Wags and Dorothy in "Big Red Car" end credits
Wags and Dorothy during "Big Red Car" tour
Wags and Dorothy in "Wake Up Jeff!" Original recording
The Wiggles' Colored Dancers, Dorothy and Wags
Wags and Dorothy in "Wiggly, Wiggly Christmas"
Dorothy, Wags and Cartwhelle
Dorothy and Wags in "Yummy Yummy" 1998
Dorothy, Wags and their teddy bears
Dorothy and Wags in The Wiggles' TV Series
Dorothy and Wags in "The Tennis Ball Chase"
Dorothy and Wags in "Butterfly Net Chase"
Dorothy and Wags in "The Party"
Dorothy and Wags in "The Wiggles Big Show"
Dorothy and Wags dancing the tango
Wags and Dorothy sleeping
Wags and Dorothy in "The Wiggles in Disneyland"
Dorothy and Wags at Wags World
Dorothy and Wags in "Counting & Numbers"
Dorothy and Wags in "Your Body"
Baby Dorothy and Wags in "Friends"
Dorothy and Wags having breakfast
Dorothy, Wags and Flora Door
Dorothy and Wags in "Safety"
Dorothy and Wags in "Musical Instruments"
Dorothy and Wags in "Nutrition"
Dorothy and Wags in "Manners"
Dorothy and Wags in "The Body"
Dorothy and Wags in "Communication"
Dorothy and Wags in "Imagination"
Dorothy and Wags in "Cows, Ducks & Penguins"
Dorothy and Wags in "Captain Feathersword the Friendly Pirate" video
Dorothy and Wags in "Yule Be Wiggling"
Dorothy and Wags in electronic storybook: "The Christmas Fairy"
Dorothy and Wags in "Wiggly Safari"
Dorothy and Wags in "Wiggle Bay"
Dorothy and Wags in "Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles!" TV Series
Dorothy and Wags in New York City
Dorothy and Wags in Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
Wags and Dorothy holding babies and rock to sleep to keep the babies very quiet in
Go To Sleep Jeff! album cover
The kids, Wags the Dog and Dorothy the Dinosaur shushes when they have to be very quiet, because the babies are sleeping, from the back cover of
Go To Sleep Jeff! album booklet
Dorothy, Wags and Paul Field
Dorothy and Wags in "Whoo Hoo! Wiggly Gremlins!"
Dorothy and Wags in Anthony's workshop
Dorothy and Wags plush toys
Wags and Dorothy in "Top of the Tots"
Dorothy and Wags in "Santa's Rockin'!"
Dorothy and Wags in "LIVE Hot Potatoes!"
Dorothy, Wags and Jemima Belger
Dorothy and Wags in "The Wiggles Show!" TV Series
Dorothy and Wags in Wiggly Animation
Wags and Dorothy in "Sailing Around the World"
Dorothy and Wags in electronic storybook: "Jeff and the Lumpy Mattress"
Dorothy and Wags in "The Wiggles Show!" TV Series 2
Dorothy, Wags and Craig Ferguson
Dorothy and Wags at Wiggles World
Dorothy and Wags dancing at Wiggles World
Dorothy and Wags in "Splish Splash Big Red Boat"
Cartoon Dorothy and Wags in Paris, France
Dorothy, Wags and Simon McLachlan
Dorothy and Wags in "Little Rock" concert
Dorothy and Wags in "Wiggledancing! Live In The U.S.A."
Dorothy and Wags in "Dorothy the Dinosaur's Dance Party"
Dorothy and Wags at Wigglehouse
Dorothy and Wags in "Dorothy the Dinosaur" TV Series
Dorothy and Wags drinking rosy tea
Dorothy and Wags in "Dorothy the Dinosaur's Party"
Dorothy and Wags in her garden
Dorothy, Wags and Fairy Larissa
Wags and Dorothy Wags looking at a Wild Animals book
Dorothy and Wags in "Pop Go The Wiggles!"
Dorothy and Wags in "Pop Go The Wiggles" Show!
