The Other Wiggles walking
The Other Wiggles running
The Other Wiggles jumping
The Other Wiggles skipping
The Other Wiggles hopping
The Non-realistic Wiggles
The Wiggles' legs walking.
The Awake Wiggles' legs walking
The Wiggles' legs running.
The Wiggles moving in different ways
Dorothy the Dinosaur is walking to her garden for her roses
Captain Feathersword is running to his pirate ship
Henry the Octopus is walking to the ocean to have a swim
Wags the Dog is running to dig up some bones
"Jeff? Come back here Jeff! Wake up Jeff! Wake up!"
The Opposite Wiggly Group
The Non-realistic Wiggly Group
The Professional Wiggly Group
Murray, Greg, Captain and Anthony
Greg, Captain and Anthony
Henry, Jeff, Murray, Greg and Captain
Arthur and Officer Beeples
Dorothy, Arthur, and Wags
Danny, Dorothy, Carlos, and Henry