Dorothy and Professor Simon
Professor Simon singing high
Professor Simon singing low
"So what bow should I wear today?"
The Male Wiggles and King Jeff
Captain Feathersword holding Emma's bow
Lachy and Emma in Guildford Castle
The Other Wiggles in Guildford Castle
The Wiggles in Guildford Castle
The Male Wiggles and King Jeff chasing Emma
Simon, Anthony and King Jeff
King Jeff in Guildford Castle
The Wiggles and Greg while holding newspaper
The Awake Wiggles and Greg
The Wiggles and Greg wearing bows
The Wiggles and King Jeff in Guildford Castle
The Awake Wiggles and King Jeff
"Anthony ate the doughnut."
The Professional Wiggles as statues
Captain Feathersword as statue
The Professional Wiggles at Manly Beach
Simon introducing "Do the Propeller!"
Captain Feathersword on airplane