and do the twist?

Anthony: What's next, Greg?

Greg: (singing) Well, can you stand on one foot and shake your hands?

You're doing very well!

Well, can you stand on one foot and shake your hands?

All: (singing) Now, we're gonna go up, and go down

Get back up and turn around

Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands?

Anthony: What's next, Greg? What's next?

Greg: (singing) Can you point your fingers and do the twist?

Anthony: Everybody's twisting.

Greg: (singing) Can you point your fingers and do the twist?

Anthony: We're all doing the twist.

All: (singing) Now, we're gonna go up, and go down

Get back up and turn around

Can you point your fingers and do the twist?

Cha, cha, cha!

Greg: Give yourselves a big clap everybody. Well done.

Captain Feathersword: Whoo!

(Audience cheering that we're done for pointing our fingers & doing the twist.)

Anthony: Everybody, can you help us out? Everybody, can you really help us out? Murray!

Murray: Yes, Anthony?

Anthony: Everyone, that's Murray.

Murray: Hello, everyone!

(Audience cheering for Murray around an applause.)

Anthony: Murray!

Murray: Yes, Anthony?

Anthony: Can you tell everybody what happens every time we sing this song?

Murray: (chuckles) Well, everyone, keep your eyes on Jeff.

(Audience cheering about Jeff.)

Murray: Because he... You know Jeff, he likes to fall asleep, and... You know, since he stopped touring with the Wiggles, he falls asleep even more. Daytime, night-time, it doesn't matter. So watch Jeff, and if you see him falling asleep, please let us know.

Jeff: I'm gonna try and stay awake, Murray. Okay.

Greg: This is way past his bedtime, so... Keep your eyes on Jeff, everybody. Let's all sing "Rock-a-Bye Your Bear" together. Here we go. 1, 2, 3, 4. Arms up, everyone. Let's all sway from side to side and we will sing "Rock-a-Bye Your Bear".

(Song: Rock-A-Bye Your Bear. A scene where The Wiggles gonna sing along in our first part. Then, the second part the audience are gonna sing to it as well. Then, a flashback for the song clip from Wiggle Time!)

Greg: (singing, while the backing vocals are doing their actions.) Everybody clap

Everybody sing

la la la la la

Bow to your partner

And then you turn around


Hands in the air, rock a bye your bear

Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh

Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh

Anthony: Let's do it again.

Greg: Alright, everybody. Now it's your turn. We're not gonna sing this time. We want to hear your beautiful voices.

Audience: (singing while The Wiggles are doing their actions.) Everybody clap

Everybody sing

la la la la la

Bow to your partner

And then you turn around


Hands in the air, rock a bye your bear

Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh

Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh

Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh

(Jeff yawns cause he's very sleepy that the audience shouting "JEFF!" that he's asleep.)

Greg: What's that?

Anthony: Greg. They're saying something!

Murray: What are you saying, everyone? Who?

Anthony: They're pointing. Oh, no!

Greg & Murray: Oh, what?

Anthony: Oh, no!

Greg & Murray: Oh, what?

Anthony: Oh, no!

Greg & Murray: Oh, what?

Anthony: "My name's Jeff." Jeff's fallen asleep.

Captain Feathersword: Oh, no!

Greg: I don't believe it! He still remembers the show.

Anthony: Yes!

Greg: That's incredible. Everybody... We are going to have to wake Jeff up, because...

Murray: Hey, Greg, something very interesting is happening.

Greg: What's that?

Murray: Well, Jeff is fast asleep. But he's laughing in his sleep.

Greg: (laughter.) They call that "sleep-laughing", Murray.

Murray: Sleep-laughing?

Greg: Yes, indeed.

Anthony: Everybody, if we wake up Jeff really loud, he might wake up for a second and go, "My name's Jeff."

(They were laughing over that name.)

Greg: Just for a second.

Murray: Any bleeble-bleebles?

Anthony: No.

Murray: No bleeble-bleebles?

Anthony: No, no, no. They know what I'm talking about.

Captain Feathersword: Yeah.

Anthony: And then he'll fall back asleep and we'll wake him up again. Okay, so let's see what happens.

Greg: Alright. Let's try it, everybody. On the count of three. 1, 2, 3. (with Murray & Anthony then the audience shouting.) WAKE UP, JEFF!

Jeff: (He wakes up for a second.) My name is Jeff! (Audience cheering, until he falls back to sleep again.)

Greg: What?

Captain Feathersword: Wow!

Greg: He's fallen back to sleep!

Murray: What are we gonna do now, guys?

Greg: I don't know. Normally, that works, everybody. Normally, we can wake Jeff up. Just... Hang on.

Anthony: Oh, my goodness!

Greg: He is now sleepwalking! Look out, Anthony. Get out of the way. Just as we rehearsed it, Jeff is falling asleep in the middle of the stage. Everybody, we tried the old "1, 2, 3, wake up, Jeff" and that didn't work. What can we do, Anthony? What can we do?

Anthony: We can ask the people how we wake him up.

Greg: You wanna open it to the floor?

Anthony: Yeah, open it up!

Greg: Okay. Anybody got ideas on how we can wake Jeff up? What was that one, Muz?

Murray: Someone said, "Kiss him."

Anthony: They're saying, "Sing."

Murray: They're saying, "Kiss him."

Greg: Sorry?

(Audience shouting "SINGING!")

Anthony: They're singing. Singing.

Greg: Singing. It's the unanimous decision of the people. You want us to sing to wake Jeff up. Let's try it. 1, 2, 3.

(Song: Wake Up Jeff! A scene where The Wiggles are waking Jeff up during the song.)

Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!

Greg: (singing) Everybody's wiggling.

Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!

Greg: (singing) We really need you.

Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!

Greg: (singing) You're missing all the fun now.

Wake Up Jeff before the day's through.

What's that sound? I can hear somebody snoring.

What's that sound? It's not Murray or Greg.

Anthony's awake so let's have another guess now.

Oh my goodness! It must be Jeff!

Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!

Greg: (singing) Everybody's wiggling.

Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!

Greg: (singing) We really need you.

Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!

Greg: (singing) You're missing all the fun now.

Wake Up Jeff before the day's through.

Rock on!

(Guitar solo for an instrumental break while Jeff's snoring.)

Greg: (singing) Dorothy the Dinosaur is munching on some roses.

Wags the Dog is digging up bones.

Henry the Octopus is dancing round in circles.

Wake Up Jeff! We need you for the show!

Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!

Greg: (singing) Everybody's wiggling.

Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!

Greg: (singing) We really need you.

Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!

Greg: (singing) You're missing all the fun now.

Wake Up Jeff before the day's through.

Jeff: (he's waking and going to the microphone.) Can you... can you keep that noise down? I'm trying to sleep!

(Audience laughs and cheering because we did wake Jeff up.)

Greg: Well done, Jeff.

Jeff: My name's Jeff! (They were both laughing with Anthony.)

Greg: Oh, Jeff.

Anthony: Greg? Greg? Have a drink. Everybody, I'll tell you what happened. Well, Greg arrived, and he's not from Melbourne, he's from Sydney, and he didn't know. He saw the trams. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to cross the road. And I said, "Greg, all you have to do to cross the road is stop at the lights and look both ways." Greg?

Greg: Yes, Anthony?

Anthony: We want to cross the road. We want to cross the road. What do we do, Greg?

(Song: Look Both Ways. A scene where Anthony tells Greg about how to cross the road. Then, a flashback for the song clip from Toot Toot!)

Greg & Anthony: (singing) Stop at the lights, look both ways

Look both ways again

Wait for the traffic to come to a stop

Then cross the road with a friend.

Anthony: Come on, everybody. Do it with us.

Greg & Anthony: (singing) Stop at the lights, look both ways

Look both ways again

Wait for the traffic to come to a stop

Then cross the road with a friend.

Anthony: Let's go walking.

Greg: (singing) We like walking. Do you like walking to?

All: (singing) Ooh-lalala, ooh-lalala

Greg: (singing) Then there's something that we all should do.

