
"Uncle Noah's Ark" is a Wiggles song from the Here Comes a Song album and Wiggle Time! video. This song talks about Noah and his ark with his animals and the noises they all made on the boat.


Song Lyrics[]


Verse 1
A long long time ago
As all you folks should know
Uncle Noah built himself an Ark
(Now that's a boat folks)
For forty days and nights
The rain was quite a fright
The animals nearly tore the Ark apart

The ducks went quack
The cows went moo
The rooster cock-a-doodle-doo
The old tom cat sure raised an awful row
The little pig snort
The billy goat baa
The bullfrog said "Biggest rain we ever had"
Uncle Noah's Ark is a mad house now

Verse 2
The horses and cattle and fowl of the air
Even the long-eared donkey was there
The ducks went quack
The cows went moo
The rooster cock-a-doodle-doo
All were there at Uncle Noah's Ark


Verse 2

Well, what about the unicorn?

All were there at Uncle Noah's Ark

Español (El Arca Del Tío Noé)[]

Hace mucho tiempo atrás
Como ustedes ya sabrán
Tío Noé un arca construyó
(Un arca es un barco, amigos)

Cuarenta días llovió
Tan fuerte que asustó
Los animales casi deshacen el lugar

El pato hizo “quack”
La vaca hizo “moo”
El gallo, "quiquiriquí”
El gato se erizó y fuerte maulló (“meeooww”)
El marranito, “oink”
La cabrita, “meeehh”
El sapo dijo “¡No ha peor lluvia en de mi vida!”
¡Tio Noé, el arca es de locos ya!

Caballos y vacas y aves también
Y hasta el burrito estaba aquí

El pato hizo “quack”
La vaca hizo “moo”
El gallo, "quiquiriquí”
Todos en el arca de Noé

(Pausa de la música con muchos sonidos de todos los animales)

Caballos y vacas y aves también
Y hasta el burrito estaba aquí

El pato hizo “quack”
La vaca hizo “moo”
El gallo, "quiquiriquí”
Todos en el arca de Noé

(¿Y dónde estaba el unicornio?)
Todos en el arca de Noé

Mandarin (Taiwan)[]







小鴨叫, "quack"

小牛叫, "moo"

母雞叫, "cock-a-doodle-doo"

老貓小貓也大聲叫著"row", "meow"

小豬叫, "oink"

山羊叫, "maa"

牛蛙說, "從沒看過這麼大的雨"



連長了驢子也站在甲板, "hee-haw"

小鴨叫, "quack"

小牛叫, "moo"

母雞叫, "cock-a-doodle-doo"


小鴨叫, "quack"

小牛叫, "moo"

母雞叫, "cock-a-doodle-doo"

老貓小貓也大聲叫著"row", "meow"

小豬叫, "oink"

山羊叫, "maa"

牛蛙說, "從沒看過這麼大的雨"



連長了驢子也站在甲板, "hee-haw"

小鴨叫, "quack"

小牛叫, "moo"

母雞叫, "cock-a-doodle-doo"



Song Credits[]

Traditional arrangement by Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Anthony Field and Greg Page, published by Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd.


  • The Wiggles performed this song on the Midday Show on 29 September 1993.
  • The English version plays in G whereas the Taiwanese & Spanish versions play in A.
  • This song was written by Gene Autry (1907-1998)
  • The song was first performed by Autry in The Phantom Empire (1935)
  • In the Spanish version, the second Chorus was skipped, with the instrumental break with the animals sounds still continuing until Verse 2, unlike the Australian and Taiwanese versions.
  • A Facebook user named Peter Crouch said that Anthony wore “pale” blue in the 1992 music video before going to green and then going back to blue.
  • Live clips of the unused song from ABC For Kids: Live In Concert appeared in the 2023 documentary: Hot Potato: The Story of The Wiggles.


  • Towards the end of the song, Dorothy's head lifts up for a moment, revealing the face underneath.


Album Tracks[]

Video Performances[]

Episode Appearances[]

The Wiggles (TV Series 1)[]

12-minute versions (Sprout exclusive)[]
22-minute versions[]

The Wiggles (TV Series 2)[]

11-minute versions (Sprout exclusive)[]
21-minute versions[]

The Wiggles Show![]

11-minute versions[]
22-minute versions[]

The Wiggles Show! (Latin America)[]

Concert Performances[]
