Alarm Clock. Note the green (rather than blue) hands.
Jeff in the opening sequence
Anthony introducing "We Like To Say Hello"
The Land Wiggly Group in the Big Red Car
Jessica Halloran, Luke Field and Cassandra Halloran dressing up as wild west people
Jeff beeping the Big Red Car's horn
Tony and Theodore Henry in Elvis costumes and wigs
Henry talking about his underwater big band
Greg, Henry and the Underwater Big Band
Electric eel playing the guitar
Murray and the dolphins playing trumpets
The Other Wiggles, Henry and the Underwater Big Band
Anthony and Seahorse playing the glockenspiel
Walrus, Jeff, Greg, and Electric Eel
"Stand as still as a statue."
Murray doing a statue pose
Anthony doing a statue pose
The Other Wiggles as statues
The Other Wiggles Statue-Dancing while Greg isn't looking
Greg checking on the statues
Jeff and Anthony as statues
The Other Wiggles presume statue dancing
Jeff and Anthony statue dancing
The Other Wiggles moving again
Greg checking on the statues again
"Oh, I see. You're trying to trick me, aren't you?"
"No? Well then, what's going on? I don't understand. I asked you to tell me if they--"
Greg getting an idea of what's happening
The Other Wiggles caught red handed by Greg
"Hey, guys, I asked you to stand still like a statue."
"That means you don't dance around and do all sorts of funny things, no."
The Wiggles standing still as statues
"Can you stand as still as a statue? Let's be statues together, everybody!"
Red Takamine Acoustic EF325SRC guitar transition
"Put your hands on your head."
The Wiggles standing still as statues
Anthony and Murray shaking
Jeff putting his hands on his chin
Murray playing red Takamine acoustic guitar
Anthony standing still as a statue
Murray and Jeff standing still as a statue
Anthony and Murray putting their hands on their cheeks
"Leave them there for 10 weeks!"
"The Chase" (2000 version) (used in place of Everybody is Clever)
Captain playing Jeff's keyboard while passing The Wiggles and Wags
The Wiggles and Wags chasing after Captain
Murray and Captain Feathersword
The Wiggles and Wags chasing Captain Feathersword
Captain Feathersword playing Jeff's keyboard while climbing up the stairs
The children's beach drawings
The children doing beach drawings
Michael's drawing of a towel
Anthony, Murray and the children
Peter's beach drawing of Wags the Dog
Leonardo's drawing of a person swimming
Sian's drawing of a person jumping in the water
The Non-realistic Wiggles
The Wiggles on the surfboard
Blaine and Anthony putting on sunscreen
Sammy putting on sunscreen
Murray, Jeff, Anthony, Sammy, Blaine, and Murray's daughter, Georgia
Jeff, Anthony, Blaine and Sammy
Anthony wearing a sun hat
Murray and his daughter Georgia and Georgia's teddy bear
The Professional Wiggles on surfboard
Murray and Jeff on surfboard
Murray and Captain Feathersword
The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword
"Ahoy there, me hearties."
"A bing bang bong, a ring rang rong."
Captain Feathersword in his close-up
Captain, Greg, and Anthony
Jeff and Captain Feathersword
Captain Feathersword doing a cartwheel
Captain Feathersword falling down
Captain Feathersword helped back up
The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword
Captain Feathersword doing the feathersword dance
"Ahoy there, me hearties!"
Anthony, Murray and Dominic
Dominic playing a tune on his trumpet
Murray making a raspberry
Anthony making a raspberry
Ashleigh playing her trumpet
Dom and Ashleigh playing their trumpets
Murray introducing "Bucket of Dew"
Cassandra and Jessica Halloran
The Wiggles and Dominic Lindsay
Greg and Jeff playing music
Dominic playing his trumpet
Clock. Again, note the green hands.
Captain, Dorothy and Greg
The Awake Wiggles singing
The Professional Wiggly Group
The Non-realistic Wiggly Group
The Opposite Wiggly Group
"Can you keep that noise down? I'm trying to sleep."
Jeff asking Dorothy to show her dance moves
Dorothy showing Jeff her dance moves
Dorothy showing Jeff more of her moves
Dorothy's feet dancing again
Jeff inviting Dorothy to dance with the rest of the Wiggly Group
Jeff and Dorothy going to dance
Murray and Red Starry Keyboard
Epiphone Sheraton II electric guitar
The Other Wiggles playing music
Anthony playing the drums
"Would You like to dance with me?"
Anthony, Murray and Dorothy
Murray and Jeff playing music
Wags, Anthony, Captain, Dorothy, and Murray
"Would you like to dance with me?"