All: (singing) Ooh-lalala, whoo!

Greg & Anthony: (singing) Let's stop at the lights, look both ways

Look both ways again

Wait for the traffic to come to a stop

Then cross the road with a friend.

Anthony: Greg, did you get the idea?

Greg: Do I get the idea?

Anthony: Yeah.

Greg: I get it, but I'm not sure they do. Let's go again.

Anthony: Let's keep walking.

Greg: (singing) We like walking. Do you like walking to?

All: (singing) Ooh-lalala, ooh-lalala

Greg: (singing) Then there's something that we all should do.

All: (singing) Ooh-lalala, whoo!

Greg & Anthony: (singing) Let's stop at the lights, look both ways

Look both ways again

Wait for the traffic to come to a stop

Then cross the road, cross the road

Cross the road with a friend.

(Audience clapping and cheering since that was really good at crossing the road.)

Greg: Wow!

Captain Feathersword: Whoo!

Greg: They're very good. They still remember them. I can't believe it.

Anthony: Everybody, I wonder if we can ask Greg.

Greg: Yes.

Anthony: Can we get the house lights on to see everybody? 'Cause we can't really see you at the moment.

Greg: Yeah.

Anthony: Yeah!

(Audience clapping and cheering since they've got two Big Red Cars that were holding it up.)

Greg: Oh, that's a little bit better now. Hello there! Hello, Big Red Car! Two Big Red Cars.

Anthony: There's Big Red Cars out there. Murray's taking pictures.

Greg: Hello there!

Anthony: Guys, can we leave those on for the whole show? 'Cause we want to see you guys.

Greg: Yeah, we do. Yeah, yeah. You guys look so good.

Anthony: Oh, sorry, Muz.

Greg: He's got the wrong guitar. on. Everybody, can you get your hammer out?

Anthony: No, before you do, Greg...

Greg: Oh, hang on. Sorry. I jumped the gun. I jumped the gun.

Anthony: (He strums his blue acoustic guitar) Greg, before...

Greg: How's that?

Anthony: Everybody, we're gonna do... I think... Murray's the King Of Rock, as you know. Yeah.

(Audience cheering for Murray around an applause for the King Of Rock)

Anthony: (laughing) And... and Murray said... Murray said this. He's played in millions of bands. This is the hardest rocking, headbanging song that has ever been known We want... The hardest rocking song. All you have to do is...

Greg: The hardest rocking, headbanging song we've ever done.

Murray: We're gonna rock it, man. Yeah.

Anthony: Now, Murray, let's do this. But you guys have gotta go pretty crazy on this one.

Greg: Are we doing hammers like this, are we? I don't know that we've ever done that before. I'll do my hammers like this. You guys do your hammers how you... want to.

Anthony: Hang on, guys. Ready to start?

Greg: We got it? Alright!

(Song: Joannie Works With One Hammer. A scene where The Wiggles are gonna start hammering with the audience. Then, a flashback for the song clip from Yummy Yummy.)

Greg: (singing) Joannie works with one hammer

one hammer, one hammer

Joannie works with one hammer

then she works with two.

(with Anthony singing) Joannie works with two hammers

two hammers, two hammers

Joannie works with two hammers

then she works with three.

Joannie works with three hammers

three hammers, three hammers

Joannie works with three hammers

then she works with four.

Joannie works with four hammers

four hammers, four hammers

Joannie works with four hammers

then she works with five.

Joannie works with five hammers

five hammers, five hammers

Joannie works with five hammers

Greg: (singing) then she goes to sleep.

(Jeff was still sleeping after they've did hammering.)

Greg: Give yourselves a big clap, everyone!

Murray: Oh, no!

Greg: Oh, what?

Murray: Oh, no!

Greg: Oh, what? What is that?

Anthony: Guys... I tell you what. If we wake up Jeff really fast, I mean, really loud, Jeff might say, "My name's Jeff," and then we're gonna do "Joannie Works With Five Hammers" five times faster.

Greg: Wow!

(Audience cheering cause they really want to hear about going faster to this song.)

Anthony: Yeah! After he says, "My name's Jeff," we're gonna do... (laughing.)

Captain Feathersword: That should keep him awake, right?

Murray: Anthony, is that even possible?

Anthony: We're gonna ask Jackie Barnes. Everybody, on the drums, Jackie Barnes. Come on. There's Jackie.

(Audience cheering for round of applause for Jackie Barnes on the drums.)

Anthony: Jack. Five times faster. You right for that?

Greg: He's up for it.

Anthony: Okay, after he says... But Murray will lead it in, ok?

Murray: What's that?

Anthony: You'll lead it in after he says, "My name..." Is everyone ready to wake him up? 1, 2, 3. (with Murray & Greg then the audience shouting.) WAKE UP, JEFF!

Jeff: (He wakes up.) My name's Jeff! (They were all laughing until we started the Song: Joannie Works With One Hammer. A scene where The Wiggles are gonna start hammering with the audience really super fast.)

Greg: (singing) Joannie works with one hammer

one hammer, one hammer

Joannie works with one hammer

then she works with two.

(with Anthony singing) Joannie works with two hammers

two hammers, two hammers

Joannie works with two hammers

then she works with three.

Joannie works with three hammers

three hammers, three hammers

Joannie works with three hammers

then she works with four.

Joannie works with four hammers

four hammers, four hammers

Joannie works with four hammers

then she works with five.

Joannie works with five hammers

five hammers, five hammers

Joannie works with five hammers

Greg: (singing) then she goes to sleep.

(Audience cheering over that was a great super fast song to hammering it up.)

Captain Feathersword: Yeah.

Jeff: My name's...

Anthony: Captain, come to the middle here. Everybody, let's all say, "Ahoy there, Captain Feathersword."

All: Ahoy there, Captain Feathersword.

Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there, me hearties! Hoo-hoo! Whoo!

(Audience cheering since they get to say hi to Captain Feathersword.)

Anthony: Everybody, we're gonna bring the King of the Guitars to the middle. Come in... King, please.

Captain Feathersword: Whoa!

Anthony: Here we go. Sorry.

Anthony: King....

(Audience are cheering & clapping cause Murray's gonna play the Fender Telecaster guitar.)

Anthony: Before you do it... (He strums the 4 colored Maton guitar.) Before you do it, King, can you do a bit of shredding for everybody and then we'll get into it? Murray is the King of Guitars, everybody. Watch this.

(Murray's playing his Fender Telecaster guitar to play his sound. Then, the audience cheering for the song: The Monkey Dance. A scene where they were gonna do some three favorite animals. Then, a flashback for the song clip from Yummy Yummy.)

Captain Feathersword: Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!

Greg: Alright, let's do the monkey!

Wiggles: (singing) We're gonna do the monkey

(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)

Do the monkey

(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)

The Monkey, monkey

(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)

Yeah, that's alright

Greg: Here comes an elephant.

Wiggles: (singing) Let's do the elephant


Do the elephant


Do the elephant


Yeah, that's alright

Greg: Get ready to jump, everyone.

Wiggles: (singing) Let's jump to the front and back

(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)

We're gonna jump to the front and back

(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)

Yeah, we're gonna jump to the front and back

(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)

Yeah, that's alright.

Greg: Here comes the growling tiger.

Wiggles: (singing) So do the tiger,


Do the tiger,


The tiger, tiger, 


Yeah, that's alright.

Greg: Get ready to jump again. Here we go!

Wiggles: (singing) Let's jump to the front and back

(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)

We're gonna jump to the front and back

(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)

Yeah, we're gonna jump to the front and back

(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)

Yeah, that's alright.

Greg: Here comes that crazy monkey again.

Wiggles: (singing) So do the monkey.

(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)

Do the monkey.

(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)

And do the elephant.


The tiger, tiger.


(Audience cheering & clapping since the song is finished. While, Murray is gonna play the Fender Telecaster guitar at the big finished. Then, Greg is doing a big jump at the end.)