Wags and Dorothy on ABC Kids
Dorothy and Wags in "Dorothy the Dinosaur " TV Series 2
Dorothy and Wags in "Dorothy the Dinosaur's Memory Book"
Dorothy and Wags reading the memory book
Wags and Dorothy reading the memory book outside
Wags and Dorothy in "Dorothy the Dinosaur's Memory Book" epilogue
Dorothy and Wags in "Dorothy the Dinosaur's Memory Book" end credits
Dorothy and Wags at Wiggly Play Center
Dorothy and Wags at Six Flags
Dorothy and Wags in "Hot Poppin' Popcorn"
Dorothy and Wags in Rosy Car
Dorothy and Wags in "Dorothy the Dinosaur" TV Series 3
Dorothy and Wags in Rosy Airplane
Dorothy and Wags in France
Dorothy and Wags in Bulgaria
Dorothy and Wags in "Wiggly Circus" concert
Dorothy and Wags in "Dorothy the Dinosaur's Rockin' Christmas"
Dorothy and Wags in "Australia Day Live"
Dorothy and Wags in "Dorothy the Dinosaur's Traveling Show!"
Dorothy and Wags in "The Wiggles' Big Birthday!"
Dorothy and Wags in "Ukulele Baby!" concert
Dorothy and Wags in "Look Both Ways" 2011 music video
Dorothy and Wags in "Surfer Jeff"
Dorothy and Wags in "Getting Strong" concert
Dorothy and Wags in "Celebration!"
Dorothy and Wags in "Christmas Celebration Tour!"
Dorothy and Wags in "Dorothy the Dinosaur's Beach Party!"
Dorothy and Wags in "Taking Off!" deleted scene
Dorothy and Wags at their wedding in a deleted scene from "Taking Off!"
Dorothy and Wags in "Wiggly Showtime"
Dorothy, Wags and Chelsea Japers
Prototype Dorothy and Wags plush toys
Dorothy and Wags in "Ready, Steady, Wiggle!" TV Series
Dorothy and Wags in "Furry Tales"
Dorothy and Wags in "Taking Off Tour!"
Dorothy and Wags 2013 plush dolls
Dorothy and Wags in "Go Santa Go!"
Dorothy and Wags in "Rock & Roll Preschool"
Dorothy, Wags and the Dreamworld cast
Dorothy and Wags in "The Wiggles Meet The Orchestra!"
Dorothy and Wags in "Wiggle Town!"
Dorothy and Wags in "The Wiggles 2004 USA Tour"
Dorothy and Wags upside down
Dorothy and Wags sideways
Dorothy and Wags in the book Dorothy The Dinosaur Goes Camping
Dorothy and Wags hand puppets
The Wiggles Dorothy,Wags in the 2008 US Tour
Dorothy and Wags in "Rove Live"
Dorothy and Wags in Canada
Dorothy and Wags in Dreamworld
Dorothy and Wags in a show
Dorothy,Wags and some kids
Dorothy and Wags in Dreamland
Dorothy and Wags in London,England
Dorothy,Wags and and Fairy Clare
Dorothy,Wags and B1 and B2
Dorothy and Wags in a parade
Dorothy,Wags and some kids
Dorothy and Wags in the tunnel
Dorothy and Wags in New York City
Dorothy and Wags in "The 2008 US Tour"
Dorothy and Wags in "The 2007 US Tour"
Dorothy and Wags in United Kingdom
Dorothy and Wags in "Duets"
Wags and Dorothy' wedding in the episode "A Wiggly Wedding" from the series "Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle!"
Dorothy giggling after saying "I do"; from "A Wiggly Wedding"
Wags and Dorothy in "A Wiggly Wedding"
Wags and Dorothy hugging at their wedding
Dorothy and Wags in London,England
Dorothy, Wags and some kids
Dorothy and Wags in New York City
Dorothy and Wags in United Kingdom
Dorothy and Wags in "Duets"
Dorothy and Wags in "Wiggle Around Australia"
Dorothy and Wags in "Wiggle Pop!"
Dorothy and Wags in "Party Time!"