Greg and the Early Wiggly Friends
Murray, Captain and Dorothy
Murray and the Land Wiggly Friends
Greg, Murray and the Early Wiggly Friends
Captain, Dorothy, Murray, and Jeff
Anthony, Captain, Henry, Murray, and Jeff
The Non-realistic Wiggly Humans
Greg and the Wiggly Mascots
Anthony, Wags and Captain
Dorothy, Greg, Wags and Anthony
Anthony, Wags, Dorothy, Captain, Murray, and Jeff
The Non-realistic Wiggles Wiggly Humans and Dorothy
Wags, Captain, Greg and Anthony
Greg, Murray and the Wiggly Mascots
Dorothy, Murray, and Jeff
Greg doing the Romp Bomp a Stomp
Greg and the children dancing
The Professional Wiggles and the children
Jeff playing Red Starry Keyboard
Cassandra wearing a Dorothy hat
Joseph, Clare, Dominic, and Jessica
Anthony playing the drums
Dorothy's feet doing the Romp Bomp a Stomp
Dorothy, Greg, and the children
Emma doing the Romp Bomp a Stomp
The Wiggles, Dorothy, and the children
The Wiggles and the children
Jeff, Anthony, and the children
The Wiggles and the children turning around
Greg and the studio lights
The children patting their heads
Anthony and Murray playing guitars
The Other Wiggles and the children
Jeff playing the accordion and Anthony playing the Red Takamine acoustic guitar
Jeff playing the Red Starry Keyboard
The Wiggles and cameraman Healey
The Wiggles and Wags crossing a footbridge at Bondi Park
Murray playing the Epiphone Sheraton II electric guitar
Wags and the man in front of Bondi Take Away Food
Anthony and Wags at Bondi Park
The Wiggles at Bondi Park
The Wiggles in Wags' perspective
The children in the car waving to Wags
A little girl waving to Wags
Wags, Murray, Greg, and Anthony at the Campbell Parade in Bondi
Two of the children waving to Wags at Campbell Parade in Bondi
The Wiggles and Wags walking down the Campbell Parade in Bondi
A girl waving to Wags in Bondi
The children waving to Wags in Bondi
A man and a woman waving to Wags
A guy waving to Wags at Lollipop's Playland
Greg and Anthony at Bondi Park
The Awake Wiggles and the Magic Box
Greg suggests to do a little magic to find out where's that snoring coming from
Anthony and Murray putting cloth on the box
Greg telling everyone to say "Wiggle Waggle"
The Awake Wiggles performing the Magic Box trick
Jeff sleeping inside the box
"Let's wake Jeff up, okay? When I count to three, let's all say "Wake up, Jeff!" Are you ready?"
"That's great, Jeff, because we neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed you for the next song. Zingle, zangle!"
Dorothy dancing the Pipers Waltz
Jeff sleeping and Dorothy
Jeff's purple socks with holes where his holes stick through (Similar to yellow socks with holes in Henri's song: "White Pyjamas")
Anthony and Murray dancing
Greg enters in the camera overlap shot
Jeff, Captain, Anthony and Henry
Dorothy, Murray, Captain, and Anthony
Anthony, Murray, Dorothy and Wags
The Opposite Wiggly Group
The Wiggles, Henry, and Wags
Greg, Henry, Jeff and Wags
Jeff sleeping in the epilogue
The Wiggles in the epilogue
Greg suggesting to do a goodbye dance
Henry and Wags in the epilogue
The Awake Wiggly Group in the epilogue
Everyone dancing while Jeff sleeping
The Non-realistic Wiggles and the Early Wiggle Friends
Dorothy, Wags, and the children
Anthony S. in the epilogue
Sofia Silvestrini in the end credits
Nicole's legs in the end credits
Captain and Henry in end credits
Dominic in the end credits
Captain Feathersword in the end credits
Nicole in the end credits
The Opposite Wiggly Group in the end credits
The Wiggly Group in the end credits
Cassandra in the end credits
The Land Wiggly Group in the credits
Cassandra in the end credits #2
Murray's daughter, Georgia in the end credits
The Awake Wiggles dancing in the end credits
Anthony S. in the end credits
Jeff sleeping in the end credits
The "Special Thanks" credits
The Awake Wiggly Group and the children dancing in the epilogue
The Wiggly Mascots and the children
Greg and Anthony singing "Rock-A-Bye Your Bear"
Wags polishing Henry's shoes
"But you know what? There's only one problem. Somebody's missing."
Murray holding Takamine guitar
Wags the Dog in backstage
Henry the Octopus in backstage
"Can You (Point Your Fingers And Do The Twist?)" (Late 1995 live)
Murray playing red Takamine acoustic guitar
Anthony introducing Dorothy the Dinosaur
Dorothy the Dinosaur arriving on stage
Anthony playing the gold Takamine acoustic guitar
Jeff, Murray, Dorothy and Greg
Greg, Dorothy and Anthony
Jeff, Dorothy, Anthony and Greg
Information Credits (located on the US VHS)
Copyright/flower logo (located on the South African and the American VHS releases)