Greg: Whoo! Yeah!

Captain Feathersword: Yeah.

Anthony: Everybody, once again, incredible on the drums, Mr Jackie Barnes.

Captain Feathersword: Fantastic!

(Audience cheering for round of applause for Jackie Barnes on the drums again.)

Anthony: Do that again, everybody. Mr Jackie Barnes.

(Audience cheering for round of applause for Jackie Barnes on the drums again for playing the song: Henry's Dance. A scene where Henry arrives the stage while they were gonna have a dance. Then, a flashback for the song clip from Yummy Yummy.)

Anthony: And joining Mr Jackie Barnes, our wonderful dancer, Mr. Henry T Octopus.

Henry: Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Come and have a dance with me, everybody, Henry the Octopus. Henry T Octopus. Oh-oh-oh!

Greg: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

A very special friend, to me.

W-w-w-w-whoa! (back voice)

Yes, Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

Henry: I have a great dance, for you to see.

Ba-da-da-da-da (back voice)

Captain Feathersword: Whoo-hoo!

Greg: (singing) Well, tell us now, Henry,

what we all should do

Tell us now, Henry,

we want to dance like you.

Henry: Clap your hands,

Gee, c'mon (back voice)

above your head,

C'mon, gee (back voice)

And you sway,

Gee, c'mon (back voice)

from side to side

C'mon, gee (back voice)

Start to bob,

business (back voice)

up and down,

up and down (back voice)

Now let's spin, around and round.

Greg: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

Oh, a very special friend, to me.

W-w-w-w-whoa! (back voice)

Yes, Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

Henry: I have a great dance, for you to see.

Ba-da-da-da-da (back voice)

Greg: (singing) Well, tell us now, Henry,

what we all should do

Tell us now, Henry,

we owe our lives to you.

Henry: Clap your hands,

Gee, c'mon (back voice)

above your head,

C'mon, gee (back voice)

And you sway,

Gee, c'mon (back voice)

from side to side

C'mon, gee (back voice)

Start to bob,

business (back voice)

up and down,

up and down (back voice)

Now let's spin, around and round.

Greg: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

Oh, a very special friend, to me.

W-w-w-w-whoa! (back voice)

Yes, Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

Henry: Thank you all for dancing, with me

Ba-da-da-da-da (back voice)

Thank you all for dancing, with me

Ba-da-da-da-da (back voice)

Thank you all for dancing, with ME! Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!

All: Gee, c'mon

Murray: Henry!

Henry: Thank you everybody. Thank you!

Greg: Oh, Henry, it's great to see you on this fine Melbourne day. I mean Melbourne night.

Anthony: Come on, everybody! Let's all say, "Hi, Henry!"

All: Hi, Henry!

Henry: Hi, everybody!

Anthony: Henry, it's great to see you, and until we see you again, everybody, please wave goodbye to Henry the Octopus.

Henry: Henry T Octopus says goodbye!

Captain Feathersword: Bye-bye, Henry!

Greg: Bye-bye, Henry!

Anthony: Who out there sang "Quack Quack Quack Cock-a-Doodle-Doodle Doo?

(Audience cheering for round of applause cause they really wanted to sing Quack Quack Quack Cock-a-Doodle-Doodle Doo.)

Anthony: Who would like to sing it now?

(Audience cheering for round of applause cause they wanted to sing & dance with Captain Feathersword.)

Anthony: Come on, Jeff!

(Jeff starts playing the keyboard to the song: Captain Feathersword Fell Asleep on His Pirate Ship (Quack Quack). A scene where Captain Feathersword really likes the song about roosters & ducks. Then, a flashback for the song clip from Wiggle Time!)

Captain Feathersword: Come on, me hearties. Let's all quack along.

Greg: (singing) Captain Feathersword fell asleep on his pirate ship

Then he woke up on a farm

(Captain Feathersword: Oh my goodness me! Whoo-hoo!)

Greg: (singing) With roosters and ducks singing this song

Captain Feathersword: Here we go now!

All: (singing) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack doodley-doo

(Captain Feathersword scat singing.)

Greg: (singing) So now every day when he talks,

this is what he says

Captain Feathersword: (singing) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Greg: (singing) He also does the farmyard dance

And you can do it too

Captain Feathersword: Here we go again!

All: (singing) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack doodley-doo

(Captain Feathersword scat singing.)

Greg: (singing) Well, is he a rooster?

(Audience shouting "OR A PIRATE?")

Captain Feathersword: Well, I just don't know

Ahoy there, ahoy there

Ahoy cock-a-doodley there.

I don't know.

Greg: (singing) He also does the farmyard dance

And you can do it too.

Captain Feathersword: Here we go again!

All: (singing) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack doodley-doo

Captain Feathersword: Let's do it one more time!

All: (singing) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack doodley-doo

Captain Feathersword: One more time!

All: (singing) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack doodley-doo

Captain Feathersword: Oooooooooooohoooooooo! Whoo! Yeah!

(Audience cheering for singing that beautiful quacking song.)

Anthony: Fantastic! Everybody, the Captain has incredible magic buttons.

(Song: Captain's Magic Buttons. A scene where The Wiggles are gonna press his buttons on his pirate vest. Then, a flashback for the song clip from Hoop-Dee-Doo it's a Wiggly Party.)

Greg & Anthony: (singing) 1, 2, 3.

Captain's magic buttons.

He's got half a dozen.

Make him sing in different ways.

How many are we going, Captain?

Captain Feathersword: This way!

Greg & Anthony: (singing) Magic buttons.

Push a magic button.

Let's see how he sings today.

Captain Feathersword: Here we go now!

Greg & Anthony: (singing) What's gonna happen when you push the first button?

Captain Feathersword: Quack-a-doodle doo!

Greg & Anthony: (singing) What's gonna happen when you push the second button?

Captain Feathersword: Quack, quack, quack, quack! Quack, quack, quack, quack!

Greg & Anthony: (singing) What's gonna happen when you push the third button?

Captain Feathersword: Yeah! Quaaaaack-a-doodle doo!

Greg & Anthony: (singing) What's gonna happen when you push the fourth button?

Captain Feathersword: Hopscotch! Whoo! Yeah!

Greg & Anthony: (singing) Captain's magic buttons.

He's got half a dozen.

Make him sing in different ways.

Captain Feathersword: Oh, yes, indeed!

Greg & Anthony: (singing) Magic buttons.

Push a magic button.

Let's see how he sings today.

Captain Feathersword: Here we go now!

Greg & Anthony: (singing) What's gonna happen when you push the first button?

Captain Feathersword: Quack!

Greg & Anthony: (singing) What's gonna happen when you push the second button?

Captain Feathersword: Quack, quack, quack, quack! Quack, quack, quack, quack!

Greg & Anthony: (singing) What's gonna happen when you push the third button?

Captain Feathersword: Yeah!

Greg & Anthony: (singing) What's gonna happen when you push the fourth button?

Captain Feathersword: Hopscotch! Whoo! Here we go!

Greg & Anthony: (singing) Captain's magic buttons.

He's got half a dozen.

Make him sing in different ways.

Captain Feathersword: Oh, yes, indeed!

Greg & Anthony: (singing) Magic buttons.

Push a magic button.

Let's see how he sings today.

Captain Feathersword: Last time!

Greg & Anthony: (singing) What's gonna happen when you push the first button?

Captain Feathersword: (screeching) Quack...!

Greg & Anthony: (singing) What's gonna happen when you push the second button?

Captain Feathersword: Whaah! (groans)

Greg & Anthony: (singing) What's gonna happen when you push the third button?

Captain Feathersword: Quack-a-doodle, quack-a-doodle, quack-a-doodle-doodle dooooo!

Greg & Anthony: (singing) What's gonna happen when you push the fourth button?

Captain Feathersword: Hopscotch! Whoo!

Greg: Yeah! Captain!

Captain Feathersword: Whoa-ho! Whoo! These are the best magic buttons I've ever had! Gurrggh!

