This is the transcript for Walking On The Moon.
(The episode starts with an opening sequence during the song: E-M-M-A Theme Song.)
Lachy: (singing) E-M-M-A
That spells Emma
(with Emma.) Emma!
Lachy: (singing) E-M-M-A
That spells Emma
(with Emma.) Emma!
(Opening camera transition to the song: Emma's Hello Song. A scene where Emma introduces herself.)
Emma: (singing) Hello there My name is Emma
It's nice to see you today
You can join in Dance and sing
Or demi-pliƩ
Can you tell me your name?
Oh, how wonderful to meet you again
Today is a day to sing along
Hear that birdsong.
(She is making her whistling sounds.)
Time to wheel to the garden.
(Song: Time To Wheel To the Garden. A scene where Emma is gonna go wheel through the garden to see.)
Emma: (singing) Now it's time to wheel to the garden
Have some fun when we wheel to the garden
Come, it's time to wheel to the garden
To see what is happening outside today.
(Song: Three Little Wrens. A scene where Emma is gonna sing a song about our three birds who are sitting in the tree. And their names are: Peggy, Pip & Pru.)
Emma: (singing) There were three little wrens
Who lived in a glen
And their names were Peggy, Pip and Pru
The sun was in the sky
So they went for a fly
To their dear friend, Drew the Cockatoo
But on the way, oh, no
A storm began to grow
And the rain came thundering down
So they turned hastily
For their home among the trees
The glen in the foggy, foggy dew.
(4 Emma's different things transition to the song: Now's the Time for Dressing Up. A scene where Emma is in the costume gonna dressed up as a ballroom dancer.)
Emma: (singing) Now's the time for dressing up
A costume makes what you dream up
Now's the time for dressing up
You can dress up too
I wonder what we'll be today
Ta-da! Look what I'm in now
You look great Let's take a bow
Dressing up today
Dance in your costume now
You look great Let's take a bow
Dressing up today.
Like a ballroom dancer.
(Emma's bow window transition to Emma is teaching everyone how to sign dog with her hands without speaking. Until, 4 Emma's different things transition to the song: Emma's Music Box. A scene where Emma could open up her music box & she could see what's inside.)
Emma: (She gasps.) What's that sound? Oh, that's the sound of the music box. I wonder... ..what's inside the music box today? Come on. Let's have a look together. Ready? Here we go.
(singing) I open up my music box
And what do I see?
A ballerina twirling, dancing there for me...
Try this. Twirl around. Up high, on your toes.
(singing) Look at what my music box has given to me.
Ooh! Have a look at this! I wonder what this is. Oh, you're right! It's a teddy bear! Do you like teddy bears? I love teddy bears!
(Song: Teddy Bear's Lullaby. A scene where Emma gets to play with her stuffed teddy bear could be during the actions.)
Emma: (singing) Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
Turn around
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
Touch the ground
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
Yes, it's true
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
I love you
(Instrumental break to teddy bear bows until he wanted to dance some more.)
Emma: (singing) Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
Turn around
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
Touch the ground
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
Yes, it's true
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
I love you.
(Instrumental break when Emma hugs a teddy bear. Until, shot transition to the song: What's In Emma's Bow Bag? A scene where Emma is gonna take an object out of her bag to see we're going today.)
Lachy: (singing offscreen) Well, what's in Emma's yellow bag?
Bow bag.
(Shot transition to a scene where Emma pulls out an object it was a moon for going to see an astronaut. Until, the song: Let's Go and See.)
Emma: (singing) Let's go and see the astronaut
Let's go and see the astronaut
The astronaut
Oh, the astronaut wears a lovely spacesuit
They fly in the spaceship and walk on the moon
Let's go and see the astronaut
The astronaut.
(A scene translates to the song: Walking On The Moon. A scene where four people dressed in their 4 coloured space suits, as they float up into the sky it's called gravity.)
Lachy: (singing) Ready for blast-off
One, Two,
Three, Four...
Emma: Come on, everyone. Let's go walking on the moon.
(singing) Walking on the moon
Lachy: (singing) Walking on the moon
Emma: (singing) Bouncing, oh, so high
Lachy: (singing) Walking on the moon
Emma: (singing) Floating for so long
Leaping steps so wide
Jumping in the air
Lachy: (singing) Walking on the moon
Emma: (singing) Won't come down till noon
Because we're walking
Lachy: (singing) Walking
Emma: (singing) We're walking on the moon
Bouncing here and there
Lachy: (singing) Doo-bee-doo-wop-doo
Emma: (singing) Push up from the ground
Lachy: (singing) Doo-bee-doo-wop-doo
Emma: (singing) Stretch your legs so long
Ten steps in one bound
Big blue earth so far
Lachy: (singing) Doo-bee-doo-wop-doo
Emma: (singing) Like a blue balloon
But now we're walking
Lachy: (singing) Walking
Emma: (singing) We're walking on the moon
Yes, we love walking on the moon
Walking on the moon
Lachy: (singing) Walking on the moon
Emma: (singing) Bouncing, oh, so high
Lachy: (singing) Walking on the moon
Emma: (singing) Floating for so long
Leaping steps so wide
Jumping in the air
Lachy: (singing) Walking on the moon
Emma: (singing) Won't come down till noon
Because we're walking
Lachy: (singing) Walking
Emma: (singing) We're walking on the moon.
(Shot transition to Emma's dance studio. Then, shot cuts to the song: Arcadian Two Step. A scene where Emma & their dancers are gonna do a hoedown dance while the others dressed in their cowboy & cowgirl outfits on. Until, a shadow picture of Emma's ballerina is showing, then it fades to the song: Emma's Goodbye RƩvƩrence. A scene where Emma had a great bowtiful day while it's time to do her one more dance.)
Emma: (singing) We've had a bowtiful day
I quite enjoyed it every which way
Come take a curtsy, wave and bow
It's time to say goodbye for now
(Emma sings & dance the rƩvƩrence while the end credits are rolling.)
Emma: (singing) La-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la
Goodbye for now.