
"Wags Loves To Shake Shake" is a Wiggles song from the Yule Be Wiggling album and video.


Who's the grooviest dog you know,
He's brown from his head down to his toes?
He is known throughout the land
For dancing with his doggy band

And we say ooh, Wagsy loves to shake shake
Ooh, he dances the shake shake at Christmas time.

Wags loves music that makes him laugh
He also likes Johann Sebastian Bach.
He loves dancing all through the day
He'll dance til it gets dark


So come on, everyone, join in the fun
Let's give this dog a hand
He loves to do the shake as he dances to the sounds
Of the Wags Doggy Band

Wags is giving a Christmas treat
To all of the people in the street
Come and see his dancing show
And join in with the beat


He dances at Christmas time
He dances at Christmas time
He dances at Christmas time

(How about a big clap for this wonderful dancing dog that brightens up everybody's Christmas. Yes, of course, it's Wags the Dog!)

Non-Christmas Lyrics[]

Who's the grooviest dog you know,
He's brown from his head down to his toes?
He is known throughout the land
For dancing with his doggy band

And we say ooh, Wagsy loves to shake shake
Ooh, he dances the shake shake all the time.

Wags loves music that makes him laugh
He also likes Johann Sebastian Bach.
He loves dancing all through the day
He'll dance til it gets dark


So come on, everyone, join in the fun
Let's give this dog a hand
He loves to do the shake as he dances to the sounds
Of the Wags Doggy Band

Wags is giving a doggy treat
To all of the people in the street
Come and see his dancing show
And join in with the beat


He dances it all the time
He dances it all the time
He dances it all the time

Song Credits[]

Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Anthony Field, Greg Page, John Field (Wiggly Tunes)


  • During non-Christmas performances and in "The Wiggle Owl Medley", the lyrics are changed to be "He dances the shake shake all the time".
  • On Xuxa's album and video Só Para Baixinhos 4, the Brazilian version is "Ele É O Txutxucão".
  • The English version plays in D whereas the Brazilian version plays in A.


Album Appearances[]

Video Performances[]