Greg: Oh, yes. They are indeed, Captain.

Anthony: Well, everybody, we're gonna do... bring out some wonderful... a wonderful dancer, two wonderful... Captain, someone just threw a little Captain at you.

Captain Feathersword: (He's holding his plush toy.) Thankfully, it was a Captain doll. Phew!

Anthony: (laughing.)

Captain Feathersword: I got concerned for a moment.

Anthony: Captain, if you could take your place for "Nya Nya Nya".

Captain Feathersword: Sure.

Anthony: Everybody, we're gonna get some wonderful Irish dancers to help us out with this one. And...

(Audience cheering because they wanted to do some Irish dancing.)

Anthony: One of those Irish dancers is now one of the Yellow... Is the new Yellow Wiggle. Will you give Emma a big clap? Emma, come up here. And... And Charmaine is Captain Feathersword's wife. Charmaine, where are you? Is Charmaine here?

Captain Feathersword: She is. She's just here.

Anthony: Everybody, Charmaine is coming out to dance as well, and she's come down from Queensland. You know the words, Captain. What are they? "Nya Nya Nya"?

Captain Feathersword: They go, "Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya." Here we go!

Anthony: (He strums his banjo) There we go. Okay, you ready for a bit of banjo, everybody?

(Audience cheering for Anthony plays on the banjo to the song: Nya Nya Nya. A scene where Charmaine & Emma are gonna do some Irish dancing to the music.)

Captain Feathersword: Yeah! Here we go now!

(singing) Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya.

Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya.

Nice! Hoo-hoo!

(singing) Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya.

Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya.

They're doing great! Whoo!

Anthony: One more time!

Captain Feathersword: (singing with Anthony.) Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya.

Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya.


(Audience cheering that they really like Irish dancing with Charmaine & Emma.

Captain Feathersword: Yeah!

Anthony: Charmaine, come on back! Come back, Charmaine. A big clap for Charmaine and Emma!

(Audience cheering for Charmaine & Emma to take a bow since they've don Irish dancing.)

Anthony: (laughing) Thanks, guys.

Greg: Okay. Everybody say, "Shake a little faster."

(Audience shouting "SHAKE A LITTLE FASTER!")

Captain Feathersword: Yeah!

Anthony: That's gonna be fantastic.

Greg: Alright, let's go.

Anthony: Oh, you... Do you start...?

Murray: Yes, I do, yeah.

Anthony: Oh, there we go.

Greg: We haven't done this one for 20 years.

Murray: We can do it differently.

Anthony: No, no, mate. Start it.

(Murray's gonna start playing the Fender Telecaster guitar to the song: Shaky Shaky. A scene where The Wiggles & the dancers all are gonna do some shaking music. Then, a flashback for the song clip from Yummy Yummy.)

Greg: Get your shaking clothes on.

(with Captain Feathersword & Anthony singing.) Hey there, shaky shaky

Shaking is fun to do

Hey there, shaky shaky

I want to shake with you.

Well...then...shake a little faster.

Shake a little slower

Greg: Oh, yeah!

(Instrumental break to the part they were humming their tune to "Shaky Shaky".)

Greg: (with Captain Feathersword & Anthony singing.) Hey there, shaky shaky

Shaking is fun to do

(singing) Hey there, shaky shaky

I want to shake with you.

Well...then...shake a little faster.

Shake a little slower

Anthony: Come on, everybody. Let's do it.

(Instrumental break to the part they were humming their tune to "Shaky Shaky".)

Murray: Shaky.

Greg: Yeah!

(Audience cheers because they've finished to get their shaky shaky dance.)

Greg: Whoo!

Anthony: Greg? Murray? Guys, someone asked if we could sign... Now, did you...? When...? Oh, we signed this? When did we sign it? How many years ago? 20 years ago, we signed it, but Jeff... (Audience cheering for Anthony could sign Jeff to wrote Dorothy's cap.) No. No, but hang on. What's your name?

Mel: Mel!

Anthony: Mel. Mel said, "But Jeff didn't!"

(Audience was so worried that Mel didn't signed that cap.)

Jeff: One of the very few.

Greg: Jeff!

Anthony: Jeff... We're gonna fix this up, Mel. 20 years later, Jeff is gonna sign it for Mel!

(Audience cheering that Jeff is gonna use a marker to write a signature for Mel.)

Jeff: Hang on! I did sign it.

Anthony: And did anybody bring a T-shirt they used to wear? Anyone got a T-shirt they used to wear all those... time ago? Still wearing it? Fantastic! You got that one? (laughs.) Fantastic. You got the...

Murray: His doesn't fit.

Anthony: It doesn't fit anymore. No, of course. He had one of those ones? Fantastic.

Murray: Jeff's still got T-shirts he wore 20 years ago.

Captain Feathersword: Greg! Anthony! Anthony!

Anthony: Everybody, I tell you what, 25 years ago, 20 years ago, whenever it was...

Jeff: Correction! Correction! Correction!

Captain Feathersword: Greg hasn't signed it.

Jeff: It was Greg.

Anthony: It was Greg! (He's laughing that Greg didn't signed that cap yet.) It was... Greg. Greg. It was Greg. Yeah, there's a... It was you.

Greg: What did I do? Walk past somebody without signing a hat?

Anthony: Yes, you did.

Greg: I'm gonna make up for it now.

Anthony: I'll sign that?

Greg: No, no, no. This is not about a signed hat. Have your drink of water first, Anthony.

(Audience did a little bit of cheer that Greg signed that cap.)

Anthony: (picking up his red acoustic guitar.) I'm just gonna start this...

Jeff: There's another one, Greg.

Anthony: I wonder if everybody knows what we're singing about.

Greg: I've got no idea. Oh, now I know.

(Anthony starts playing on his red acoustic guitar for the song: D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. (My Favourite Dinosaur). A scene where Dorothy arrives on the stage & she could dance with the others. Then, a flashback for the song clip of Dorothy's Dance Party from Big Red Car.)

Greg: (singing) Who's that in the garden eating all our red, red roses?

All: It's Dorothy!

Dorothy: That's me!

Greg: (singing) She wears a floppy white hat and has yellow spots galore

Jeff: Nice spots, Dorothy!

Dorothy: Why, thank you!

Greg: (singing) Come on and look at those big green paws.

Dorothy: Wow!

Greg: (singing) Yeah, she's a very friendly dinosaur.

All: Ooohhhh...

(singing) D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. It's Dorothy the Dinosaur.

D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. she's my favorite dinosaur

Romp Bomp a Chomp, hey!

Romp Bomp a Chomp, hey!

Greg: (singing) Yeah, she's a really helpful dinosaur

She works so hard in the garden

Anthony: She's got a mower!

(with The Other Wiggles singing) She's mowing, she's mowing!

Greg: (singing) Yes, she pulls out all the weeds,

plants more roses and she mows the lawn.

Anthony: Vrm, vrm, vrm, vrmm!

(with The Other Wiggles singing) She's mowing, she's mowing!

Greg: (singing) When the music starts, she dances on the floor.

Yes, she's a really groovy dinosaur.

Anthony: Come on, everybody. Let's hear you sing.

All: Ooohhhh...

(singing) D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. It's Dorothy the Dinosaur.

D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. she's my favorite dinosaur.

Romp Bomp a Chomp, hey!

Romp Bomp a Chomp, hey!

Anthony: Everybody sing at the top of your voice.

All: (singing) D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. Dorothy the Dinosaur.

D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. she's my favorite dinosaur.

Anthony: Greg, mind if I ask Dorothy a question or two? Dorothy, a question or two? Dorothy... Say hi. Everyone say, "Hi, Dorothy."

(Audience calling out "HI, DOROTHY!")

Dorothy: Hello! Hi.

Anthony: Dorothy, if I... Some people have brought you roses.

Dorothy: Oh, I love roses.

Anthony: Yeah. Well, we know you do, Dorothy. But Dorothy, we're gonna find out who this is. What's your name?

Maddie: Maddie!

Anthony: It's from Maddie and...?

Chelsea: Chelsea.

Anthony: Chelsea and Ella. Dorothy, Maddie, Chelsea and Ella.

Dorothy: Thank you, Maddie, Chelsea and Ella. Thank you. (She giggles.)

Anthony: Dorothy, we'll hold those roses for you and put them in a "vayse", or a "varse". And I'm gonna ask, Captain, if you can put those in a vase. In the meantime, Dorothy, if I had to ask you what your favorite dance in the whole world, what would you say it is?

Dorothy: Hmmm. The "Romp-Bomp-A-Stomp!"

Anthony: Did you just say the "Romp-Bomp-A-Stomp"?

Dorothy: Mmm, the "Romp-Bomp-A-Stomp!"

Anthony: Let's do the "Romp-Bomp-A-Stomp"!

Dorothy: (She giggles.)

Greg: 1, 2, 3!

(Song: Romp Bomp A Stomp. A scene where The Wiggles & the audience are teaching Dorothy how to do her favorite dance. Then, a flashback for the song clip from Wake Up Jeff!)

Greg: (singing) Well, you push your arms up in the air from side to side

(the others singing) Doo-doo-doo.

Greg: (singing) Then the next thing we do is sing Romp Bomp A Chomp

((the others singing) Romp-Bomp-A-Chomp)

Greg: (singing) Then you stamp your feet and we're doing the Romp Bomp A Stomp

Dorothy: This is fun!

Greg: (singing) Romp Bomp A Stomp

((the others singing) Romp Bomp A Stomp)

Greg: (singing) Romp Bomp A Chomp

((the others singing) Romp Bomp A Chomp)

Dorothy: This is fun.

Greg: (singing) Romp Bomp A Stomp

((the others singing) Romp Bomp A Stomp)

Greg: (singing) Yeah, the Romp Bomp A Chomp now

((the others singing) Romp Bomp A Chomp)

Greg: (singing) Well, it's Dorothy's dance and we're doing the

Romp Bomp A Stomp.

Dorothy: (She giggles.)

Greg: (singing) Well, you push your arms up in the air from side to side

(the others singing) Doo-doo-doo.

Greg: (singing) Then the next thing we do is sing Romp Bomp A Chomp now

(the others singing) Romp-Bomp-A-Chomp)

Greg: (singing) Then you stamp your feet and we're doing the

Romp Bomp A Stomp

Dorothy: (She giggles.)

Greg: (singing) Romp Bomp A Stomp

(the others singing) Romp Bomp A Stomp)

Greg: (singing) Romp Bomp A Chomp

((the others singing) Romp Bomp A Chomp)

Greg: (singing) Romp Bomp A Stomp

((the others singing) Romp Bomp A Stomp)

Greg: (singing) Yeah, the Romp Bomp A Chomp now

((the others singing) Romp Bomp A Chomp)

Greg: (singing) Well, it's Dorothy's dance and we're doing the

Romp Bomp A Stomp

(Audience cheering for finished dancing to the romp bomp a stomp.)

Captain Feathersword: Yeah! Whoo!

Murray: That was the punk version.

Anthony: Everybody wave goodbye to Dorothy.

Captain Feathersword: Bye-bye, Dorry! See you later, Dorry!

Dorothy: 'Bye, everyone! Bye-bye! 'Bye! (She giggles. Then, she leaves the stage.)

Greg: Anthony... Time to sing one of my favourite... songs.

Anthony: Everybody, somebody dressed up like the Big Red Car out there. Who dressed up like that?

Captain Feathersword: Yeah.

Greg: Over here. It's here.

Anthony: There! Look at that!

Murray: Someone had a balloon one too.

Greg: A balloon Big Red Car.

Anthony: We've gotta be honest with you, everybody, the old cardboard one, we've lots it.

Greg: It just didn't cut it.

Anthony: We we borrow the "balyoon" one?

Greg: The balyoon one? Balyoon.

Murray: Who's the balyoon one?

Anthony: Borrow the bayloon one.

Greg: Big Red Car.

Captain Feathersword: Great balyoon Big Red Car.

Anthony: Greg, there's only space for you in it, but...

Greg: Yeah, thanks a lot. (Anthony laughs.) That's a nice way of saying... Yeah. Years have not been kind.

Anthony: Jeff's gonna start it off. Hang on, Jeff. You ready, Jeff? Clean start.

Greg: We'll get it back to you. Don't worry.

(Jeff is gonna try to start the piano for the song: Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car. A scene where Greg is holding the Big Red Car balloon to drive it. Then, a flashback for the song clip from Toot Toot!)

All: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car

We'll travel near and we'll travel far

Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car

We're gonna ride the whole day long.

Greg: (singing) Murray's in the back seat.

Playing his guitar.

He's rocking.

Yeah, Murray's in the back seat

(with the others singing) Of the Big Red Car.

All: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car

We'll travel near and we'll travel far

Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car

We're gonna ride the whole day long.

Greg: (singing) Jeff is fast asleep.

He's having a little rest

(the others singing) Better wake him now

We better wake him up

so let's all

(with the others singing) Call out "Wake up Jeff!"

All: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car

We'll travel near and we'll travel far

Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car

We're gonna ride the whole day long.

Greg: (singing) Anthony is eating.

(the others singing.) What's he eating now?

He's got so much food.

(the others singing.) What's he eating now?

He's eating apples and oranges

Anthony: Yeah.

(with the others singing.) And fruit salad too!

Greg: Yummy, yummy.

Anthony: I love fruit salad.

All: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car

We'll travel near and we'll travel far

Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car

We're gonna ride the whole day long.

Anthony: Everybody sing!

All: (singing) Greg is doing the driving


Greg: (singing) "Scooby doo ah", uh-huh

All: (singing) Greg is doing the driving

Of the Big Red Car!

Greg: It's fun! Let's all sing it now.

All: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car

We'll travel near and we'll travel far

Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car

We're gonna ride the whole day long.

Greg & Anthony: One more time!

All: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car

We'll travel near and we'll travel far

Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car

We're gonna ride the whole day long.

Captain Feathersword: Whoo!

(Audience cheering & clapping during that wonderful about the Big Red Car.)

Greg: Thank you for bringing the Big Red Car to the gig.

Anthony: Everybody, we may have forgotten the Big Red Car.

Murray: Anthony, this is our version of crowd-surfing. (He's laughing.) With the Big Red Car.

Anthony: (laughing) You're right, Murray.

Greg: Are you having a good time, everybody?

(Audience cheering & clapping since they've had a great time at this show.)

Anthony: Greg, over there, there's a wonderful choir. They're fantastic. They sing.

Greg: I know. They look spectacular. Oh, here we go. Here's the coat.

Captain Feathersword: Coat.

Greg: Thank you very much. I've got everything else, I think. We should be right now. Ah, Busby Marou. Busby Marou.

Anthony: Yeah. Do you wanna tell everyone about that?

Greg: Oh, yeah. We wrote this song back in 199... No. We wrote this song a long time ago, but recently, somebody by the name of Busby Marou...

Anthony: Maroo?

Greg: Busby Marou... did a great version of it, in fact... possibly better than our version.

(Audience shouting "NO!")

Anthony: It is... No. Being honest.

Greg: Well, look, it's... Sometimes you've gotta look critically at yourself.

Anthony: Greg, we're gonna do their version of our song.

Greg: We are. We like it so much.

Anthony: Because it's better. Do you know "Dressing Up in Style"? If you do, sing it with us.

Greg: I'm sure you know it.

(Anthony plays the banjo to the song: Dressing Up. A scene where Greg is dressing up in some different clothes. Then, a flashback for the song clip from Whoo Hoo! Wiggly Gremlins!)

Greg: (singing) I'm putting on my doctor's coat.

Grab my doctor's bag and my stethoscope.

(with the others singing.) Ooh-ooh, I'm dressing up in style.

I'm putting on my big black boots,

My red hat and my fire-suit.

(with the others singing.) Ooh-ooh, I'm dressing up in style.

Greg: (singing) Dressing up is so much fun.

You can dress as anyone.

You can use any clothes you find.

Greg: (singing) I'm putting on my cowboy hat.

Got my belt and my lariat.

(with the others singing.) Ooh-ooh, I'm dressing up in style.

Props. It's all in the props.

(Instrumental break to Lachy whistling to the tune.)

Anthony: Come on, Lachy. Come over here.

Greg: (singing) Dressing up is so much fun.

You can dress as anyone.

You can use any clothes you find.

I'm putting on my doctor's coat.

Grab my doctor's bag and my stethoscope.

(with the others singing) Ooh-ooh, I'm dressing up in style.

Greg: Whistle solo, Lachy. Come on.

Anthony: Everybody, that's Lachy. Will you give Lachy a big cheer?

(Instrumental break while the audience cheering to Lachy whistling to the tune.)

Anthony: (singing) Ooh-ooh, he's dressing up in style.

(Audience cheering & clapping for Greg did dressed up in clothing.)

Greg: Only because of the props department. Thank you very much.

Captain Feathersword: Wow.

Anthony: Everybody, I think it's time to take a trip to a little place. But before we do it, Murray, tell us.

Murray: Um, yeah, uh... We were at the... Maddie and Chelsea put this up here and they said, "Here's a picture of..." Maddie, yes? Chelsea. Chelsea! "Chelsea before the Sydney concert. I posted this on Snapchat two days ago." She's with her ticket. There she is with Lachy, 'cause she snuck in backstage at the Bendigo Stadium.

(Audience laughing & cheering that she snuck in into the stadium with Lachy.)

Murray: In 2015. So we weren't there. Anthony was there. "I snuck in backstage because the show was sold out. I also play and ref basketball there." So she knows people on the door, I guess. "And so I thought I couldn't miss the opportunity," um... "to meet my idols, whose music and smiles have gotten me though the tough times in life. I love you all, from Chelsea Deere." Thanks, Chelsea.

Greg: Well done. Well done. It's not what you know, it's who you know, huh?

Murray: Well done.

Captain Feathersword: Nice.

Greg: Ok, where are we going, Anthony?

Anthony: Just about to say that there's a wonderful place in the Mornington Peninsula.

Greg: I'm sorry? It's a wonderful place?

Anthony: Mornington Peninsula. There's a wonderful place there.

Greg: There is.

Anthony: It's called "Wiggle Bay". And...

Greg: Row your boat to get there.

Anthony: Yeah.

Greg: Yeah.

Anthony: Do you wanna come to Wiggle Bay, everybody?

(Audience cheering cause they really wanted to go visit to Wiggle Bay.)

Captain Feathersword: Yeah.

Greg: Yeah.

Anthony: But hang on. Do you remember, they're filming this and recording this for iTunes, so there's gonna be a part were Greg's gonna sing, "Come on, it's your turn to sing, We're on our way to Wiggle Bay," so we need this beautiful choir and everyone to sing it.

Murray: 'Cause if you don't sing, it's just gonna sound pretty awful.

Anthony: It's gonna sound bad, 'cause it's just us. Okay? (He's laughing.) Greg, start us off on that old one called "Wiggle Bay".

Greg: 1, 2, 3, 4.

(Song: Wiggle Bay. A scene where Greg is gonna sing our Mornington Peninsula beach place called Wiggle Bay. Then, a flashback for the random clips from Wiggle Bay.)

Greg: That feels right.

(singing) We're on our way to Wiggle Bay

((the others singing) Ah-ooh)

Greg: (singing) Just a few waves

((with the others singing) And we'll be on our way

All: (singing) We're on our way to Wiggle Bay


((the others singing) Ah-ooh)

Anthony: Captain, come here.

Captain Feathersword: (singing) oh, it's a lovely

Wiggly holiday

Oh, yeah.

Greg: (singing) There is sand, sea, surf

And lots of friends

Captain Feathersword: (singing) Oh, you can dig for buried treasure

The fun it never ends, whoa ho!

All: (singing) We're on our way to Wiggle Bay

((the others singing) Ah-ooh)

Greg: Beautiful.

(singing) Just a few waves and we'll be on our way.

Jeff, bit of a solo there, please.

Anthony: Come on, Jeff!

(Instrumental break to Jeff playing his keyboard.)

Anthony: Jeff.... Play with your head. Watch this, everybody.

(Audience laughing that Jeff plays the keyboard on his head.)

Greg: (singing) You'll see gulls and trees

And feel the breeze

Captain Feathersword: (singing) Oh, kneel, kneel in the sand

And let the waves touch your knees

Whoa hoa!

Greg: Sing it!

All: (singing) We're on our way to Wiggle Bay

((the others singing) Ah-ooh)

Greg: (singing) Just a few waves

And we'll be on our way

Captain Feathersword: Oh yes indeed, we're gonna be on our way

((with the others singing) To Wiggle Bay)

Greg: One more.

((with the others singing) To Wiggle Bay)

Greg: Yeah! Lovely singing, everybody.

(Audience cheering since they've done singing our beautiful song about Wiggle Bay.)

Anthony: Everybody, I want to introduce somebody playing the guitar. Come forward, Oliver. Everyone, the guy on the guitar is Oliver Brian.

(Audience cheering for Oliver Brain cause he's a really great guitar player.)

Captain Feathersword: Ollie!

Anthony: And... our wonderful sound man, and he was doing the sound all those years ago. He's playing the bass today. Alex Keller, everybody.

(Audience cheering for Alex Keller cause he's a really good at sound & guitar player.)

Greg: Al Pal. Yes.

Captain Feathersword: Al Pal.

Anthony: Fantastic.

Greg: Okay. Well, this is a little bit early, this song. It's a little bit early for this time of year.

(Audience shouting "GO SANTA GO!")

Greg: No. No! This is a much lesser known song than that one. But I'm sure you're gonna love it. We love it. We're gonna do it for you anyway. "It's a Christmas Party," everybody.

Captain Feathersword: Yeah!

(Audience cheering because they wanted to hear a Christmas Party song with Captain Feathersword.)

Anthony: Can I get it? Can I get this one?

Greg: Yeah.

(Anthony starts playing on his 4 colored Maton guitar to the song: It's a Christmas Party, On The Goodship Feathersword. A scene where Captain Feathersword is having a Christmas party that they were invited to celebrate. Then, a flashback for the song clip from Wiggly, Wiggly Christmas.)

Greg: (singing) Well, It's a Christmas party

Captain Feathersword: "ahoy there, me hearties"

(the others singing) On the good ship feathersword

Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there me hearties

It's my Christmas party

(the others singing) Everybody, welcome aboard!

Greg: (singing) C'mon everybody, let's decorate the tree

With tinsels, streamers and lights

Captain Feathersword: Ho-ho-ho! Hang some Christmas balls

Put a star on top

Oh, oh what a beautiful sight

Greg: (singing with the others to a bridge) We're going to party, party, party, party

Greg: (singing) Yeah, It's a Christmas party

Captain Feathersword: "ahoy there, me hearties"

(the others singing) On the good ship feathersword

Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there me hearties

It's my Christmas party

(the others singing) Everybody, welcome aboard!

Greg: (singing) Let's set the table

Get ready to eat

Lots of great Christmas food

Captain Feathersword: Oh, yeah, look, there's, um....

There's turkey and ham and fruit salad too

Oh, now we're in the party mood

Greg: You got it.

(singing with the others to a bridge) We're going to party, party, party, party

Greg: (singing) Yeah, It's a Christmas party

Captain Feathersword: "ahoy there, me hearties"

(the others singing) On the good ship feathersword

Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there me hearties

It's my Christmas party

(the others singing) Everybody, welcome aboard!

Captain Feathersword: Yeah, yeah!

Greg: (singing) Well, It's a Christmas party

Captain Feathersword: "ahoy there, me hearties"

(the others singing) On the good ship feathersword

Captain Feathersword: Whoo-hoo!

Ahoy there me hearties

It's my Christmas party

(the others singing) Everybody, welcome aboard!

(Audience cheering for Captain Feathersword having a Christmas party.)

Captain Feathersword: Yeah.

Anthony: Greg?

Greg: Yeah? Would you like to hear "Go Santa Go"?

(Audience cheering cause they wanted to hear their favorite Christmas song.)

Anthony: Okay.

Greg: We give it a miss or what?

Anthony: What's that?

Greg: Do you wanna hear "Go Santa Go"?

(Audience cheering even louder cause they wanted to hear the Christmas favorite song.)

Greg: Okay. Look, I'm sorry. I can't do this like I did 20 years ago.

Anthony: This is the one you had on repeat?

Greg: Repeat?

Anthony: Guys, just refresh this old memory. What key is this one in?

Greg: D. D. The key is in D for Santa Claus.

Anthony: G? D? (He is trying to start the tune in key D.)

Greg: D. D. Isn't it D?

(They were trying to start the tune in key D in guitars.)

Anthony: Yeah, I remember it.

Greg: I don't remember the chorrie.

Anthony: How's it start?

(They were trying to start the guitars playing to the song: Go Santa Go. A scene where Captain Feathersword did a voice of Santa Claus. While, The Wiggles get to do their favorite Christmas dance.)

Anthony: Oh, yeah! I know it now! That's it!

Captain Feathersword: (as Santa Claus) Ho, ho, ho! Here I go! Hah!

Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa go,

Greg: (singing) you've got such a long way to go

Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa go,

Greg: (singing) go, go, go, go

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go

Greg: (singing) Call the reindeer

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go

Greg: (singing) get ready

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go, go

Greg: (singing) And away you go,

Wiggles: (singing) go Santa go,

Greg: (singing) go, go, go, oh, yeah!

Go Santa, go

Captain Feathersword: (as Santa Claus) Ho, ho, ho! Here I go, Ho-ho! (making their sounds to pointing up & down with his finger.)

Wiggles: (singing) Oh, go Santa go,

Greg: (singing) all the way from the North Pole, yeah

Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa go,

Greg: (singing) go, go, go, go

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go

Greg: (singing) through the jungles

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go

Greg: (singing) through the desert

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go, go

Greg: (singing) through the winter snow

Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa go,

Greg: (singing) go, go, go, oh, yeah!

Go Santa, go

Captain Feathersword: (as Santa Claus) Ho, ho, ho, ho!

Anthony: Greg?

Greg: Yes?

Anthony: What's he got?

Greg: (singing) Got a long white beard with a face so happy and cheerful!

Anthony: What's he say?

Captain Feathersword: (as Santa Claus) "C'mon, Rudolph, fast as you can,

We've got presents here for everyone in the land"

Wiggles: (singing) Oh, go Santa go,

Greg: (singing) you've got such a long way to go

Wiggles: (singing) Go Santa go,

Greg: (singing) go, go, go, go

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go

Greg: (singing) Call the reindeer

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go

Greg: (singing) get ready

The Other Wiggles: (singing) Go, go

Greg: (singing) And away you go,

Wiggles: (singing) go Santa go,

Greg: (singing) go, go, go, oh, yeah!

Go Santa, go

Captain Feathersword: (as Santa Claus) Ho, ho, ho! Just watch me go.

Wiggles: Wiggly Christmas!

(Audience cheered very loudly over finished their favorite Christmas dance.)

Greg: Oh, it doesn't matter that it's not Christmas time. Oh.

Captain Feathersword: Whoo!

Anthony: This is a lovely song Murray wrote. And it's called "I Love It When It Rains". And you know what? It sounds better when you sing it with us. So if you remember this one, we'd love you to sing it.

(Anthony starts playing the banjo to the song: I Love It When It Rains. A scene where Greg is gonna sing this beautiful lullaby song, about when it's raining outside. Then, a flashback for the song clip from Wiggle Time!)

Greg: You beauty. (singing) I love it when it rains

And I lie in bed at night

I listen to it patter

On the roof soft and light

But then a storm may come

And the thunder starts to crash

The rain beats on the window

And I see the lightning flash

Anthony: Greg?

Greg: Yes?

Anthony: This is the first time I've ever seen lighters at a Wiggle gig.

Greg: I don't think they're lighters, mate. It's okay.

Anthony: (laughs) I love it.

Greg: I'm not sure what they are. Oh, they're phone lights!

Anthony: Oh, they're phone lights!

Greg: Of course, yeah. Okay.

Anthony: (laughs)

Greg: (singing) I hold old teddy tight

And I sink down in my bed

I close my eyes so tight

And pull the covers over my head

I feel so snug and warm

I know that everything's all right

I love when it rains

As I lie in bed at night

I love when it rains

As I lie in bed at night

(Audience cheering for applause about listening to it.)

Anthony: Beautiful, man. Yeah!

Greg: Well done, Muz. Nice song, mate. Yeah, well done.

Captain Feathersword: Yeah.

Anthony: Murray, that was a beautiful song you wrote. But you know what? Everybody, this is incredible! Can you hear that? Can you hear it?

Murray: What is it?

Anthony: Somebody bark.

Wags: Ruff-ruff!

(Audience cheering for hearing Wags is gonna come to the stage.)

Anthony: Can you heat it?

Wags: Ruff-ruff!

Greg: Somebody bark.

Wags: Ruff-ruff-ruff!

(They were all laughing to hearing that bark.)

Wags: Ruff-ruff!

Anthony: Somebody bark.

Wags: Ruff!

Anthony: Because who is it?

Greg: It's Wags the Dog! It's time to shake your hips with Wags the Dog, everybody.

Anthony: A-one, two, a-one, two, three!

(Song: We're Dancing With Wags The Dog. A scene where Greg is gonna do the actions dancing with our good friend, Wags. Then, a flashback for the song clip of Wags the Dog from Big Red Car.)

Greg: (singing) Let's shake our hips with Wags the Dog

Turn your head and groove along

Shake your hands and move your knees, we're dancing with Wags The Dog

Now, put your hands up in the air

Point them down once you've got them there

Skip along like Wags would do it, dancing with Wags The dog

All: A-roo, doogie, dobbie dobbie doo

Greg: (singing) Now we're singing it too

(with the others singing) You can sing it too

Ruff, Ruff, Ruff...Ruff, Ruff

Greg: (singing) Now Wags is digging, and we're all digging too...

Shake your hips with Wags The Dog

Turn your head and groove along

Shake your hands and move your knees, we're dancing with Wags The Dog

All: A-roo, doogie, dobbie, dobbie, doo

Greg: (singing) Now we're singing it too

(with the others singing) You can sing it too

Ruff, Ruff, Ruff...Ruff, Ruff

Now Wags is digging...

Emma: Watch Wags dig!

(with the others singing) and we're all digging too...

All: (singing) It's Wags the Dog!

Wags: Ruff!

Greg: (singing) Yeah, Wagsy!

Wags: Ruff! Ruff-ruff-ruff!

Greg: We should have brought Wags out earlier.

Wags: Ruff!

Greg: Wags, you rock, man. Well, everybody, it is time to say goodbye to Wags! Let's say goodbye to Wags, everybody. See you later, Wagsy!

Wags: Ruff! Ruff! Ruff! Rye-rye! Ruff!

(Anthony starts playing the banjo to the song: I'm a Cow. A scene where Jeff is in a cow costume. Then, a flashback for the song clip from from Big Red Car.)

Greg: Oh, yes. Now, it is true, Jeff did write this song.

Captain Feathersword: Mooo.

Greg: There's not much to it, but that doesn't matter, 'cause it makes it all the easier to sing. And... you guys might remember this. I think this was on "Big Red Car". If you had the "Big Red Car" CD...

Anthony: Greg.

Greg: ..you'll know this song.

Anthony: All they... all they gotta remember is just go "moo" when he says, "I'm a cow." Moo. OK.

Captain Feathersword: Moo. OK?

Greg: "I'm a cow."

Anthony: Jeff loves this song. He's very proud of it.

Captain Feathersword: Here he comes.

Greg: We love this song. Yeah! (The audience cheers, while Jeff arrives in his cow costume, while he laughs.)

Jeff: Yeah, yeah, yeah. My name's Jeff! (Anthony laughs.)

(singing) I eat grass and I moo all day

I'm a cow

(with others.) Moo!

Jeff: (singing) I'm a cow

(with others.) Moo!

Jeff: (singing) I eat green grass and I give white milk

I'm a cow

(with others.) Moo!

Jeff: (singing) I'm a cow

(with others.) Moo!

Jeff: Moo!

All': Moo!

Jeff: Moo!

All': Moo!

Jeff: Moooo!

All': MOO!

Jeff: MOOOO!

All': MOOO!

Jeff: Mooooooo!

All': Mooooo!

Jeff: My name's Jeff. (with others laughing.)

Greg: That was worth getting changed for, wasn't it, Jeffery? Well done, mate. (with other Wiggles laugh.)

Anthony: Well, everybody, we're almost at the end of the show.

Greg: Almost, yes. Don't worry. (Murray strums his guitar chord.)

Anthony: Yeah, we've featured everybody except on brilliant, incredible King of Guitar, and that's Murray.

(Murray's playing his Fender Telecaster guitar to play his sound. Then, the audience cheering for the song: Play Your Guitar With Murray. A scene where Murray is playing his electric guitar. Then, a flashback for the song clip from Hoop-Dee-Doo it's a Wiggly Party.)

Greg: 1, 2, 3!

(singing) Play your guitar with Murray

Play your guitar with him

Play your guitar with Murray

(Anthony: (in low voice) let's all play and sing)

Greg: (singing) Well, he loves to sing while he strums a chord, he's singing

(Murray: (singing in a high voice) Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya)

Greg: (singing) He loves to play for Captain Feathersword...

(Captain Feathersword: Whoa-ho! Great guitar, Murray!)

Wiggles: (singing) Now, Play your guitar with Murray

Play your guitar with him

Play your guitar with Murray

(Anthony: (in low voice) let's all play and sing)

Greg: (singing) Well, he loves to sing while he strums a chord, he's singing

(Murray: (singing in a high voice) Nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya, nya)

Greg: (singing) He loves to play for Captain Feathersword

(Captain Feathersword: Woah-ho! Now you're really rocking!)

Wiggles: (singing) Now, Play your guitar with Murray

Play your guitar with him

Play your guitar with Murray

(Anthony: (in low voice) let's all play and sing)

Greg: Come on, everybody, get your guitars out and play them with the King of Guitar, "Murray"!

He rocks. Whoo! He's so cool!

Wiggles: (singing) Play your guitar with Murray

Play your guitar with him

Play your guitar with Murray

(Anthony: (in low voice) let's all play and sing)

Greg: Come on and

The Other Wiggles: (singing) play your guitar with Murray

Play your guitar with him

Play your guitar with Murray

(Greg: (singing) Let's all play and sing)

Captain Feathersword: (singing in a high voice) Let's all play and sing,

Murray: (singing in a low voice) let's all play and sing

Captain Feathersword: (singing in a high voice) Let's all play, Let's all play

let's all play and sing.





(Murray plays his Fender Telecaster guitar to play during the ending part. After that, the audience applauding until they leave the stage. Except, the audience wanted to hear an encore when the shouting, "One more song! One more song! One more song! One more song! One more song! One more song!".)

Anthony: (He arrived back at the stage, while holding his blue Maton acoustic guitar.) Everybody, we... we... Is it... Did... The other guys aren't here, but I'll just... I'll start a riff, and I'll end it, and then I'll start it. Wonder if you know what this is. Hang on. Gotta turn this up. (An audience shouting "I love you, Anthony!" As he plays a chord on an acoustic guitar with a rapid riff. When the audience shouting "Hot potato, hot potato!" The audience cheering as he plays a riff on his guitar as the others arrived back on the stage.) We're gonna keep playing it. Greg... Greg has not got it yet. Greg. Watch, watch. (He plays a chord on an acoustic guitar with a rapid riff. When the audience shouting "Hot potato, hot potato!") Greg. Greg, Greg, look. No? Still haven't got it?

Greg: Not quite. Do that one again. (The audience cheering that they want to teach Greg how to remember the song.)

Anthony: (He's doing the actions.) Everybody, do that. Make Greg remember. Everybody, do this. Make Greg remember.

Greg: It's coming back slowly.

Anthony: Everybody say, "Ooh, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy." (The audience shouting "Whoo, wiggy, wiggy, wiggy!")

Greg: Now I get it. Now I get it. OK.

(Song: Hot Potato. A scene where Greg could remember to do the actions. Then, a flashback for the song clip from Yummy Yummy.)

Greg: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato

Hot potato, hot potato

Hot potato, hot potato


Potato, potato, potato

Greg: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti

(All: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti)

Greg: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti

(All: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti)

Greg: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti

(All: (singing) Spaghetti)

Greg: (singing) Spaghetti

(All: (singing) Spaghetti)

Greg: (singing) Spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti

All: (in high voice) Whoa, wow wiggy wiggy wiggy, wow wiggy wiggy wiggy

All: (in low voice) Gimmie that, gimmie that, gimmie that food

All: (in high voice) Wow wiggy wiggy wiggy, wow wiggy wiggy wiggy

All: (in low voice) Gimmie that, gimmie that

Greg: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana

(All: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana)

Greg: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana

(All: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana)

Greg: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana

(All: (singing) Banana)

Greg: (singing) Banana

(All: (singing) Banana)

Greg: (singing) Banana, banana, banana

All: (in high voice) Whoa, wow wiggy wiggy wiggy, wow wiggy wiggy wiggy

All: (in low voice) Gimmie that, gimmie that, gimmie that food

All: (in high voice) Wow wiggy wiggy wiggy, wow wiggy wiggy wiggy

All: (in low voice) Gimmie that, gimmie that

Greg: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato

(All: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato)

Greg: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato

(All: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato)

Greg: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato

(All: (singing) Potato)

Greg: (singing) Potato 

(All: (singing) Potato)

Greg: (singing) Potato, potato, potato


Yeah, yeah, come on! (The audience cheers, until Murray plays his Fender Telecaster guitar to play during the ending part while he dances craziness.)

Anthony: Greg. Greg! (He laughs & audience cheering.) Greg! Greg! Greg, that's not it. That's not the ending. Jeff, you've gotta take us out with, "I said a hot." (He laughs.) We got a microphone, man. This is the spectacular ending that you've been waiting for. At the end of it, don't forget to say, "My name is Jeff."

Jeff: (He's holding a microphone.) At the end or... (He laughs as he's singing the blues.)

I said a hot!

A hot, a hot


Yeah, yeah, yeah

Oh, yeah.

Yeah. My name is Jeff! (The audience cheers for the grand finale song.) Thank you.

(The end credits are rolling as they wave goodbye to each other.)

Murray: Thanks for coming, everyone. Hope you had fun. See you next time.

Captain Feathersword: Thanks for coming.

Greg: Goodnight, everybody. Thanks so much for supporting Soldier On. We've had a blast tonight. It's been fantastic.

Anthony: And, everybody, thank you for the 25 years of wiggling. You're fantastic.

Captain Feathersword: Thanks, guys. See you later.

Anthony: We love you, guys. Thank you. We'll do the... Yeah. (The audience cheering, since they're bowing for a curtain call.)

Greg: See you later, guys. (An audience shouting "I love you, Greg!" As they're leaving the stage.)

(It translates to the Soldier On for supporting money & it shows the endboard.)
